我目前正在使用PACKET_MMAP TX_RING V3(我尝试过V2和V1,但是我也遇到了同样的问题。我决定使用V3,因为我能够在一个块上保留多个eth帧,而不是在V1和V2中,每个tp_block只能包含1帧),以避免在我的端口扫描程序的发送过程中过多的系统调用。我没有设置RX_RING,所以这不是图片的一部分。
我有一个TX_RING:[1个区块|块大小4096 | 32帧|框架尺寸128]
int prepare_packetmmap_tx_ring(t_thread *thread)
int tpacket_v;
struct sockaddr_ll sll_loc;
/* Step 1 Create PF_PACKET socket.*/
thread->sock = socket(PF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW, htons(ETH_P_ALL));
if (thread->sock == -1)
return (hermes_error(FAILURE, "socket() %s", strerror(errno)));
memset(&sll_loc, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_ll));
memcpy(&sll_loc.sll_addr, thread->pool->iface.if_hwaddr, ETH_ALEN);
sll_loc.sll_ifindex = thread->pool->iface.inx;
sll_loc.sll_family = AF_PACKET;
sll_loc.sll_protocol = htons(ETH_P_ALL);
/* Bind our socket to the interface */
if (bind(thread->sock, (sockaddr *)&sll_loc, sizeof(struct sockaddr_ll)) == -1)
return (hermes_error(FAILURE, "bind() %s", strerror(errno)));
tpacket_v = TPACKET_V3;
if (setsockopt(thread->sock, SOL_PACKET, PACKET_VERSION, &tpacket_v, sizeof(tpacket_v)) < 0)
return (hermes_error(FAILURE, "setsockopt() PACKET_VERSION %s", strerror(errno)));
/* Step 3 determine sizes for PACKET_TX_RING and allocate txring via setsockopt() */
thread->txring.tpr.tp_block_size = (uint)getpagesize();
thread->txring.tpr.tp_frame_size = TPACKET3_HDRLEN + sizeof(struct ethhdr) + sizeof(struct iphdr) + DEF_TRAN_HDRLEN + thread->pool->env->cpayload_len;
thread->txring.tpr.tp_frame_size = pow2_round(thread->txring.tpr.tp_frame_size);
thread->txring.tpr.tp_block_nr = (THRD_HSTGRP_MAX / (thread->txring.tpr.tp_block_size / thread->txring.tpr.tp_frame_size));
thread->txring.tpr.tp_frame_nr = thread->txring.tpr.tp_block_nr * (thread->txring.tpr.tp_block_size / thread->txring.tpr.tp_frame_size);
thread->txring.size = thread->txring.tpr.tp_block_size * thread->txring.tpr.tp_block_nr;
thread->txring.doffset = sizeof(struct tpacket3_hdr);
if (setsockopt(thread->sock, SOL_PACKET, PACKET_TX_RING, (void *)&thread->txring.tpr, sizeof(thread->txring.tpr)) < 0)
return (hermes_error(FAILURE, "setsockopt() PACKET_TX_RING %s", strerror(errno)));
printf("frame size: %d | blocksize: %d | block count %d | frame count %d\n", thread->txring.tpr.tp_frame_size, thread->txring.tpr.tp_block_size, thread->txring.tpr.tp_block_nr, thread->txring.tpr.tp_frame_nr);
extra_sock_opts(thread->sock, thread->txring.size);
/* Step 4 actually map ring to user space */
if (!(thread->txring.ring = mmap(0, thread->txring.size,
thread->sock, 0)))
return (hermes_error(FAILURE, "mmap() TX_RING %s", strerror(errno)));
return (SUCCESS);
nt fill_tx_ring(t_thread *thread, t_frame *ethframe)
struct tpacket3_hdr *frame;
void *data;
uint16_t *srcports;
uint16_t *dstports;
uint ring_i;
uint hst_i;
int ret;
ring_i = 0;
hst_i = 0;
ret = 0;
srcports = thread->pool->env->ports.flat;
dstports = thread->pool->env->dstports;
while (hst_i < thread->hstgrpsz && ring_i < thread->txring.tpr.tp_frame_nr)
if (thread->hstgrp[hst_i].health.done == true)
frame = (struct tpacket3_hdr *)(thread->txring.ring + (thread->txring.tpr.tp_frame_size * ring_i));
switch((volatile uint32_t)frame->tp_status)
return(hermes_error(FAILURE, "TX_RING wrong format in frame %i of thread %d", ring_i, thread->id));
data = (uint8_t *)frame + thread->txring.doffset;
ethframe->ip->daddr = thread->hstgrp[hst_i].result->ip.s_addr;
ethframe->tcp->source = htons(dstports[thread->hstgrp[hst_i].health.portinx]);
ethframe->tcp->dest = htons(srcports[thread->hstgrp[hst_i].health.portinx]);
