
时间:2018-12-05 00:09:42

标签: python loops csv math

with open('sortedsimpsons_episodes.csv') as csv_file:
    csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
    print("Season 1")
    for idx,row in enumerate(csv_reader):
        if idx>=1 and idx<=13:
            print(f'"{row[1]}" is an episode in season {row[4]}, that has {row[7]} million views and an imdb rating of {row[9]}')

viewsAverage = round((30.3 + 30.4 + 27.6 + 33.5 + 31.2 + 27.1 + 26.7 + 25.4 + 20.2 + 27.4 + 28 + 27.1 + 27.5) / 13,2)
imdbAverage = round((7.4 + 8.3 + 7.9 + 7.5 + 7.8 + 7.9 + 8.2 + 7.8 + 7.8 + 7.6 + 7.7 + 8.1 + 7.5) / 13,2)
print("The average amount of views in season 1 is: "+str(viewsAverage)+ " million.")
print("The average imdb rating of season 1 is: " +str(imdbAverage))


"Krusty Gets Busted" is an episode in season 1, that has 30.4 million views and an imdb rating of 8.3.
"The Call of the Simpsons" is an episode in season 1, that has 27.6 million views and an imdb rating of 7.9.
"Life on the Fast Lane" is an episode in season 1, that has 33.5 million views and an imdb rating of 7.5.
"The Crepes of Wrath" is an episode in season 1, that has 31.2 million views and an imdb rating of 7.8.
"Some Enchanted Evening" is an episode in season 1, that has 27.1 million views and an imdb rating of 7.9.
"Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire" is an episode in season 1, that has 26.7 million views and an imdb rating of 8.2.
"Bart the Genius" is an episode in season 1, that has 24.5 million views and an imdb rating of 7.8.
"There's No Disgrace Like Home" is an episode in season 1, that has 26.2 million views and an imdb rating of 7.8.
"Moaning Lisa" is an episode in season 1, that has 27.4 million views and an imdb rating of 7.6.
"The Telltale Head" is an episode in season 1, that has 28 million views and an imdb rating of 7.7.
"Bart the General" is an episode in season 1, that has 27.1 million views and an imdb rating of 8.1.
"Homer's Odyssey" is an episode in season 1, that has 27.5 million views and an imdb rating of 7.5.
"Bart Gets an "F"" is an episode in season 2, that has 33.6 million views and an imdb rating of 8.2.
"Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish" is an episode in season 2, that has 26.1 million views and an imdb rating of 8.1.
"Dead Putting Society" is an episode in season 2, that has 25.4 million views and an imdb rating of 8.
"Bart the Daredevil" is an episode in season 2, that has 26.2 million views and an imdb rating of 8.4.


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



from collections import defaultdict

ratings = defaultdict(list)
viewings = defaultdict(list)

for row in csv_reader:
    season, viewing, rating = row[4], row[7], row[9]



>>> from statistics import mean
>>> mean(ratings['season 1'])

答案 1 :(得分:0)


viewsTotal = 0
imdbTotal = 0
total = 0
with open('sortedsimpsons_episodes.csv') as csv_file:
    csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
    print("Season 1")
    for idx, row in enumerate(csv_reader):
        if idx >= 1 and idx <= 13:
            viewsTotal += float(row[7])
            imdbTotal += float(row[9])
            total = idx
            print(f'"{row[1]}" is an episode in season {row[4]}, that has {row[7]} million views and an imdb rating of {row[9]}')
viewsAverage = round(viewsTotal / total,2)
imdbAverage = round(imdbTotal / total,2)
print("The average amount of views in season 1 is: "+str(viewsAverage)+ " million.")
print("The average imdb rating of season 1 is: " +str(imdbAverage))

不确定csv_file循环后是否应该计算出较低的打印量和平均值。另外,您也不需要.close(),因为“ with open()”会在文件完成后关闭文件。

答案 2 :(得分:0)



