
时间:2018-11-28 14:43:25

标签: powershell remote-access tcp-ip

当另一台计算机通过“下载”和“上载”对其施加压力时,我需要同时测量远程计算机上的tcp和icmp连接时间。 您知道每秒钟进行测试的好方法吗?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



DateTime              IP       Status  hasChanged      ICMP  ICMP-Ttl Tcp-53
--------              --       ------  ----------      ----  -------- ------
2018-11-29 12:13:44  50%           True  TimedOut               35
2018-11-29 12:13:46  100%          True        20  116          20
2018-11-29 12:13:48  100%         False        18  116          18


function Ping {
            Implementation PS du ping + tcp-Ping
            retourne les temps de reponce ICMP (port 0) et TCP (port 1-65535)
        .PARAMETER DestNode
            HostName ou IP a tester,
            pour le HostName une resolution DNS est faite a chaque boucle
        .PARAMETER ports
            Liste des ports TCP-IP a tester, le port 0 pour l'ICMP
        .PARAMETER timeout
            TimeOut des test individuel
        .PARAMETER loop
            nombre de boucle a effectuer, par defaut Infini
        .PARAMETER Intervale
            intervale entre chaque series de test
        .PARAMETER ComputerName
            permet de faire ce Ping en total remote,
            si ComputerName est fournis, joignable et different de localhost alors c'est lui qui executera ce code et retourne le resultat
            Requiere "Enable-PSRemoting -force"
            Ping sur ICMP + TCP:53,80,666 timeout 80ms (par test)
            Ping -ports 0,53,80,666 -timeout 80 | ft
            3 ping en remote depuis le serveur vdiv05 sur ICMP,3389,6516 le tous dans une jolie fenetre
            ping 0,3389,6516 -ComputerName vdiv05 -count 3 | Out-GridView
            Alban LOPEZ 2018
            alban.lopez @t gmail.com
        [string]$DestNode = 'vps.opt2', 
        [ValidateRange(0, 65535)]
        [int[]]$ports = @(0, 22, 135), 
        [ValidateRange(0, 2000)]
        [int]$timeout = 200,
        [alias("count")][int32]$loop = [int32]::MaxValue, # 68 annees !
        [ValidateSet(250, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, 10000)]
        [int]$Intervale = 2000,
        $size = 1Kb,
        $ComputerName = $null
    begin {
        if ($computerName -and $computerName -notmatch "^(\.|localhost|$|^$($env:computername)" -and (Test-TcpPort -DestNodes $computerName -ConfirmIfDown)) {
            $pingScriptBlock = Include-ToScriptblock -functions 'write-logStep', 'write-color', 'Write-Host', 'ping', 'Test-TcpPort', 'Include-ToScriptblock'
        } else {
            $ComputerName = $null
            $ObjPing = [pscustomobject]@{
                DateTime   = $null
                IP         = $null
                Status     = $null
                hasChanged = $null
            $ObjPings = $test = @()
            if (!$ports) {$ports = @(0)}
            $Ports | ForEach-Object {
                if ($_) {
                    # TCP
                    $ObjPing | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Tcp-$_" -Value $null
                    $test += "Tcp-$_"
                else {
                    # ICMP
                    $ping = new-object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
                    $ObjPing | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ICMP -Value $null

