ID |VoucherNO| VoucherType| AccName | Particulars | Debit | Credit | Date
1 | 1 | Cash Payment| OFFICE EXPENSE | CASH ACCOUNT | 500 | 0 | 2018-nov-25
2 | 1 | Cash Payment| CASH ACCOUNT | OFFICE EXPENSE | 0 | 500 | 2018-nov-25
3 | 2 | Cash Payment| OFFICE EXPENSE | CASH ACCOUNT | 250 | 0 | 2018-nov-26
4 | 2 | Cash Payment| CASH ACCOUNT | OFFICE EXPENSE | 0 | 250 | 2018-nov-26
5 | 3 | Cash Payment| OFFICE EXPENSE | CASH ACCOUNT | 100 | 0 | 2018-nov-27
6 | 3 | Cash Payment| CASH ACCOUNT | OFFICE EXPENSE | 0 | 100 | 2018-nov-27
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
Date | VoucherNo | VoucherType | Partuclars | debit | credit | Balance
2018-nov-25 1 Cash Payment CASH ACCOUNT 500 500
2018-nov-26 2 Cash Payment CASH ACCOUNT 250 750
2018-nov-27 3 Cash Payment CASH ACCOUNT 100 850
total 850 0.00 850
此表从库存软件接收了我,但我不知道报告查询 如何使用PHP和MYSQL
答案 0 :(得分:0)
PHP可能将不得不完成大部分工作,因此我将省略SQL,但我假设一个简单的SELECT * FROM myTableName ORDER BY VoucherNo;
就可以了(如果这样的话,可能不需要ORDER BY主键)。我也将0用作初始余额,因此请根据需要进行调整。
$balance = 0;
$curdate = '';
$output = array();
$curValue = array(
'Date' => '',
'VoucherNo' => 0,
'VoucherType' => '',
'Partuclars' => '',
'debit' => 0,
'credit' => 0,
'Balance' => 0
foreach($prePopulatedResultsArray as $row) {
// if the current day is done being populated, add data to output and reset current
if ($curdate !== $row['Date']) {
// only add the current value if it has been populated
if ($curdate !== '')
$output[] = $curValue;
$curValue = array(
'Date' => $row['Date'],
'VoucherNo' => $row['VoucherNo'],
'VoucherType' => $row['VoucherType'],
'Partuclars' => $row['Partuclars'],
'debit' => $row['debit'],
'credit' => $row['credit'],
'Balance' => $balance + $row['debit']
$curdate = $row['Date'];
// if it is still the same day as the last iteration, add to existing values
} else {
$curValue['debit'] = $curValue['debit']+$row['debit'];
$curValue['credit'] = $curValue['debit']+$row['credit'];
$balance = $balance + $row['debit'];
$curValue['Balance'] = $curValue['Balance']+$balance;