所以...我正在使用Microsoft R Client进行一些模型拟合。这使我可以访问revoScaleR程序包(以前由Revolution Analytics生产)。这样就可以访问R的内置版本的一些替代模型拟合算法。我以前没有使用过它们,因此作为快速的初始测试,我使用了一个小的数据集,并使用R函数(lm和glm)和revoScaleR函数(rxGlm和rxLogit)来拟合许多(平凡的)模型,应该都给出相同的答案...但是他们没有。
### 1. lm - gives correct answer
Propensity.Model <- lm(Large_Claim_Proportion ~ 1,
data = Data.Set.NZ.Claim.Version,
weights = NZ.Claim.Count)
Propensity.Model$fitted.values[1] # gives correct answer of 0.01837672
### 2. glm (logistic) - gives correct answer
Propensity.Model <- glm(Large_Claim_Proportion ~ 1,
data = Data.Set.NZ.Claim.Version,
weights = NZ.Claim.Count,
family = binomial(link = "logit"))
Propensity.Model$fitted.values[1] # gives correct answer is 0.01837672
### 3. rxLogit - giving wrong answer
Propensity.Model <- rxLogit(Large_Claim_Proportion ~ 1,
data = Data.Set.NZ.Claim.Version,
fweights = "NZ.Claim.Count")
Predicted_Values <- rxPredict(modelObject = Propensity.Model,
data = Data.Set.NZ.Claim.Version)
Predicted_Values[1,] # gives wrong answer of 0.0165901
### 4. rxGlm (logistic) (alternative to rxLogit) - giving wrong answer
Propensity.Model <- rxGlm(Large_Claim_Proportion ~ 1,
data = Data.Set.NZ.Claim.Version,
fweights = "NZ.Claim.Count",
family = binomial(link = "logit"))
Predicted_Values <- rxPredict(modelObject = Propensity.Model,
data = Data.Set.NZ.Claim.Version)
Predicted_Values[1,] # gives wrong answer of 0.0165901
### 5. rxGlm (log-binomial) - giving correct answer (although log-binomial isn't a natural pairing)
Propensity.Model <- rxGlm(Large_Claim_Proportion ~ 1,
data = Data.Set.NZ.Claim.Version,
fweights = "NZ.Claim.Count",
family = binomial(link = "log"))
Predicted_Values <- rxPredict(modelObject = Propensity.Model,
data = Data.Set.NZ.Claim.Version)
Predicted_Values[1,] # gives correct answer of 0.01837672