multichannel = False
或multichannel = False
获得除最后一个卷积层以外的所有层的SSIM结果。对于最后一个卷积层,它给我错误消息:win_size exceeds image extent.
而且我不知道如何管理它。我的第一个猜测,由于其尺寸对于SSIM而言太小了multichannel = False
计算差异。的确如此,但是让我想到这意味着如果不在彩色图像中进行计算,我将丢失很多特征信息。请纠正我。 tf.image.ssim
来估算ssim,但是在shape1 = img1.get_shape().with_rank_at_least(3)
from __future__ import print_function
from skimage import measure as metric
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from numpy import array
from vgg16_new import Vgg16
from utils.utils import *
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lap import lapjv
class CNN(object):
def __init__(self):
self.height = 64
self.width = 64
self.shape = np.array([64.0, 64.0])
self.sift_weight = 2.0
self.cnn_weight = 1.0
self.cnnph = tf.placeholder("float", [1, 64, 64, 3])
self.vgg = Vgg16()
def feature_maps_distortion(self, I_org, I_noized):
I_org = array(I_org).reshape(1, self.height, self.width, 3)
I_noized = array(I_noized).reshape(1, self.height, self.width, 3)
#CNN feature: propagate the images through VGG16
with tf.Session() as sess:
feed_dict = {self.cnnph: I_org}
D1_org, D2_org, D3_org = sess.run([
self.vgg.pool3, self.vgg.pool4, self.vgg.pool5
], feed_dict=feed_dict)
feed_dict = {self.cnnph: I_noized}
D1_noised, D2_noised, D3_noised = sess.run([
self.vgg.pool3, self.vgg.pool4, self.vgg.pool5
], feed_dict=feed_dict)
#flatten original input
DX1_org = np.reshape(D1_org[0], [-1, 256])
DX2_org = np.reshape(D2_org[0], [-1, 512])
DX3_org = np.reshape(D3_org[0], [-1, 512])
#flatten noised input
DX1_noised = np.reshape(D1_noised[0], [-1, 256])
DX2_noised = np.reshape(D2_noised[0], [-1, 512])
DX3_noised = np.reshape(D3_noised[0], [-1, 512])
#normalize original input
DX1_org = DX1_org / np.std(DX1_org)
DX2_org = DX2_org / np.std(DX2_org)
DX3_org = DX3_org / np.std(DX3_org)
#normalize noised input
DX1_noised = DX1_noised / np.std(DX1_noised)
DX2_noised = DX2_noised / np.std(DX2_noised)
DX3_noised = DX3_noised / np.std(DX3_noised)
#compute distortion with SSIM
s1 = metric.compare_ssim(DX1_org, DX1_noised, multichannel=False)
s2 = metric.compare_ssim(DX2_org, DX2_noised, multichannel=False)
#s3 = metric.compare_ssim(DX3_org, DX3_noised, multichannel=False)
#Calculate SSIM for s3 gives me error:
#win_size exceeds image extent. If the input is a
#multichannel (color) image, set multichannel=True.
print("SSIM pool_3: %.2f" % s1)
print("SSIM pool_4: %.2f" % s2)
#print("SSIM pool_5: %.2f" % s3)
del D1_org, D1_noised