
时间:2018-11-28 16:59:54

标签: vba ms-word word-vba


你好,我是 Alice


Hello I am <b>Alice</b>


我正在使用Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications 7.0。 我是VBA的新手,我在Internet上找到的许多代码都不适用于我,因为我的版本很旧。不幸的是,在我看来,下载最新版本不是一个选择。


Dim pParagraph As Paragraph
'... at some point, pParagraph is set to a paragraph of the document

Dim pRange As Range
Dim pString As String
Set pRange = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=pParagraph.Range.Start, End:=pParagraph.Range.End - 1)
pString = Trim(pRange.Text)


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我知道将Word中的格式转换为html标签的一种方法是使用Access。如果创建的Access表的字段为Long Text数据类型且Rich Text为Text Format并将其Word文本导入其中,则在查询Access将Text放回Word时,它会显示为html标记文本。 / p>

答案 1 :(得分:0)


private void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
    string Data = serialPort1.ReadExisting();


答案 2 :(得分:0)


Function Convert2HTML(myCell As Range) As String
    Dim bldTagOn, itlTagOn, ulnTagOn, colTagOn, phaTagOn As Boolean
    Dim i, chrCount, spaceCount As Integer
    Dim chrCol, chrLastCol, htmlTxt As String
    bldTagOn = False
    itlTagOn = False
    ulnTagOn = False
    colTagOn = False
    phaTagOn = False
    chrCol = "NONE"
    htmlTxt = "<div>"
    chrCount = myCell.Characters.Count
    spaceCount = 0
    For i = 1 To chrCount
        With myCell.Characters(i, 1)
            If myCell.Characters(i, 4).Text = "    " And Not phaTagOn Then
                htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "<p style='text-indent: 40px'>"
                phaTagOn = True
                If myCell.Characters(i, 4).Text = "    " And phaTagOn Then
                    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</p><p style='text-indent: 40px'>"
                    phaTagOn = True
                End If
            End If
            If (.Font.Color) Then
                chrCol = GetCol(.Font.Color)
                If Not colTagOn Then
                    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "<font color=#" & chrCol & ">"
                    colTagOn = True
                    If chrCol <> chrLastCol Then htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</font><font color=#" & chrCol & ">"
                End If
                chrCol = "NONE"
                If colTagOn Then
                    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</font>"
                    colTagOn = False
                End If
            End If
            chrLastCol = chrCol
            If .Font.Bold = True Then
                If Not bldTagOn Then
                    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "<b>"
                    bldTagOn = True
                End If
                If bldTagOn Then
                    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</b>"
                    bldTagOn = False
                End If
            End If
            If .Font.Italic = True Then
                If Not itlTagOn Then
                    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "<i>"
                    itlTagOn = True
                End If
                If itlTagOn Then
                    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</i>"
                    itlTagOn = False
                End If
            End If
            If .Font.Underline > 0 Then
                If Not ulnTagOn Then
                    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "<u>"
                    ulnTagOn = True
                End If
                If ulnTagOn Then
                    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</u>"
                    ulnTagOn = False
                End If
            End If
            If (Asc(.Text) = 10) Then
                htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "<br>"
                htmlTxt = htmlTxt & .Text
            End If
        End With
    If colTagOn Then
        htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</font>"
        colTagOn = False
    End If
    If bldTagOn Then
        htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</b>"
        bldTagOn = False
    End If
    If itlTagOn Then
        htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</i>"
        itlTagOn = False
    End If
    If ulnTagOn Then
        htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</u>"
        ulnTagOn = False
    End If
    If phaTagOn Then
        htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</p>"
        phaTagOn = False
    End If
    htmlTxt = htmlTxt & "</div>"
    fnConvert2HTML = htmlTxt
End Function

Function GetCol(strCol As String) As String
    Dim rVal, gVal, bVal As String
    strCol = Right("000000" & Hex(strCol), 6)
    bVal = Left(strCol, 2)
    gVal = Mid(strCol, 3, 2)
    rVal = Right(strCol, 2)
    GetCol = rVal & gVal & bVal
End Function