
时间:2018-12-04 10:31:24

标签: c# algorithm recursion



设置一:1、3、5、6、8、14、11。 第二组:25、9、13、1。

要解决的第一个数字是25,您可以将集合1加在一起加上14 + 11。因此25是匹配项,您从第一组中删除了14和11。您只剩下1、3、5、6、8。

下一个要解决的数字是9。6 + 3 = 9,所以您从第一组中删除6和3并设置要匹配的9。现在您剩下1、5和8了。

下一个要解决的数字是13。5 + 8 =13。去掉5和8,剩下的就是1。




    foreach (var rhs in rightSideCandidates)
        var matchingSet = GetMatchingSet(rhs, leftSideCandidates.ToArray(), 0, timer);
        if (matchingSet != null && matchingSet.Length > 0)
            Console.WriteLine($"Matched ({string.Join(",", matchingSet.Select(s => s.Item1))}) to RHS candidate {rhs}");
            matchingSet.ForEach(t => leftSideCandidates.Remove(t));
            Console.WriteLine($"Unable to find a matching set for rhs {rhs}");

private static (int, LabelledResult)[] GetMatchingSet(RightSideCandidate rhs, (int, LabelledResult)[] leftCandidates, decimal runningAggregation, Stopwatch runTimer)
    // Time out if we have been running for a long time as it could potentially go into a deep recursive loop
    if (runTimer.Elapsed.Minutes >= 3)
        Assert.Fail("Matching has been running over 3 minutes so aborting the path discovery and failing the test");

    // If we have no more potential candidates or we have exceeded the sought total, end this branch of the search tree as this is not a solution
    if (leftSideCandidates.Length == 0 || (rhs.Value < 0 && runningAggregation < rhs.Value) || (rhs.Value > 0 && runningAggregation > rhs.Value)) return new (int, LabelledResult)[0];

    foreach (var t in leftSideCandidates)
        // If this node results in a solution, return from here to set off the cascading returns which will carry our solution to the top
        if (t.Item2.Value + runningAggregation == rhs.Value) return new[] { t };

        // Get the new candidate set to pass down to child nodes, without this item in it
        var tmpSet = leftSideCandidates.Where(tc => tc.Item1 != t.Item1).ToArray();
        var pathToResult = GetMatchingSet(rhs, tmpSet, runningAggregation + t.Item2.Value, runTimer);

        // If we have found a path to a solution, then return that child path, adding ourself to it. Otherwise continue with the next possible path
        if (pathToResult.Length > 0)
            return pathToResult.Union(new[] { t }).ToArray();

    // We have run out of potential paths on this route, so return nothing to end discovery of this path
    return new (int, LabelledResult)[0];

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