
时间:2018-12-04 02:50:56

标签: ansible winrm



ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts playbooks/common.yml -vvv


ASK [Gathering Facts] **************************************************************************************************************
task path: /media/sf_C_DRIVE/OnlyOnMyPC/ansible.rhel75.master/playbooks/common.yml:1
Using module file /home/jim/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/modules/windows/setup.ps1
fatal: []: FAILED! => {
    "msg": "The installed version of WinRM does not support transport(s) [u'']"
Using module file /home/jim/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/modules/windows/setup.ps1
fatal: []: FAILED! => {
    "msg": "The installed version of WinRM does not support transport(s) [u'']"


pip list pywinrm
Package                        Version
------------------------------ ----------
adal                           1.2.0
ansible                        2.7.4
ansible-lint                   3.5.1
applicationinsights            0.11.7
argcomplete                    1.9.4
asn1crypto                     0.24.0
azure-cli-core                 2.0.35
azure-cli-nspkg                3.0.2
azure-common                   1.1.11
azure-graphrbac                0.40.0
azure-keyvault                 1.0.0a1
azure-mgmt-batch               4.1.0
azure-mgmt-compute             2.1.0
azure-mgmt-containerinstance   0.4.0
azure-mgmt-containerregistry   2.0.0
azure-mgmt-containerservice    3.0.1
azure-mgmt-dns                 1.2.0
azure-mgmt-keyvault            0.40.0
azure-mgmt-marketplaceordering 0.1.0
azure-mgmt-monitor             0.5.2
azure-mgmt-network             1.7.1
azure-mgmt-nspkg               2.0.0
azure-mgmt-rdbms               1.2.0
azure-mgmt-resource            1.2.2
azure-mgmt-sql                 0.7.1
azure-mgmt-storage             1.5.0
azure-mgmt-trafficmanager      0.50.0
azure-mgmt-web                 0.32.0
azure-nspkg                    2.0.0
azure-storage                  0.35.1
bcrypt                         3.1.4
certifi                        2018.11.29
cffi                           1.11.5
chardet                        3.0.4
colorama                       0.4.1
configobj                      4.7.2
configparser                   3.5.0
cryptography                   2.4.2
decorator                      3.4.0
entrypoints                    0.2.3
enum34                         1.1.6
humanfriendly                  4.17
idna                           2.7
iniparse                       0.4
ipaddress                      1.0.16
isodate                        0.6.0
javapackages                   1.0.0
Jinja2                         2.10
jmespath                       0.9.3
keyring                        17.0.0
knack                          0.3.3
lxml                           3.2.1
MarkupSafe                     1.1.0
monotonic                      1.5
msrest                         0.4.29
msrestazure                    0.4.31
oauthlib                       2.1.0
packaging                      18.0
paramiko                       2.4.2
perf                           0.1
pip                            18.1
pyasn1                         0.4.4
pycparser                      2.19
pycurl                         7.19.0
Pygments                       2.3.0
pygobject                      3.22.0
pygpgme                        0.3
PyJWT                          1.7.0
pyliblzma                      0.5.3
PyNaCl                         1.3.0
pyOpenSSL                      18.0.0
pyparsing                      2.3.0
python-dateutil                2.7.5
python-linux-procfs            0.4.9
pyudev                         0.15
pywinrm                        0.3.0
pyxattr                        0.5.1
PyYAML                         3.13
requests                       2.20.1
requests-oauthlib              1.0.0
schedutils                     0.4
SecretStorage                  2.3.1
setuptools                     0.9.8
six                            1.11.0
slip                           0.4.0
slip.dbus                      0.4.0
tabulate                       0.8.2
typing                         3.6.6
urlgrabber                     3.10
urllib3                        1.24.1
wheel                          0.30.0
xmltodict                      0.11.0
yum-metadata-parser            1.1.4




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)