tcp_checksum(ethframe->ip, (uint16_t *)ethframe->tcp);
memcpy(data, ethframe->buffer, ethframe->size);
frame->tp_next_offset = 0;
frame->tp_len = ethframe->size;
frame->tp_status = TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST;
printf("setup a frame\n");
ret++; hst_i++; ring_i++;
printf("skipped ring with status %d\n", frame->tp_status);
return (ret);
因此,此填充过程将填充一帧,因为我仅扫描一台主机,并且一次只向一台主机发送一条消息。 第一次发送效果很好!它发送帧,我在Wireshark上看到它,得到响应,处理它,然后返回到fill_tx_ring()例程。以下是我的扫描功能,因此您可以看到发生的顺序:
void syn_scan(t_thread *thread)
struct timeval sent = {0};
struct timeval now = {0};
long ms;
int ret;
t_frame frame;
memset(&frame, 0, sizeof(t_frame));
init_ethframe(thread, &frame);
thread->scancnt = thread->hstgrpsz;
while (thread->scancnt > 0)
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
if ((ms = timediff_ms(&now, &sent)) >= DEF_INIT_RTT_TIMEOUT)
fill_tx_ring(thread, &frame);
gettimeofday(&sent, NULL);
thread->rxfilter.fd.events = POLL_IN;
if ((ret = poll(&thread->rxfilter.fd, 1,
hermes_error(FAILURE, "poll() %s", strerror(errno));
if (ret > 0)
thread->hstgrpsz, handle_packet,
printf("didn't get anything\n");
usleep((useconds_t) ms * 1000);
frame.buffer = NULL;
现在是真正的问题:对send()的所有其他调用都返回0。在随后对fill_tx_ring()的调用中,我发现我先前填充的所有帧都没有被内核更新(由于发送失败) (),似乎内核甚至从未接收到请求或查看环)...它们的tp_status字段仍设置为TP_STATUS_SEND_REQUEST。
index 2 | mac: a8:7d:12:1:b6:46:| ip: | gwip:
| gwmac: 0:35:1a:54:ca:17:
frame size: 128 | blocksize: 4096 | block count 1 | frame count 32
ports total 5
setup a frame
sent 1 packets
packet processed
a8 7d 12 01 b6 46 00 35
1a 54 ca 17 08 00 45 00 00 2c 00 00 40 00
3f 06 1f 7c 0a 72 06 12 0a 2b 01 a2 16 00
b1 f8 52 03 f6 a0 00 00 00 02 60 12 ff ff
81 11 00 00 02 04 05 b4 00 00
setup a frame
didn't send anything.
didn't get anything
skipped ring with status 1
setup a frame
sent 1 packets
packet processed
a8 7d 12 01 b6 46 00 35
1a 54 ca 17 08 00 45 00 00 2c 00 00 40 00
3f 06 1f 7c 0a 72 06 12 0a 2b 01 a2 58 00
ac ac 06 32 5f 44 00 00 00 02 60 12 ff ff
69 49 00 00 02 04 05 b4 00 00
skipped ring with status 1
setup a frame
didn't send anything.
didn't get anything
skipped ring with status 1
skipped ring with status 1
setup a frame
sent 1 packets
packet processed
a8 7d 12 01 b6 46 00 35
1a 54 ca 17 08 00 45 00 00 2c 00 00 40 00
3f 06 1f 7c 0a 72 06 12 0a 2b 01 a2 d3 0c
e7 f1 14 3c 13 c4 00 00 00 02 60 12 ff ff
5e ff 00 00 02 04 05 b4 00 00
skipped ring with status 1
skipped ring with status 1
setup a frame
didn't send anything.
didn't get anything
skipped ring with status 1
skipped ring with status 1
skipped ring with status 1
setup a frame
sent 1 packets
packet processed
a8 7d 12 01 b6 46 00 35
1a 54 ca 17 08 00 45 00 00 2c 00 00 40 00
3f 06 1f 7c 0a 72 06 12 0a 2b 01 a2 ea 0c
8a 10 f0 d0 aa 9b 00 00 00 02 60 12 ff ff
49 5d 00 00 02 04 05 b4 00 00
skipped ring with status 1
skipped ring with status 1
skipped ring with status 1
setup a frame
didn't send anything.
didn't get anything
ms 1000
skipped ring with status 1
skipped ring with status 1
skipped ring with status 1
skipped ring with status 1
setup a frame
sent 1 packets
packet processed
a8 7d 12 01 b6 46 00 35
1a 54 ca 17 08 00 45 00 00 2c 00 00 40 00
3f 06 1f 7c 0a 72 06 12 0a 2b 01 a2 0c 17
ee 5f a7 98 89 b2 00 00 00 02 60 12 ff ff
45 0d 00 00 02 04 05 b4 00 00
thread 1 closing 0 still alive
项目: https://github.com/dauie/hermes.git
tx设置: https://github.com/Dauie/hermes/blob/master/src/thread.c
tx_fill / send: https://github.com/Dauie/hermes/blob/master/src/scan.c