my $AddStockDate= {
path => 'dueToStockDate',
Value => $EXPDATE };
my $AddOrderQty= {
path => 'releaseQuantity',
Value => $ORDQTY };
my $AddReleaseId= {
path => 'userFieldAmount1',
Value => $RELEASE };
my $AddPartNum= {
path => 'item',
Value => $PARTNBR };
$AddXML->{'System-Link'}{Request}{Create}{DomainEntity}{Property}[0] = $AddStockDate;
$AddXML->{'System-Link'}{Request}{Create}{DomainEntity}{Property}[1] = $AddOrderQty;
$AddXML->{'System-Link'}{Request}{Create}{DomainEntity}{Property}[2] = $AddReleaseId;
$AddXML->{'System-Link'}{Request}{Create}{DomainEntity}{Property}[3] = $AddPartNum;
<Property Value="20181207" path="dueToStockDate"/>
<Property Value="4" path="releaseQuantity"/>
<Property Value="9150021" path="userFieldAmount1"/>
<Property Value="04-13165-02" path="item"/>
## Define Perl Packages to Use
use POSIX;
use Data::Dumper;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use XML::Simple;
use XML::Smart;
use Net::SMTP;
## Define Local Variables
my $lastSeqNum;
my $result;
my ($error, $errStr);
my $storedSeqNum = 0;
my ($var, $val, $configLine);
my ($tmpMon, $tmpYear);
my ($db, $DSN, $sql, $data, $count);
my ($sigUser, $sigPass, $SQLUser, $SQLPass,
$smtp, $smtpServer, $mailTo, $mailCC, $mailFrom,
$confirmIssue, $issueDependent , $SUPPLIER_MATCH);
## Local scripts directory for the Windows machine
$scriptDir = ".";
$agentsDir = "$scriptDir";
$logsDir = "$scriptDir/logfiles";
# Open a new Log file for todays processing
our ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
$tmpMon = $mon + 1;
$tmpYear = $year + 1900;
$tmpMon = "0" . $tmpMon if ($tmpMon < 10);
$mday = "0" . $mday if ($mday < 10);
$log_timestamp = localtime(time);
$script_start = time;
my $logFileName = "$0.$tmpYear$tmpMon$mday.log";
## Check to see if log file exists, if already exists concatenate
open(LOGF, ">>$logsDir/$logFileName") || die "Cannot open logfile: $!";
print LOGF "\n{INFO} [" . localtime(time) . "] $0 process STARTED\n";
## Parse the response for values you will need for subsequent SystemLink calls
my $SessionHandle = "FakeSession";
my $workHandle = "WorkHandle";
my $QueryStatus = "true";
print LOGF "{DEBUG} [" . localtime(time) . "] \tSession Handle: $SessionHandle\n";
print LOGF "{DEBUG} [" . localtime(time) . "] \tWork Handle: $workHandle\n";
print LOGF "{DEBUG} [" . localtime(time) . "] \tQuery Status: $QueryStatus\n";
## Now verify whether or not the actual order query was successful or not. If not, send an error email and move on to next Release
if($QueryStatus ne 'true') {
print LOGF "{ERROR} [" . localtime(time) . "] XML QUERY Post to SystemLink for Release: $RELEASE status is: Query Failure\n";
print LOGF "{ERROR} [" . localtime(time) . "] XML QUERY Post to SystemLink for Release: $RELEASE COMPLETED with ERRORS. Skipping.\n";
#No SystemLink,Ignore Error# ErrorHandler("NON-FATAL", "S1002", undef, "SystemLink QUERY XML Post Query Failure", $RELEASE, "$xml_filename");
my $SLOrderNum = "OrderNum";
my $SLLineNum = "LineNum";
print LOGF "{DEBUG} [" . localtime(time) . "] \tOrder Number: $SLOrderNum\n";
print LOGF "{DEBUG} [" . localtime(time) . "] \tLine Number: $SLLineNum\n";
if($SLOrderNum eq '') {
print LOGF "{ERROR} [" . localtime(time) . "] XML QUERY Post to SystemLink for Release: $RELEASE status is: No Open Order Found\n";
print LOGF "{ERROR} [" . localtime(time) . "] XML QUERY Post to SystemLink for Release: $RELEASE COMPLETED with ERRORS. Skipping.\n";
#No SystemLink,Ignore Error# ErrorHandler("NON-FATAL", "S1003", undef, "SystemLink QUERY XML Post No Open Order Found", $RELEASE, "$xml_filename");
## Now that we've verified all the Order and Line information, we need to create the actual MAPICS order
print LOGF "{DEBUG} [" . localtime(time) . "] \tBuilding CREATE XML Request STARTED\n";
my $AddXML = XML::Smart->new();
my $AddRequest = {
sessionHandle => $SessionHandle,
workHandle => $workHandle,
broker => 'EJB',
maxIdle => '900000'};
$AddXML->{'System-Link'}{Request} = $AddRequest;
my $AddCreate = {
name => 'createObject_PurchaseOrderItemRelease',
domainClass => 'com.mapics.pm.PoItemRelease'};
$AddXML->{'System-Link'}{Request}{Create} = $AddCreate;
$AddXML->{'System-Link'}{Request}{Create}{ApplyTemplate} = '(none)';
my $AddOrder = {
path => 'order',
Value => $SLOrderNum };
my $AddLine= {
path => 'line',
Value => $SLLineNum };
$EXPDATE = "2018-01-01";
my $AddStockDate= {
path => 'dueToStockDate',
Value => $EXPDATE };
my $AddOrderQty= {
path => 'releaseQuantity',
Value => $ORDQTY };
my $AddReleaseId= {
path => 'userFieldAmount1',
Value => $RELEASE };
my $AddPartNum= {
path => 'item',
Value => $PARTNBR };
$AddXML->{'System-Link'}{Request}{Create}{DomainEntity}{Key}{Property}[0] = $AddOrder;
$AddXML->{'System-Link'}{Request}{Create}{DomainEntity}{Key}{Property}[1] = $AddLine;
$AddXML->{'System-Link'}{Request}{Create}{DomainEntity}{Property}[0] = $AddStockDate;
$AddXML->{'System-Link'}{Request}{Create}{DomainEntity}{Property}[1] = $AddOrderQty;
$AddXML->{'System-Link'}{Request}{Create}{DomainEntity}{Property}[2] = $AddReleaseId;
$AddXML->{'System-Link'}{Request}{Create}{DomainEntity}{Property}[3] = $AddPartNum;
$AddXML->{'System-Link'}{Logout}{sessionHandle} = $SessionHandle;
# Turn off output of DTD and meta tag generation
my $xmldata = $AddXML->data(nometagen => 1, nodtd => 1);
$xmldata =~ s/\?>/?>\n<!DOCTYPE System-Link SYSTEM 'SystemLinkRequest.dtd'>/m;
print LOGF "{DEBUG} [" . localtime(time) . "] \tBuilding CREATE XML Request COMPLETED\n";
print LOGF "{DEBUG} [" . localtime(time) . "] \tWriting CREATE XML Request to Request_$xml_filename STARTED\n";
my $xml_filename = $RELEASE . "-" . time . ".xml";
open $RequestLogfile, '>>', "$logsDir/XML/Release/Request_$xml_filename";
print $RequestLogfile "\n--------------- CREATE REQUEST ---------------\n";
print $RequestLogfile $xmldata;
close $RequestLogfile;