将python 2中的脚本迁移到python 3.x

时间:2018-12-04 17:21:36

标签: python python-3.x png

下面的问题:How Can I Make This Python Script Work With Python 3?

我想使此脚本在python 3中工作。 我已经设法解决了一些细节,但仍然无法正常工作。.现在似乎在解压缩块数据时抛出错误。


我正在使用Python 3.6.2

这是已将内容迁移到Python 3的脚本。 该脚本基本上将自定义iphone格式的PNG标准化。

import pdb
from struct import *
from zlib import *
import stat
import sys
import os
import zlib

def getNormalizedPNG(filename):
    pngheader = b"\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n"


    file = open(filename, "rb")
    oldPNG = file.read()

    if oldPNG[:8] != pngheader:
        return None

    newPNG = oldPNG[:8]

    chunkPos = len(newPNG)

    # For each chunk in the PNG file
    while chunkPos < len(oldPNG):

        # Reading chunk
        chunkLength = oldPNG[chunkPos:chunkPos+4]
        chunkLength = unpack(">L", chunkLength)[0]
        chunkType = oldPNG[chunkPos+4 : chunkPos+8]
        chunkData = oldPNG[chunkPos+8:chunkPos+8+chunkLength]
        chunkCRC = oldPNG[chunkPos+chunkLength+8:chunkPos+chunkLength+12]
        chunkCRC = unpack(">L", chunkCRC)[0]
        chunkPos += chunkLength + 12

        # Parsing the header chunk
        if chunkType == b"IHDR":
            width = unpack(">L", chunkData[0:4])[0]
            height = unpack(">L", chunkData[4:8])[0]

        # Parsing the image chunk
        if chunkType == b"IDAT":
                # Uncompressing the image chunk
                bufSize = width * height * 4 + height

                chunkData = decompress(chunkData, -8, bufSize)

            except Exception as e:
                print("Already normalized")
                # The PNG image is normalized
                return None

            # Swapping red & blue bytes for each pixel
            newdata = b""
            for y in range(height):
                i = len(newdata)
                newdata += chunkData[i]
                for x in range(width):
                    i = len(newdata)
                    newdata += chunkData[i+2]
                    newdata += chunkData[i+1]
                    newdata += chunkData[i+0]
                    newdata += chunkData[i+3]

            # Compressing the image chunk
            chunkData = newdata
            chunkData = compress( chunkData )
            chunkLength = len( chunkData )
            chunkCRC = crc32(chunkType)
            chunkCRC = crc32(chunkData, chunkCRC)
            chunkCRC = (chunkCRC + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000

        # Removing CgBI chunk
        if chunkType != b"CgBI":
            newPNG += pack(">L", chunkLength)
            newPNG += chunkType
            if chunkLength > 0:
                newPNG += chunkData
            newPNG += pack(">L", chunkCRC)

        # Stopping the PNG file parsing
        if chunkType == b"IEND":

    return newPNG

def updatePNG(filename):
    data = getNormalizedPNG(filename)

    if data != None:
        file = open(filename, "wb")
        return True
    return data

任何线索将不胜感激。 谢谢! :)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

原始代码不会立即处理多个IDAT块;它执行正确的操作™,并且仅在将其整体解压缩之前将它们连接为一个大对象。 IDAT块没有单独压缩,但是您的代码假定它们可以压缩-因此,如果有多个块,则失败。


  11.2.4 IDAT Image data


from struct import *
from zlib import *
import stat
import sys
import os
import zlib

def getNormalizedPNG(filename):
    pngheader = b"\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n"

    file = open(filename, "rb")
    oldPNG = file.read()

    if oldPNG[:8] != pngheader:
        return None

    newPNG = oldPNG[:8]

    chunkPos = len(newPNG)
    chunkD = bytearray()

    foundCGBi = False

    # For each chunk in the PNG file
    while chunkPos < len(oldPNG):

        # Reading chunk
        chunkLength = oldPNG[chunkPos:chunkPos+4]
        chunkLength = unpack(">L", chunkLength)[0]
        chunkType = oldPNG[chunkPos+4 : chunkPos+8]
        chunkData = oldPNG[chunkPos+8:chunkPos+8+chunkLength]
        chunkCRC = oldPNG[chunkPos+chunkLength+8:chunkPos+chunkLength+12]
        chunkCRC = unpack(">L", chunkCRC)[0]
        chunkPos += chunkLength + 12

        # Parsing the header chunk
        if chunkType == b"IHDR":
            width = unpack(">L", chunkData[0:4])[0]
            height = unpack(">L", chunkData[4:8])[0]

        # Parsing the image chunk
        if chunkType == b"IDAT":
            # Concatename all image data chunks
            chunkD += chunkData

        # Stopping the PNG file parsing
        if chunkType == b"IEND":
            if not foundCGBi:
                print ('Already normalized')
                return None

            bufSize = width * height * 4 + height
            chunkData = decompress(chunkD, -8, bufSize)

            # Swapping red & blue bytes for each pixel
            chunkData = bytearray(chunkData)
            offset = 1
            for y in range(height):
                for x in range(width):
                    chunkData[offset+4*x],chunkData[offset+4*x+2] = chunkData[offset+4*x+2],chunkData[offset+4*x]
                offset += 1+4*width

            # Compressing the image chunk
            #chunkData = newdata
            chunkData = compress( chunkData )
            chunkLength = len( chunkData )
            chunkCRC = crc32(b'IDAT')
            chunkCRC = crc32(chunkData, chunkCRC)
            chunkCRC = (chunkCRC + 0x100000000) % 0x100000000

            newPNG += pack(">L", chunkLength)
            newPNG += b'IDAT'
            newPNG += chunkData
            newPNG += pack(">L", chunkCRC)

            chunkCRC = crc32(chunkType)
            newPNG += pack(">L", 0)
            newPNG += b'IEND'
            newPNG += pack(">L", chunkCRC)

        # Removing CgBI chunk
        if chunkType == b"CgBI":
            foundCGBi = True
            newPNG += pack(">L", chunkLength)
            newPNG += chunkType
            if chunkLength > 0:
                newPNG += chunkData
            newPNG += pack(">L", chunkCRC)

    return newPNG

def updatePNG(filename):
    data = getNormalizedPNG(filename)

    if data != None:
        file = open(filename+'_fixed.png', "wb")
        return True
    return data



此代码不会恢复断开的CgBI alpha通道!如果需要适当的Alpha透明度,则需要应用行滤镜以获取向上的RGB值,反转Alpha,然后应用行滤镜的逆值,然后再次进行压缩。

您可以使用Python wrapper for PNGDefry,它是确实执行这些遗漏步骤的C程序。
