我尝试了这段代码的几次迭代,其中我尝试使用GetInspector函数等以及.HTMLBody = replace(....
Public Sub SendRequests()
Dim ReqType As String
Dim MouldNPE As String
Dim Rev As String
Dim Cust As String
Dim CustCon As String
Dim CustEm As String
Dim Country As String
Dim PLPs As String
Dim Notes As String
'open loading bar
LoadingBar.Show vbModeless
'determine how many new requests have been added
NumNewReqs = UBound(RequestsToSend_Type) - LBound(RequestsToSend_Type)
'set loading bar parameters
LoadingBarMaxWidth = 350
If NumNewReqs = 0 Then LoadingBarDivisor = 1 Else LoadingBarDivisor = NumNewReqs
LoadingBarIncrement = LoadingBarMaxWidth / LoadingBarDivisor
'loop through all new requests
For i = 0 To NumNewReqs
'make sure outlook is open
On Error Resume Next
Set OLApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If OLApp Is Nothing Then
Shell ("OUTLOOK")
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
OutApp.ActiveWindow.WindowState = olMinimized
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
End If
'extract mould number and rev for email subject
MouldNPENum = RequestsToSend_MouldNPE(i) 'mould/npe number
Rev = RequestsToSend_Rev(i) 'revision
'open template
' Set TempMail = OutApp.CreateItemFromTemplate(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\RequestTemplate.oft")
' 'copy body of template and close
' With TempMail
' NewReqHTMLBody = .HTMLBody
' .Close 1
' End With
' Set TempMail = Nothing
'create new email
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItemFromTemplate(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\RequestTemplate.oft") 'OutApp.CreateItem(0)
With OutMail
.To = "ewan.otoole@stoelzle.com"
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""
.Subject = "New Pack Spec Request - " & MouldNPENum & " " & Rev
'open inspecor
Set vInspector = OutMail.GetInspector
Set wEditor = vInspector.WordEditor
'add request data
With wEditor
.Bookmarks("ReqType").Range.Text = RequestsToSend_Type(i) 'request type
.Bookmarks("MouldNPE").Range.Text = RequestsToSend_MouldNPE(i) 'mould/npe number
.Bookmarks("Rev").Range.Text = RequestsToSend_Rev(i) 'revision
.Bookmarks("Cust").Range.Text = RequestsToSend_Cust(i) 'customer
.Bookmarks("CustCon").Range.Text = RequestsToSend_CustCon(i) 'customer contact
.Bookmarks("CustEm").Range.Text = RequestsToSend_CustEma(i) 'customer email
.Bookmarks("Country").Range.Text = RequestsToSend_Country(i) 'country
If RequestsToSend_PLPs(i) = False Then PLPs = "No" Else PLPs = "Yes" 'plps
Bookmarks("PLPs").Range.Text = PLPs
Bookmarks("Notes").Range.Text = RequestsToSend_Notes(i) 'notes
End With
End With
Set vInspector = Nothing
Set wEditor = Nothing
Set OutMail = Nothing
Set OutApp = Nothing
'increase loading bar size
LoadingBar.LoadingBar.Width = LoadingBar.LoadingBar.Width + LoadingBarIncrement
Next i
'save workbook
'hide loading bar
Unload LoadingBar
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'notify user
MsgBox "All requests have been sent!", vbInformation, "Pack Spec Requests"
End Sub