import random
print("Press '1' for New Single Player Game - Play against computer component: ")
print("Press '2' for New Two Player Game - Play against another person, using same computer: ")
print("Press '3' for Bonus Feature - A bonus feature of choice: ")
print("Press '4' for User Guide - Display full instructions for using your application: ")
print("Press '5' for Quit - Exit the program: ")
def choose_program():
what_program = int(input("What program would you like to initiate?? Type in the 'number-value' from the chart above: "))
if what_program == 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5:
program_choice = int(input("Make a choice: "))
if (program_choice > 5) or (program_choice < 1):
print("Please choose a number between 1 through 5 ")
elif program_choice == 1:
print("You picked a New Single Player Game - Play against computer component")
def single_player():
start_game = input("Would you like to play 'ROCK PAPER SCISSORS LIZARD SPOCK'?? Type 'y' for YES, and 'n' for NO): ").lower()
if start_game == "y":
print("Press '1' for Rock: ")
print("Press '2' for Paper: ")
print("Press '3' for Scissors: ")
print("Press '4' for Lizard: ")
print("Press '5' for Spock: ")
elif start_game != "n":
print("Please type either 'y' for YES or 'n' for NO: ")
def player_one():
human_one = int(input("Make a choice: "))
if (human_one > 5) or (human_one < 1):
print("Please choose a number between 1 through 5 ")
elif human_one == 1:
print("You picked ROCK!")
elif human_one == 2:
print("You picked PAPER!")
elif human_one == 3:
print("You picked SCISSORS!")
elif human_one == 4:
print("You picked LIZARD!")
elif human_one == 5:
print("You picked SPOCK!")
return human_one
def computers_brain():
cpu_one = random.randint(1, 5)
if cpu_one == 1:
print("Computers choice iiiiiis ROCK!")
elif cpu_one == 2:
print("Computers choice iiiiiis PAPER!")
elif cpu_one == 3:
print("Computers choice iiiiiis SCISSORS!")
elif cpu_one == 4:
print("Computers choice iiiiiis LIZARD!")
elif cpu_one == 5:
print("Computers choice iiiiiis SPOCK!")
return cpu_one
def who_won(human, cpu, human_wins, cpu_wins, draw):
if human == 1 and cpu == 3 or cpu == 4:
print("Human is invincible!!")
human_wins = human_wins.append(1)
elif human == 2 and cpu == 1 or cpu == 5:
print("Human is invincible!!")
human_wins = human_wins.append(1)
elif human == 3 and cpu == 2 or cpu == 4:
print("Human is invincible!!")
human_wins = human_wins.append(1)
elif human == 4 and cpu == 2 or cpu == 5:
print("Human is invincible!!")
human_wins = human_wins.append(1)
elif human == 5 and cpu == 1 or cpu == 3:
print("Human is invincible!!")
human_wins = human_wins.append(1)
elif human == cpu:
print("Human & computer think alike, such technology")
draw = draw.append(1)
print("Computer have beaten it's master, incredible..")
cpu_wins = cpu_wins.append(1)
def end_score(human_wins, cpu_wins, draw):
human_wins = sum(human_wins)
cpu_wins = sum(cpu_wins)
draw = sum(draw)
print("Humans final score is: ", human_wins)
print("Computers final score is: ", cpu_wins)
print("Total draws: ", draw)
def main():
human = 0
human_wins = []
cpu = 0
cpu_wins = []
draw = []
finalhuman_wins = 0
finalcpu_wins = 0
finaldraw = 0
Continue = 'y'
while Continue == 'y':
human = player_one()
cpu = computers_brain()
who_won(human, cpu, human_wins, cpu_wins, draw)
Continue = input("Would you like to play again (y/n):").lower()
if Continue == 'n':
print("Printing final scores.")
end_score(human_wins, cpu_wins, draw)
elif program_choice == 2:
print("You picked a New Two Player Game - Play against another person, using same computer")
elif program_choice == 3:
print("You picked the Bonus Feature - A bonus feature of choice")
elif program_choice == 4:
print("You picked the User Guide - Display full instructions for using your application")
elif program_choice == 5:
print("You picked to Quit - Exit the program")
return program_choice
elif what_program != 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5:
print("To initiate a program you need to type in the appropriate number to initiate this program, either 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 ")
Press '1' for New Single Player Game - Play against computer component:
Press '2' for New Two Player Game - Play against another person, using same computer:
Press '3' for Bonus Feature - A bonus feature of choice:
Press '4' for User Guide - Display full instructions for using your application:
Press '5' for Quit - Exit the program:
Process finished with exit code 0