prettify json,使其更具可读性。下面方法的倒数第二行是这样做的:@RequestMapping(path = "/questions") public @ResponseBody List<Question> questionListRest() throws IOException { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); String result = mapper .writerWithView(Views.Public.class) .writeValueAsString((List<Question>) questionRepository.findAll()); List<Question> JsonList = mapper.readValue(result, new TypeReference<List<Question>>(){}); return JsonList; }
[ { "questionId" : 6, "questionName" : "Which of the following would you most likely eat?", "questionType" : "checkbox", "values" : [ "A chainsaw", "A table", "An Apple" ], "answers" : null }, { "questionId" : 7, "questionName" : "What countries have you visited", "questionType" : "checkbox", "values" : [ "Finland", "Sweden", "Estonia" ], "answers" : null }, { "questionId" : 8, "questionName" : "Where did you last feel unconfortable", "questionType" : "checkbox", "values" : [ "At a bar", "While coding spring", "While eating an unsliced long sub" ], "answers" : null } ]
@Entity public class Question { @JsonIgnore private static AnswerRepository answerRepository; @JsonIgnore private static CategoryRepository categoryRepository; @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.AUTO) private Long questionId; private String questionName; private String questionType; //text, radio, checkbox.. private String[] values; public Question(String questionName, String questionType, Category category, String[] values) { super(); this.questionName = questionName; this.questionType = questionType; this.category = category; this.setValues(values); } public Question(String questionName, String questionType, Category category) { super(); this.questionName = questionName; this.questionType = questionType; this.category = category; } @ManyToOne(cascade = {CascadeType.MERGE}) @JoinColumn(name = "categoryid") @JsonBackReference private Category category; @JsonView(Views.Internal.class) public List<Answer> getAnswers() { return answers; } public void setAnswers(List<Answer> answers) { this.answers = answers; } @JsonView(Views.Internal.class) @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "question") @JsonManagedReference private List<Answer> answers; public Question() { super(); } ... getters and setters ...
时的json)[{"questionId":6,"questionName":"Which of the following would you most likely eat?","questionType":"checkbox","values":[ "A chainsaw", "A table", "An Apple" ]},{"questionId":7,"questionName":"What countries have you visited","questionType":"checkbox","values":[ "Finland", "Sweden", "Estonia" ]},{"questionId":8,"questionName":"Where did you last feel unconfortable","questionType":"checkbox","values":[ "At a bar", "While coding spring", "While eating an unsliced long sub" ]}]
答案 0 :(得分:0)
添加到所说的null或空实体中的字段来“修复”此问题。 NON_EMPTY隐藏所有值,如果为空或为空,则NON_NULL仅隐藏空值。我可能一开始就问错了事。