
时间:2018-12-02 16:48:04

标签: spring api amazon





public class SignedRequestsHelper {

private static final String UTF8_CHARSET = "UTF-8";

 * The HMAC algorithm required by Amazon
private static final String HMAC_SHA256_ALGORITHM = "HmacSHA256";

 * This is the URI for the service, don't change unless you really know
 * what you're doing.
private static final String REQUEST_URI = "/onca/xml";

 * The sample uses HTTP GET to fetch the response. If you changed the sample
 * to use HTTP POST instead, change the value below to POST.
private static final String REQUEST_METHOD = "GET";

private String endpoint = null;
private String awsAccessKeyId = null;
private String awsSecretKey = null;

private SecretKeySpec secretKeySpec = null;
private Mac mac = null;

 * You must provide the three values below to initialize the helper.
 * @param endpoint          Destination for the requests.
 * @param awsAccessKeyId    Your AWS Access Key ID
 * @param awsSecretKey      Your AWS Secret Key
public SignedRequestsHelper(
        String endpoint,
        String awsAccessKeyId,
        String awsSecretKey
) throws IllegalArgumentException, UnsupportedEncodingException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException
    if (null == endpoint || endpoint.length() == 0)
    { throw new IllegalArgumentException("endpoint is null or empty"); }
    if (null == awsAccessKeyId || awsAccessKeyId.length() == 0)
    { throw new IllegalArgumentException("awsAccessKeyId is null or empty"); }
    if (null == awsSecretKey || awsSecretKey.length() == 0)
    { throw new IllegalArgumentException("awsSecretKey is null or empty"); }

    this.endpoint = endpoint.toLowerCase();
    this.awsAccessKeyId = awsAccessKeyId;
    this.awsSecretKey = awsSecretKey;

    byte[] secretyKeyBytes = this.awsSecretKey.getBytes(UTF8_CHARSET);
    this.secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(secretyKeyBytes, HMAC_SHA256_ALGORITHM);
    this.mac = Mac.getInstance(HMAC_SHA256_ALGORITHM);

 * The construct is private since we'd rather use getInstance()
private SignedRequestsHelper() {}

 * This method signs requests in hashmap form. It returns a URL that should
 * be used to fetch the response. The URL returned should not be modified in
 * any way, doing so will invalidate the signature and Amazon will reject
 * the request.
public String sign(Map<String, String> params) {
    // Let's add the AWSAccessKeyId and Timestamp parameters to the request.
    params.put("AWSAccessKeyId", this.awsAccessKeyId);
    params.put("Timestamp", this.timestamp());

    // The parameters need to be processed in lexicographical order, so we'll
    // use a TreeMap implementation for that.
    SortedMap<String, String> sortedParamMap = new TreeMap<String, String>(params);

    // get the canonical form the query string
    String canonicalQS = this.canonicalize(sortedParamMap);

    // create the string upon which the signature is calculated
    String toSign =
            REQUEST_METHOD + "\n"
                    + this.endpoint + "\n"
                    + REQUEST_URI + "\n"
                    + canonicalQS;

    // get the signature
    String hmac = this.hmac(toSign);
    String sig = this.percentEncodeRfc3986(hmac);

    // construct the URL
    String url =
            "http://" + this.endpoint + REQUEST_URI + "?" + canonicalQS + "&Signature=" + sig;

    return url;

 * This method signs requests in query-string form. It returns a URL that
 * should be used to fetch the response. The URL returned should not be
 * modified in any way, doing so will invalidate the signature and Amazon
 * will reject the request.
public String sign(String queryString) {
    // let's break the query string into it's constituent name-value pairs
    Map<String, String> params = this.createParameterMap(queryString);

    // then we can sign the request as before
    return this.sign(params);