  • row [1]是标题,
  • row [4]是季节,
  • row [7]是观看次数,
  • row [9]是费率。


rows = [
    ('title1', None, None, None, 1, None, None, 30.4, None, 8.5),
    ('title2', None, None, None, 2, None, None, 27.5, None, 6.5),
    ('title3', None, None, None, 1, None, None, 40.2, None, 4.0),
    ('title4', None, None, None, 1, None, None, 21.9, None, 2.6),


import operator

get_season = operator.itemgetter(4)
get_views = operator.itemgetter(7)
get_rate = operator.itemgetter(9)


import itertools

for season, group in itertools.groupby(rows, key=get_season):
    group = list(group)
    count = len(group)
    total_views = sum(get_views(row) for row in group)
    total_rate = sum(get_rate(row) for row in group)
    mean_views = total_views / count
    mean_rate = total_rate / count
    print(f"season {season} - views: {mean_views:.2f}, rate: {mean_rate:.2f}")


season 1 - views: 30.83, rate: 5.03
season 2 - views: 27.50, rate: 6.50


import itertools
import statistics

for season, group in itertools.groupby(rows, key=get_season):
    group = list(group)
    mean_views = statistics.mean(get_views(row) for row in group)
    mean_rate = statistics.mean(get_rate(row) for row in group)
        f"season {season} - views: {mean_views:.2f}, rate: {mean_rate:.2f}")

答案 3 :(得分:0)


     0        1     2      3         4      5       6       7      8       9       10        11       12    13     14       15      16     17
['"title"', 'is', 'an', 'episode', 'in', 'season', '1,', 'that', 'has', '30.4', 'million', 'views', 'and', 'an', 'imdb', 'rating', 'of', '8.3.']
['"title"', 'is', 'an', 'episode', 'in', 'season', '1,', 'that', 'has', '27.6', 'million', 'views', 'and', 'an', 'imdb', 'rating', 'of', '7.9.']



from ast import literal_eval
from collections import namedtuple
import csv
from itertools import groupby
from operator import attrgetter, itemgetter
import itertools

# Data definition of fields.
FIELDS =     'title', 'season', 'views', 'rating' # Field names.
INDICES =       0,       6,        9,       17    # Index of each field.
TRUNCATE =               6,                 17    # Last char removal.

def parse(field):
        return literal_eval(field)  # Interpret as a Python literal.
    except Exception:
        return field # Assume it's an unquoted string.

# Create list or records made from fields of interest in csv file.
Record = namedtuple('Record', FIELDS)
records = []
with open('sortedsimpsons_episodes.csv', newline='') as csv_file:
    for row in csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=' '):
        for index in TRUNCATE:  # Strip trailing char from designated fields.
            row[index] = row[index][:-1]
        raw_data = itemgetter(*INDICES)(row)  # Raw string data in each field.
        # Convert raw field string data to desired types.
        values = (parse(field) for field in raw_data)

# Calculate and print statistics.
grouper = attrgetter('season')
for season, records in groupby(records, key=grouper):
    records = list(records)
    views_avg = sum(rec.views for rec in records) / len(records)
    imdb_avg = sum(rec.rating for rec in records) / len(records)
    print("Season {}:".format(season))
    print("  Average number of views: {:.2f} million".format(views_avg))
    print("  Average imdb rating: {:.2f}".format(imdb_avg))


Season 1:
  Average number of views: 28.10 million
  Average imdb rating: 7.84
Season 2:
  Average number of views: 27.82 million
  Average imdb rating: 8.17

答案 4 :(得分:-1)


import numpy as np
def get_avg_rating_and_views(df):
    avg_dict = {}
    i = 0
    for data in df["Field_name_to_scan"]:
      avg_dict[i] = []
      for d in data.split(): 
            float_val = float(d)
            if len(avg_dict[i]) < 2:
      i = i + 1

    views , imdb_ratings = list(zip(*avg_dict.values()))
    avg_view = np.average(views)
    print("Average View: ",avg_view)
    avg_imdb_ratings = np.average(imdb_ratings)
    print("Imdb average Rating", avg_imdb_ratings)

df = pd.read_csv("your_csv.csv")
