
时间:2018-11-29 17:17:01

标签: excel vba


Sub DenialsReport()

Dim heatWB, denialWB As Workbook
Dim heatWS, denialWS As Worksheet
Dim folderName, fileName, extName, wbName, billArea, postPeriod As String
Dim a, b, lastRow, countCol, volumeCol, startRow, billAreaRow, billAreaColumn, grandRow As Long
Dim postPeriodRange, billAreaRange, grandRange As Range

Set heatWB = ActiveWorkbook
Set heatWS = heatWB.Sheets("Denials")

postPeriod = InputBox("Please enter the current post period in this form: yyyymm")

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

folderName = heatWB.Sheets("Support->").Cells(19, 3).Value
fileName = heatWB.Sheets("Support->").Cells(20, 3).Value
extName = heatWB.Sheets("Support->").Cells(21, 3).Value
wbName = folderName + "\" + fileName + "." + extName

Set denialWB = Workbooks.Open(wbName)

b = 0

For Each denialWS In Worksheets


Next denialWS

For Each denialWS In Worksheets

    b = b + 1
    lastRow = heatWS.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1

    ' find the bill area
    Set billAreaRange = denialWB.Sheets(b).Range("A1:G10").Find(What:="For Bill Area: ", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, MatchCase:=False)
    billAreaRow = billAreaRange.Row
    billAreaColumn = billAreaRange.Column

    ' get the bill area
    billArea = denialWB.Sheets(b).Cells(billAreaRow, billAreaColumn).Value
    billArea = Replace(billArea, "For Bill Area: ", "")
    billArea = Left(billArea, InStr(billArea, "(") - 1)
    billArea = Trim(billArea)

    ' locate the count and amount columns along with the start and end of the rejection categories
    Set postPeriodRange = d enialWB.Sheets(denialWS.Index).Range("A1:AZ15").Find(What:=postPeriod, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    countCol = postPeriodRange.Column
    amountCol = countCol + 1
    startRow = postPeriodRange.Row + 2
    Set grandRange = denialWB.Sheets(denialWS.Index).Range("A:A").Find(What:="Grand Total",    LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
    grandRow = grandRange.Row

    ' copy the information over to heatWS
    For a = startRow To grandRow - 1
        heatWS.Cells(lastRow, 1).Value = billArea
        heatWS.Cells(lastRow, 2).Value = postPeriod
        heatWS.Cells(lastRow, 3).Value = denialWS.Cells(a, 1).Value
        heatWS.Cells(lastRow, 4).Value = denialWS.Cells(a, countCol).Value
        heatWS.Cells(lastRow, 5).Value = denialWS.Cells(a, amountCol).Value
        heatWS.Cells(lastRow, 6).Value = denialWS.Cells(a, amountCol).Value /    denialWS.Cells(grandRow, amountCol).Value
        lastRow = heatWS.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
    Next a

Next denialWS

denialWB.Close SaveChanges:=False


Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub


Set billAreaRange = denialWB.Sheets(b).Range("A1:G10").Find(What:="For Bill Area: ", LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, MatchCase:=False) 


billArea = denialWB.Sheets(b).Cells(7,3).Value 


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



Dim folderName, fileName, extName, wbName, billArea, postPeriod As String

将类型String分配给所有这些变量。在这种情况下,只有最后一个声明postPeriod As String会声明类型String的变量。所有其他变量默认为类型Variant。标准做法是对每个变量使用单个行声明,每个变量都具有特定的类型。另外,您的代码看起来更干净,可以在首次使用它之前立即声明该变量/类型。这样,您不必滚动到顶部就可以知道类型是什么。所以:

Dim folderName As String
Dim fileName As String
Dim extName As String

接下来,read this explanation ActiveWorkbookThisWorkbook之间的差异。几乎总是它是您想要的后一种形式。所以你应该

Dim heatWB As Workbook
Set heatWB = ThisWorkbook


For Each denialWS In Worksheets
Next denialWS


For Each denialWS In denialWB.Worksheets
Next denialWS

此外,在下一个循环中,您进入工作簿中的每个工作表,但通过设置b变量(为什么?)并使用该变量在工作表中进行索引,也使事情变得混乱。 。因此,目前尚不清楚您要对哪张纸进行操作。 (为什么不使用denialWS呢?)


Set billAreaRange = denialWS.Range("A1:G10").Find(What:="For Bill Area: ", _
                                                  LookIn:=xlValues, _
                                                  LookAt:=xlPart, _
If not billAreaRange Is Nothing Then
    billAreaRow = billAreaRange.Row
    billAreaColumn = billAreaRange.Column
    ... <the rest of your logic here>
    <raise an error or display a MsgBox here>
    Exit For
End If
