我正在使用MacOS应用程序,我想知道是否有一种方法可以从中获取活动浏览器的URL。应用程序是用C ++完成的。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
文件夹中的“脚本编辑器”应用程序进行查看。这是Google Chrome浏览器的词典外观:{ {3}}
您会看到我已经找到“ tab”类,并且在其中可以看到URL属性。
因此,您需要做的是先完成AppleScript ,以获取要定位的浏览器的窗口。然后,当它起作用时,您需要将AppleScript转换为基础的原始AppleEvents(AppleScripts编译为原始内容)。 AppleScripts和AppleEvents都可以用代码完成。
您真正正在寻找的答案(例如“我可以使用一些最高机密的API还是将代码中的URL发送到本地计算机上的某个开放端口中以查询浏览器?”)据我所知不存在。 AppleScript和AppleEvents是Apple提供的用于自动执行大多数应用程序的长期方式,您需要利用它们。
tell application "Safari"
set windowCount to number of windows
set docText to ""
--Repeat for Every Window
repeat with x from 1 to windowCount
set tabCount to number of tabs in window x
--Repeat for Every Tab in Current Window
repeat with y from 1 to tabCount
--Get Tab Name & URL
set tabName to name of tab y of window x
set tabURL to URL of tab y of window x
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
对于步骤2,我认为您可以使用this tutorial查看原始事件和产生的结果。
OSStatus CreateTheAppleEventForGetURL( OSType appSignature, long windowid, char **retval)
OSErr err = noErr;
AEAddressDesc targetAddress;
AEDescList replyDesc = { typeNull, nil };
AEKeyword keyword;
DescType desiredClass;
AEDesc replySingle, theOptionalAttributeDesc, theSeldDesc,theObjSpec,theThirdObjSpec,theSecondObjSpec,theFormDesc,theNullDesc;
AppleEvent theEvent, reply;
AEIdleUPP theIdleProc;
Boolean gotReply = false;
long errNumber=0;
long buffer;
Size actualSize;
char *result = NULL;
theIdleProc = NewAEIdleUPP((AEIdleProcPtr)&TheIdleFunction );
if( NULL != theIdleProc )
err = AECreateDesc( typeApplSignature, &appSignature, sizeof( appSignature ), &targetAddress );
if( noErr == err )
err = AECreateAppleEvent( 'core', 'getd', &targetAddress, kAutoGenerateReturnID, kAnyTransactionID, &theEvent );
buffer = 0x10000;
err = AECreateDesc('magn', &buffer, 4, &theOptionalAttributeDesc);
if( noErr == err )
err = AECreateDesc(typeNull, nil, 0, &theNullDesc);
desiredClass = 'cwin';
buffer = 'ID ';
err = AECreateDesc('enum',&buffer,4,&theFormDesc);
buffer = windowid;
err = AECreateDesc(typeLongInteger,&buffer,4,&theSeldDesc);
err = CreateObjSpecifier(desiredClass,&theNullDesc,'ID ',&theSeldDesc,true,&theThirdObjSpec);
buffer = 'docu';
err = AECreateDesc(typeType,&buffer,4,&theSeldDesc);
desiredClass = 'prop';
err = CreateObjSpecifier(desiredClass,&theThirdObjSpec,'prop',&theSeldDesc,true,&theSecondObjSpec);
buffer = 'prop';
err = AECreateDesc('enum',&buffer,4,&theFormDesc);
err = AECreateDesc(typeNull, nil, 0, &theObjSpec);
buffer = 'pURL';
err = AECreateDesc(typeType,&buffer,4,&theSeldDesc);
err = CreateObjSpecifier(desiredClass,&theSecondObjSpec,'prop',&theSeldDesc,true,&theObjSpec);
err = AEPutAttributeDesc(&theEvent,'csig',&theOptionalAttributeDesc);
err = AEPutParamDesc(&theEvent,keyDirectObject, &theObjSpec);
if( noErr == err )
err = AESend( &theEvent, &reply, kAEWaitReply + kAENeverInteract, kAENormalPriority, 120, theIdleProc, NULL );
if( noErr == err )
gotReply = true;
gotReply = false;
err = AEDisposeDesc(&theObjSpec);
err = AEDisposeDesc(&theOptionalAttributeDesc);
err = AEDisposeDesc(&theSeldDesc);
err = AEDisposeDesc(&theSecondObjSpec);
err = AEDisposeDesc(&theThirdObjSpec);
err = AEDisposeDesc(&theFormDesc);
err = AEDisposeDesc(&theNullDesc);
err = AEGetParamPtr(&reply, keyErrorNumber, typeLongInteger, NULL, &errNumber, sizeof(errNumber), &actualSize);
if(true == gotReply )
err = AEGetParamDesc( &reply, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, &replyDesc );
keyword = typeAEList;
err = AEGetNthDesc( &replyDesc, 1, typeUnicodeText, &keyword, &replySingle);
if( noErr == err)
OSStatus status;
Size theSize;
UnicodeMapping iUnicodeMapping;
UnicodeToTextInfo theInfo;
UniChar theName[512];
unsigned char crapola[512]; // a.k.a. a pstring
iUnicodeMapping.unicodeEncoding = kTextEncodingUnicodeDefault;
iUnicodeMapping.otherEncoding = kTextEncodingMacRoman;
iUnicodeMapping.mappingVersion = kUnicodeUseLatestMapping;
status = CreateUnicodeToTextInfo(&iUnicodeMapping,&theInfo);
theSize = AEGetDescDataSize(&replySingle);
err = AEGetDescData(&replySingle,&theName,512);
if( noErr == err)
err = ConvertFromUnicodeToPString(theInfo,theSize,theName,crapola);
if( noErr == err )
result = malloc( theSize * sizeof( char ));
if( NULL != result )
printf( "URL returned is %s\n", result);
status = DisposeUnicodeToTextInfo(&theInfo);
err = AEDisposeDesc( &targetAddress );
err = AEDisposeDesc( &replySingle );
DisposeAEIdleUPP( theIdleProc );
if( NULL != retval )
*retval = result;
我敢肯定the Accessory View Pane in Script Editor自macOS 10.8起不会编译,但是您明白了。