如何在splunk 7.2.0中获取tomcat日志?

时间:2018-12-01 09:48:33

标签: java tomcat splunk splunk-sdk


我在本地计算机的驱动器上安装了apache tomcat。然后打开splunk实例,我安装了tomcat add ons,遵循此说明(splunk docs)。创建inputs.conf文件并将其放置在Splunk_TA_tomcat / local文件夹中。然后重新启动splunk。我去搜索页面之后。我输入此命令sourcetype = tomcat:access:log。我什么都没有。请帮助我。

1. Create an inputs.conf file in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/Splunk_TA_tomcat/local.

 2. Add the following stanzas. Modify the directory name if necessary to use the actual directory your Tomcat files are stored in.

 disabled = false
 followTail = false
 index = main
 sourcetype = tomcat:runtime:log

 disabled = false
 followTail = false
 index = main
 sourcetype = tomcat:runtime:log

 disabled = false
 followTail = false
 index = main
 sourcetype = tomcat:runtime:log

 disabled = false
 followTail = false
 index = main
 sourcetype = tomcat:runtime:log

 disabled = false
 followTail = false
 index = main
 sourcetype = tomcat:access:log

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