DataGridView ComboBox列:从下拉列表中选择任何datagridview组合框后是否更改单元格值?

时间:2018-12-03 17:51:26



code is here

私人Sub DataGridView1_EditingControlShowing(ByVal发送者为System.Object, ByVal e作为System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs) 处理DataGridView1.EditingControlShowing

    ' Only for a DatagridComboBoxColumn at ColumnIndex 6 and 7.

    If DataGridView1.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex = 6 AndAlso 7 Then

        Dim combo As ComboBox = CType(e.Control, ComboBox)

        If (combo IsNot Nothing) Then

            ' Remove an existing event-handler, if present, to avoid 

            ' adding multiple handlers when the editing control is reused.

            RemoveHandler combo.SelectionChangeCommitted, New EventHandler(AddressOf ComboBox_SelectionChangeCommitted)

            ' Add the event handler. 

            AddHandler combo.SelectionChangeCommitted, New EventHandler(AddressOf ComboBox_SelectionChangeCommitted)

        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox_SelectionChangeCommitted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

    Dim combo As ComboBox = CType(sender, ComboBox)

    Console.WriteLine("Row: {0}, Value: {1}", DataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex, combo.SelectedItem)

    For Each row As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows

        Dim i As Double

        Dim y As Double

        i = CDec((row.Cells(5).Value) * (row.Cells(6).Value) * 1 / 100) + CDec(row.Cells(5).Value)

        i = Math.Round(i, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero)

        y = CDbl(i * (row.Cells(7).Value))

        row.Cells(9).Value = y


End Sub

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