
时间:2018-12-04 20:30:12

标签: vhdl

我正在尝试在VHDL-2008中实现通用解串器。 (具体地说,我的目标是让Vivado在VHDL-2008模式下可以合成的东西。)

我在下面包括了我当前的代码。实体端口声明为反序列化的输出字指定了不受限制的std_logic_vector DATA_OUT。


type CounterType is range 0 to 31;


有没有办法做到这一点? (即,定义范围类型,该范围对应于不受约束的实际参数的范围吗?)



library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity deserializer is

    -- The deserializer accepts its single input bit DATA_IN whenever (DATA_IN_VALID and DATA_IN_READY) = '1'.
    -- The deserializer drops its output word DATA_OUT and proceeds whenever (DATA_OUT_VALID and DATA_OUT_READY) = '1'.

    port (
        CLK            : in  std_logic;
        RESET          : in  std_logic;
        DATA_IN        : in  std_logic;
        DATA_IN_VALID  : in  std_logic;
        DATA_IN_READY  : out std_logic;
        DATA_OUT       : out std_logic_vector;
        DATA_OUT_VALID : out std_logic;
        DATA_OUT_READY : in  std_logic

end entity deserializer;

architecture arch of deserializer is

-- This implementation is designed to have no wait states: if a continuous stream of input bits is offered,
-- and the deserializer can offload its output words unimpeded, DATA_IN_READY will always be true, i.e.,
-- we'll never throttle our input; we'll process 1 bit per clock cycle.

type CounterType is range 0 to 31; -- should correspond to the index range of DATA_OUT.

type StateType is record
    -- Internal state.
    counter     : CounterType;
    data_in_bit : std_logic; -- Used to store an input bit while waiting to offload the output word in state (counter == 0).
    -- Output registers.
    data_in_ready  : std_logic;
    data_out       : std_logic_vector(DATA_OUT'range);
    data_out_valid : std_logic;
end record StateType;

constant reset_state : StateType := (
    counter        => 0,
    data_in_bit    => '-',
    data_in_ready  => '1',
    data_out       => (others => '-'),
    data_out_valid => '0'

signal current_state : StateType := reset_state;
signal next_state    : StateType;


    combinatorial: process (all) is
    variable state: StateType;
        -- Calculate next state based on current state and inputs.
        if RESET = '1' then
            -- Handle synchronous reset.
            state := reset_state;
            -- Start from current state.
            state := current_state;

            if state.counter = 0 then
                -- Note: we may have a pending output, waiting to be accepted.
                if state.data_out_valid = '1' and DATA_OUT_READY = '1' then
                    state.data_out := (others => '-');
                    state.data_out_valid := '0';
                end if;

                if state.data_in_ready = '1' and DATA_IN_VALID = '1' then
                    state.data_in_bit := DATA_IN;
                    state.data_in_ready := '0';
                end if;

                if state.data_out_valid = '0' and state.data_in_ready = '0' then
                    state.data_out(state.data_out'right) := state.data_in_bit;
                    state.data_in_bit := '-';
                    state.counter := state.counter + 1;
                    state.data_in_ready := '1';
                end if;
                if state.data_in_ready = '1'and DATA_IN_VALID = '1' then
                    state.data_out := state.data_out sll 1;
                    state.data_out(state.data_out'right) := DATA_IN;
                    if state.counter = CounterType'high then
                        state.data_out_valid := '1';
                        state.counter := 0;
                        state.counter := state.counter + 1;
                    end if;
                end if; 
            end if;

        end if;

        -- Schedule next state for update at next rising clock edge.
        next_state <= state;

        -- Drive entity outputs from current state.
        DATA_IN_READY  <= current_state.data_in_ready;
        DATA_OUT       <= current_state.data_out;
        DATA_OUT_VALID <= current_state.data_out_valid;

    end process combinatorial;

    sequential: process (CLK) is
        if rising_edge(CLK) then
            current_state <= next_state;
        end if;
    end process sequential;

end architecture arch;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

CounterType的大小可以为DATA_OUT'low to DATA_OUT'high。您应该声明一个子类型,而不是声明一个与称为“ nteger”的预定义整数类型不兼容的全新整数类型,

subtype CounterType is integer range DATA_OUT'low to DATA_OUT'high;


subtype CounterType is integer range DATA_OUT'range;