 * Compute the HMAC.
 * @param stringToSign  String to compute the HMAC over.
 * @return              base64-encoded hmac value.
private String hmac(String stringToSign) {
    String signature = null;
    byte[] data;
    byte[] rawHmac;
    try {
        data = stringToSign.getBytes(UTF8_CHARSET);
        rawHmac = mac.doFinal(data);
        Base64 encoder = new Base64();
        signature = new String(encoder.encode(rawHmac));
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(UTF8_CHARSET + " is unsupported!", e);
    return signature;

 * Generate a ISO-8601 format timestamp as required by Amazon.
 * @return  ISO-8601 format timestamp.
private String timestamp() {
    String timestamp = null;
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    DateFormat dfm = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZ");
    timestamp = dfm.format(cal.getTime());

    return timestamp;

 * Canonicalize the query string as required by Amazon.
 * @param sortedParamMap    Parameter name-value pairs in lexicographical order.
 * @return                  Canonical form of query string.
private String canonicalize(SortedMap<String, String> sortedParamMap) {
    if (sortedParamMap.isEmpty()) {
        return "";

    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> iter = sortedParamMap.entrySet().iterator();

    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Map.Entry<String, String> kvpair =;
        if (iter.hasNext()) {
    String cannoical = buffer.toString();
    return cannoical;

 * Percent-encode values according the RFC 3986. The built-in Java
 * URLEncoder does not encode according to the RFC, so we make the
 * extra replacements.
 * @param s decoded string
 * @return  encoded string per RFC 3986
private String percentEncodeRfc3986(String s) {
    String out;
    try {
        out = URLEncoder.encode(s, UTF8_CHARSET)
                .replace("+", "%20")
                .replace("*", "%2A")
                .replace("%7E", "~");
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        out = s;
    return out;

 * Takes a query string, separates the constituent name-value pairs
 * and stores them in a hashmap.
 * @param queryString
 * @return
private Map<String, String> createParameterMap(String queryString) {
    Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
    String[] pairs = queryString.split("&");

    for (String pair: pairs) {
        if (pair.length() < 1) {

        String[] tokens = pair.split("=",2);
        for(int j=0; j<tokens.length; j++)
            try {
                tokens[j] = URLDecoder.decode(tokens[j], UTF8_CHARSET);
            } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        switch (tokens.length) {
            case 1: {
                if (pair.charAt(0) == '=') {
                    map.put("", tokens[0]);
                } else {
                    map.put(tokens[0], "");
            case 2: {
                map.put(tokens[0], tokens[1]);
    return map;


@服务 公共类ProductService {

private static final String ASSOCIATE_TAG = "TAG";

private static final String BASE_URL = "";

private final SignedRequestsHelper signedRequestsHelper;

private final WebClient webClient;

public ProductService(SignedRequestsHelper signedRequestsHelper,
                      WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder) {
    this.signedRequestsHelper = signedRequestsHelper;

    HttpClient httpClient = HttpClient.create()
            .tcpConfiguration(tcpClient ->
                    tcpClient.proxy(proxy -> proxy.type(ProxyProvider.Proxy.HTTP).host("localhost").port(8888)));
    ReactorClientHttpConnector connector = new ReactorClientHttpConnector(httpClient);
    this.webClient = webClientBuilder.baseUrl("http://" + PAApiConfig.ENDPOINT).clientConnector(connector).build();

public String getRequest() {
    String requestUrl = null;

    Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();

    params.put("AssociateTag", "lucaorlando00-21");
    params.put("BrowseNode", "1480106031");
    params.put("Operation", "ItemSearch");
    params.put("ResponseGroup", "Images,ItemAttributes,OfferFull");
    params.put("SearchIndex", "Beauty");
    params.put("Service", "AWSECommerceService");
    params.put("Condition", "New");
    params.put("Availability", "Available");
    params.put("IncludeReviewsSummary", "true");

    return signedRequestsHelper.sign(params);

public void tt() {
            // .header(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML_VALUE)
            .header(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT, "text/plain, */*; q=0.01")
            //.header(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_ENCODING, "gzip, deflate")
            .header(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, "it-IT,it;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7")
            .doOnError(throwable -> ((WebClientResponseException)throwable).getResponseBodyAsString())


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