虽然在sails项目中使用 npm压缩包,但我发现来自服务器的响应被压缩,但是我有一些API的响应没有被压缩/压缩。
根据文档 app.use(compression())本身会压缩所有响应,但是我在包含JSON的API中找不到任何响应标头为“ content-encoding”:“ gzip”数据响应。
access-control-allow-credentials: true
access-control-allow-origin: https://xxxxxxxxxx.com
content-length: 312
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
date: Wed, 28 Nov 2018 10:44:56 GMT
etag: W/"138-SIGn/Sj6rEAdXMhpUah0Xw"
status: 200
vary: X-HTTP-Method-Override, Accept-Encoding
x-powered-by: Sails <sailsjs.org>
以下是我在config / http.js文件中使用的自定义中间件
* HTTP Server Settings
* (sails.config.http)
* Configuration for the underlying HTTP server in Sails.
* Only applies to HTTP requests (not WebSockets)
* For more information on configuration, check out:
* http://sailsjs.org/#!/documentation/reference/sails.config/sails.config.http.html
var compression = require('compression')
module.exports.http = {
* *
* Express middleware to use for every Sails request. To add custom *
* middleware to the mix, add a function to the middleware config object and *
* add its key to the "order" array. The $custom key is reserved for *
* backwards-compatibility with Sails v0.9.x apps that use the *
* `customMiddleware` config option. *
* *
customMiddleware : function(app){