密码-PHP中的AES / CBC / PKCS5padding

时间:2018-11-30 11:49:45

标签: java php

我在Java中有以下代码,我想将其转换为PHP。 有人可以告诉我该如何处理吗?

private static Cipher initCipher(final int mode, final String initialVectorString, final String secretKey)

throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchPaddingException, InvalidKeyException,

InvalidAlgorithmParameterException {

    final SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(secretKey.getBytes(), "AES");
    final IvParameterSpec initialVector = new IvParameterSpec(initialVectorString.getBytes());
    final Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding");
    cipher.init(mode, skeySpec, initialVector);
    return cipher;

public static String encrypt(final String dataToEncrypt) {
    String encryptedData = null;
    try {
        // Initialize the cipher
        final Cipher cipher = initCipher(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, iv, secretKey);
        // Encrypt the data
        final byte[] encryptedByteArray = cipher.doFinal(dataToEncrypt.getBytes());
        // Encode using Base64
        encryptedData = (new BASE64Encoder()).encode(encryptedByteArray);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.err.println("Problem encrypting the data");
    return encryptedData;

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