Hello Everyone! I'm deploying a multi-module project on JBoss and with the help of HotswapAgent( GitHub ) and DCEVM.
The Problem is that the deployment loads with hotswap-agent but it doesn't reload the classes when I perform any changes!
I read the configuration for JBOSS modules in HA-Agent : Configuration
but I can't seem to understand the following:
Add extraClassPath from hotswap-agent.properties to org.jboss.modules.ModuleClassLoader, so that all application servers (JBossAS, WildFly) based on jboss’s module classloader can use HotswapAgent’s extraClassPath
I mean as in I added extraclass path properties to my HA-properties files but how do I transfer them to org.jboss.modules.ModuleClassLoader.
Also if there is any other cause that might be preventing HotswapAgent from reloading classes in JBoss then do tell me! As all plugins load correctly but when I make changes ( In intelli J using HA plugin ) and build the class after changes then I get no message from HA in the console that the class has been reloaded nor does it show any effects from the changes.