
时间:2018-11-30 15:03:23

标签: java apache pie-chart


import morgan from 'morgan'
import { mergeSchemas } from 'graphql-tools'
import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server-express'

import assessmentSchema from './assessment/schema'
import AssessmentAPI from './assessment/dataSource'

import userSchema from './user/schema'
import UserAPI from './user/dataSource'

 * Installs apollo-server to handle requests under `path`
 * @param {*} app Express instance
 * @param {*} path route path, like '/graphql'
export const createApi = (app, path) => {
  const dataSources = () => ({
    assessmentAPI: new AssessmentAPI({ store: 'intentionally undefined' }),
    userAPI: new UserAPI()

  const schema = mergeSchemas({
    schemas: [assessmentSchema, userSchema]

  morgan.token('graphql-query', req => {
    const { operationName } = req.body
    return `GRAPHQL: Operation Name: ${operationName}`

  // TODO: Add custom logging middleware for GraphQL queries/mutations
  // The next line would add middleware to all of express, but I only want this style of logging for graphQL

  /*** Question is about the following line ***/
  // app.use(morgan(':graphql-query'))

  const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({ schema, dataSources })
  apolloServer.applyMiddleware({ app, path })


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