我的一个Grails域中,“组织”无法保存在我们的数据库中,因为它希望该表包含一列“ ORGANISATION_IDX”。但是,我在项目中还有其他领域,但都没有这个问题。
@EqualsAndHashCode // this is the only domain having this annotation, but commenting it doesn't solve the issue
class Organisation {
SomeClass someClass
SomeDomain someDomain
// some additional String and Date fields
static embedded = ['someClass']
static hasOne = ['someDomain': SomeDomain]
static constraints = {
// some constaints for my fields
static mapping = {
table name: 'MY_DOMAIN', schema: 'MY_SCHEMA'
datasource 'my_domains'
id column 'DOMAIN_ID', generator: 'sequence', params: [sequence: 'MY_SEQUENCE', schema: 'MY_SCHEMA']
autoTimestamp true
version false
为什么在此域而不是另一个域发生这种情况?如何确保休眠状态消除对具有“ ORGANISATION_IDX”列的期望?