
时间:2018-11-29 09:52:14

标签: vhdl

我正在尝试通过生成n个基本fulladder(代码中为ALCell)单元来制作n位加法器。因此,如图所示,我制作了代码,但没有合成其中的3个(如我所拥有的),但是我得到的一个单元格的信号连接方式错误。如果我将输出信号oRes和oCarry更改为: oRes <= sFnc(cell_num -1); oCarry <= sCarry(cell_num -1); 那么将生成两个带有一些警告的单元(sCarry(3)和sRes(3)在设计中的任何位置均未连接)。 您能帮我看看为什么从编写的代码中我不想要设计吗。 Thx,Nebojsa

library IEEE;

entity mul_cell is
    generic ( cell_num : integer := 3 );
    port    ( iL     : in  std_logic_vector(cell_num-1 downto 0);
              iCarry : in  std_logic;
              oRes   : out std_logic;
              oCarry : out std_logic    );
end mul_cell;

architecture Behavioral of mul_cell is
    component ALCell
        port( iA   : in  std_logic;
               iB   : in  std_logic;
               iC   : in  std_logic;      
               oFnc : out std_logic;
               oC   : out std_logic );
    end component;  

    signal sL    : std_logic_vector(cell_num-1 downto 0);   
    signal sCarry: std_logic_vector(cell_num downto 0);      
    signal sFnc  : std_logic_vector(cell_num downto 0);  

    sL <= iL;
    sFnc(0) <= '0';
    sCarry(0) <= iCarry;

   for I in 1 to cell_num generate
       ADDX : ALCell 
          port map(iA   => sL(I-1),
                   iB   => sFnc(I-1),
                   iC   => sCarry(I-1),
                   oFnc => sFnc(I),
                   oC   => sCarry(I) );
           end generate GEN_ADD_Level_3;

    oRes   <= sFnc(cell_num);
    oCarry <= sCarry(cell_num);

end Behavioral;

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