
时间:2018-11-28 19:44:05

标签: eslint eslint-plugin-compat


module.exports = {
    "env": {
        "browser": true
    "extends": ["eslint:recommended", "plugin:compat/recommended"],
    "plugins": [
        // lint for unsupported es6 features in ie11 (not that I'm trying to
        // excessively use es6, mostly idk what ie11 doesnt support and I'm used
        // to using certain methods like String.includes)
    // need to setup stylelint.io for linting for css features
    // https://stylelint.io/
    // https://github.com/ismay/stylelint-no-unsupported-browser-features
    // it also references the same "browserslist" in package.json
    // this won't work, but when it does, npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-compat
    // the extends compat/recommended will work
    "rules": {
        "ie11/no-collection-args": [ "error" ],
        "ie11/no-for-in-const": [ "error" ],
        "ie11/no-loop-func": [ "warn" ],
        "ie11/no-weak-collections": [ "error" ],
        "no-console": "off",
        "semi": [
        "no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs": "off",
        "compat/compat": "error"
    "settings": {
        "polyfills": ['']
    "parserOptions": {
        "ecmaVersion": 5


但是当我将package.json中的browserslist设置为99.99%时,我没有收到任何新警告。但是,在IE11中,由于未定义的String.repeat方法,我的代码无法运行。 (代码在chrome和firefox中一直有效)

您的猜测与我的一样好!我尝试在本地安装eslint +插件,并在全局安装eslint + plugins

我也确实尝试删除parserOptions es5选项..注释掉settings.polyfills ..删除除compat插件和我的自定义规则以外的所有内容..不知道还要尝试什么

在自动修复之后,我还使用eslint .在命令行中进行了两次检查,结果与我的编辑器没有什么不同。

节点-v === v8.12.0 npm -v === 6.4.1 eslint -v === v5.7.0

是否有brew doctor这样的押金?

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