我正在尝试将VSCode配置为使用Python3.4(Windows)的嵌入式版本,该版本是名为Siemens NX(以前的Unigraphics)的CAD程序的一部分。嵌入式Python在与Python34.dll相邻的主Python目录中具有CAD程序的API文件(.pyd)。但是VSCode给我一个错误,它找不到解释器。
// Path to Python, you can use a custom version of Python by modifying this setting to include the full path.
"python.pythonPath": "N:\\networkdrive\\vnx11.0.64\\NXBIN\\python\\python34.dll",
// Activate Python Environment in Terminal created using the Extension.
"python.terminal.activateEnvironment": false,
// List of paths to libraries and the like that need to be imported by auto complete engine. E.g. when using Google App SDK, the paths are not in system path, hence need to be added into this list.
"python.autoComplete.extraPaths": ["N:\\networkdrive\\vnx11.0.64\\NXBIN\\python\\Python34.zip"],
// Comma delimited list of modules preloaded to speed up Auto Complete (e.g. add Numpy, Pandas, etc, items slow to load when autocompleting).
// turned off the following for language server: "python.autoComplete.preloadModules": ["NXOpen"],
// Turn off Jedi to take advantage of the new language server
"python.jediEnabled": false