
时间:2018-12-03 23:22:24

标签: c++ oop benchmarking

我遇到了这样一个问题,即如何使用“最终”关键字来减少虚拟方法的开销(Virtual function efficiency and the 'final' keyword)。基于此答案,期望派生类指针调用带有final标记的重写方法将不会面临动态分配的开销。

为了测试该方法的好处,我设置了一些示例类,并在Quick-Bench-Here is the link上运行了它。这里有3种情况:
案例1 :没有最终说明符的派生类指针:

Derived* f = new DerivedWithoutFinalSpecifier();
f->run_multiple(100); // calls an overriden method 100 times

案例2 :带有最终说明符的基类指针:

Base* f = new DerivedWithFinalSpecifier();
f->run_multiple(100); // calls an overriden method 100 times

案例3 :带有最终说明符的派生类指针:

Derived* f = new DerivedWithFinalSpecifier();
f->run_multiple(100); // calls an overriden method 100 times


int run_multiple(int times) specifiers {
    int sum = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < times; i++) {
        sum += run_once();
    return sum;

按速度:案例2 ==案例3>案例1


编辑: 彼得·科德斯(Peter Cordes)指出了一些与该主题相关的非常有用的文章,可供进一步阅读: Is final used for optimization in C++?
Why can't gcc devirtualize this function call?
LTO, Devirtualization, and Virtual Tables

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


唯一不会丢失/掩埋在噪音/开销中的事情是将int run_once() override final内联到FooPlus::run_multiple inner 循环中的效果,这两种情况均如此并运行案例3。





 # percentages are *self* time, not including time spent in the PRNG
 # These are from QuickBench's perf report tab,
 #  presumably sample for core clock cycle perf events.
 # Take them with a grain of salt: superscalar + out-of-order exec
 #  makes it hard to blame one instruction for a clock cycle

   VirtualWithFinalCase2(benchmark::State&):   # case 3 from QuickBench link
     ... setup before the loop
     .p2align 3
    .Louter:                # do{
       xor    %ebp,%ebp          # sum = 0
       mov    $0x64,%ebx         # inner = 100
     .p2align 3  #  nopw   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
     .Linner:                    # do {
51.82% mov    %r13,%rdi
       mov    %r15,%rsi
       mov    %r13,%rdx           # copy args from call-preserved regs
       callq  404d60              # mt PRNG for unsigned long
47.27% add    %eax,%ebp           # sum += run_once()
       add    $0xffffffff,%ebx    # --inner
       jne    .Linner            # }while(inner);
       mov    %ebp,0x4(%rsp)     # store to volatile local:  benchmark::DoNotOptimize(x);
0.91%  add    $0xffffffffffffffff,%r12   # --outer
       jne                    # } while(outer)

案例2仍然可以将run_once内联到run_multiple ,因为class FooPlus使用int run_once() override final。外循环中只有虚拟调度开销(仅),但是每次外循环迭代所产生的少量额外费用与内循环的成本(在案例2和案例3之间完全相同)完全相形见


案例1无法将Foo::run_once()内联到Foo::run_multiple()中,因此那里也存在函数调用开销。 (它是间接函数调用的事实相对较小;在紧密循环中,分支预测将完成近乎完美的工作。)



        # case 2 and case 1 *outer* loops
      .loop:                 # do {
       mov    (%r15),%rax     # load vtable pointer
       mov    $0x64,%esi      # first C++ arg
       mov    %r15,%rdi       # this pointer = hidden first arg
       callq  *0x8(%rax)      # memory-indirect call through a vtable entry
       mov    %eax,0x4(%rsp)  # store the return value to a `volatile` local
       add    $0xffffffffffffffff,%rbx      
       jne    4049f0 .loop   #  } while(--i != 0);

这可能是错过的优化方法:编译器可以证明Base *f来自new FooPlus(),因此静态已知其类型为FooPlus operator new可以被覆盖,但是编译器仍然会向FooPlus::FooPlus()发出单独的调用(将指向new的存储的指针传递给它)。因此,这似乎只是在案例2和案例1中都没有利用的c语。