                    $ObjPing | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ICMP-Ttl' -Value $null
                    # $ObjPing | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ICMP-Size' -Value $size
                    $buffer = [byte[]](1..$size | ForEach-Object {get-random -Minimum 20 -Maximum 255})
                    $test += "ICMP ($size Octs)"
            # Write-LogStep -prefixe 'L.%Line% Ping' "Ping [$DestNode] ", ($test -join(' + ')) ok
    process {
            While ($loop--) {
                $ms = (Measure-Command {
                    try {
                        $ObjPing.DateTime = (get-date)
                        $ObjPing.status = $ObjPing.haschanged = $null
                        $ObjPing.IP = [string][System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($DestNode).IPAddressToString
                        #Write-LogStep -prefixe 'L.%Line% Ping' "Ping $DestNode", $ObjPing.IP wait
                            foreach ($port in $ports) {
                                if ($port) {
                                    # TCP
                                    $ObjPing."Tcp-$port" = $iar = $null
                                    try {
                                        $tcpclient = new-Object system.Net.Sockets.TcpClient # Create TCP Client
                                        $iar = $tcpclient.BeginConnect($ObjPing.IP, $port, $null, $null) # Tell TCP Client to connect to machine on Port
                                        $timeMs = (Measure-Command {
                                                $wait = $iar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne($timeout, $false) # Set the wait time
                                    catch {
                                        # Write-verbose $_
                                    # Write-LogStep -prefixe 'L.%Line% Ping' "Tcp-$port", $x.status, $timeMs ok
                                    # Check to see if the connection is done
                                    if (!$wait) {
                                        # Close the connection and report timeout
                                        $ObjPing."Tcp-$port" = 'TimeOut'
                                    else {
                                        try {
                                            $ObjPing."Tcp-$port" = [int]$timeMs
                                            $ObjPing.status ++
                                            # Write-LogStep -prefixe 'L.%Line% Ping' 'TCP ', "$($ObjPing."Tcp-$port") ms" ok
                                            $tcpclient.EndConnect($iar) | out-Null
                                        catch {
                                            # $ObjPing."Tcp-$port" = 'Unknow Host'
                                    if ($tcpclient) {
                                else {
                                    # ICMP
                                    $ObjPing.ICMP = $ObjPing."ICMP-Ttl"  = $null # $ObjPing."ICMP-Size"
                                    try {
                                        $x = $ping.send($ObjPing.IP, $timeOut, $Buffer)
                                        if ($x.status -like 'Success') {
                                            $ObjPing."ICMP" = [int]$x.RoundtripTime
                                            $ObjPing."ICMP-Ttl" = $x.Options.Ttl
                                            # $ObjPing."ICMP-Size" = $x.Buffer.Length
                                            $ObjPing.status ++
                                            # Write-LogStep -prefixe 'L.%Line% Ping' 'ICMP ', "$($x.RoundtripTime) ms", $x.Options.Ttl, $x.Buffer.Length ok
                                        else {
                                            # Write-LogStep -prefixe 'L.%Line% Ping' 'ICMP ', "$($x.RoundtripTime) ms", $x.Options.Ttl, $x.Buffer.Length Warn
                                            $ObjPing."ICMP" = $x.status
                                            $ObjPing."ICMP-Ttl" = $ObjPing."ICMP-Size" = '-'
                                    catch {
                                        # $ObjPing.ICMP =  'Unknow Host'
                        catch {
                            # Write-LogStep -prefixe 'L.%Line% Ping' '', 'Inpossible de determiner le noeud de destination !' error
                            $ObjPing.Status = 0
                        $ObjPing.status = "$([int]([Math]::Round($ObjPing.status / $ports.count,2) * 100))%"
                        $ObjPing.hasChanged = !($ObjPing.Status -eq $last -and $ObjPing.IP -eq $IP )
                        $last = $ObjPing.Status
                        $IP = $ObjPing.IP
                        ipconfig /flushdns

                $ObjPings += $ObjPing

                if ($loop -and $Intervale - $ms -gt 0) {
                    start-sleep -m ($Intervale - $ms)
    end {
        if ($computerName) {
            $pingScriptBlock = $pingScriptBlock | Include-ToScriptblock -StringBlocks "Ping -DestNode $DestNode -ports $($ports -join(',')) -timeout $timeout -loop $loop -Intervale $Intervale"
            Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock $pingScriptBlock | Select-Object -Property * -ExcludeProperty RunspaceID

使用-computerName args add函数进行远程使用:

function Include-ToScriptblock {
            integre des fonctions dans un script-block
            Ajoute au debut d'un scriptBlock (au niveau du marquage IncludeArea)
        .PARAMETER functions
            liste des fonctions a ajouter
        .PARAMETER ScriptBlock
            ScriptBlock a ettendre
            ettend un scriptBlock avec la finction test-TcpPort
            Include-ToScriptblock -ScriptBlock {
                    param($x = 2)
                    # Inclide Area #
                    run $x
                } -functions test-TcpPort
            Alban LOPEZ 2018
            alban.lopez @t gmail.com

    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        [ScriptBlock]$ScriptBlock = [scriptBlock]{
                # Inclide Area #
        [string]$marker = '# Inclide Area #'
    begin {
        $FuncTionSting = @()
    process {
        $ScriptBlockStr = $ScriptBlock.ToString()
        if ($ScriptBlockStr -notmatch $marker) {
            throw "Ou inclure ce code dans le ScriptBlock ? : utiliser le marquage `"$marker`""
        foreach ($function in ($functions | ?{$_})) {
            try {
                $function = Get-Item function:$function -ea stop
                $FuncTionSting += "`r`n# Imported from $($function.Source), V$($function.Version)`r`n $($function.CommandType) $($function.name){$($function.Definition)}`r`n`r`n"
            catch {
                if ($function -notlike 'Write-Host') {
                    # Write-LogStep  -prefixe 'L.%Line% %Caller%' $function, $_ Error
        foreach ($StringBlock in ($StringBlocks | ?{$_})) {
            try {
                $FuncTionSting += "`r`n$StringBlock`r`n`r`n"
            catch {
                # Write-LogStep  -prefixe 'L.%Line% %Caller%' '', $_ Error
    end {
        [ScriptBlock]::Create($ScriptBlockStr.Replace($marker, "$FuncTionSting`r`n`r`n$marker"))