背景:我使用美国地质调查局提供的一组命令行实用程序来处理行星图像。其中有些是RAM占用量,甚至达到了极限(10s of GB)。 USGS表示,这只是他们的运行方式,没有任何计划来更好地管理RAM。我构建了一个Python包装器来处理文件列表,以调用不同的步骤来处理部分数据(例如,所有图像在一个滤色器中拍摄,所有图像在另一滤色器中拍摄,而所有在另一滤色器中拍摄,等等)。由于已对多个列表和多个图像进行了处理,因此我将使用所有可能的CPU将其线程化,以更改可能需要两个月才能运行到一周的内容。目前,我不使用本机Python方法进行线程化;取而代之的是,我使用GNU Parallel(并使用os.system(“”)来调用并行,然后调用该函数),或者使用Pysis,这是Python调用和多线程USGS软件的方法。
问题:如前所述,对于某些文件,某些步骤会占用大量RAM,并且无法提前知道它们可能是什么。因此,我可能会遇到这样的情况:对于某些文件,每个进程使用200 MB内存,并且可以在具有8个内核的16GB RAM机器上正常运行,但是随后它可能会开始处理其他文件,其中我使用了几个GB的RAM,在16GB RAM机器上有8个处理器,这意味着RAM被压缩,使用了交换空间...这就是我很幸运,而且该机器不只是锁定。
答案 0 :(得分:2)
import time
import random
from threading import Thread
from multiprocessing import Process, active_children
import psutil
def format_mib(mem_bytes):
"""Format bytes into mebibyte-string."""
return f'{mem_bytes / 2 ** 20:.2f} MiB'
def f(append_length):
"""Main function in child-process. Appends random floats to list."""
p = psutil.Process()
li = []
for i in range(10):
li.extend([random.random() for _ in range(append_length)])
print(f'i: {i} | pid: {p.pid} | '
def monitored(running_processes, max_mib):
"""Monitor memory usage for running processes.
Suspend execution for processes surpassing `max_mib` and complete
one by one after behaving processes have finished.
running_processes = [psutil.Process(pid=p.pid) for p in running_processes]
suspended_processes = []
while running_processes:
active_children() # Joins all finished processes.
# Without it, p.is_running() below on Unix would not return `False`
# for finished processes.
actual_processes = running_processes.copy()
for p in actual_processes:
if not p.is_running():
print(f'removed finished process: {p}')
if p.memory_info().rss / 2 ** 20 > max_mib:
print(f'suspending process: {p}')
for p in suspended_processes:
print(f'\nresuming process: {p}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
MAX_MiB = 200
append_lengths = [100000, 500000, 1000000, 2000000, 300000]
processes = [Process(target=f, args=(append_length,))
for append_length in append_lengths]
for p in processes:
m = Thread(target=monitored, args=(processes, MAX_MiB))
示例输出(缩短),其中两个进程因超过200 MiB阈值而被暂停,并在行为过程完成后恢复:
i: 0 | pid: 17997 | 13.53 MiB
i: 0 | pid: 18001 | 19.70 MiB
i: 0 | pid: 17998 | 25.88 MiB
i: 0 | pid: 17999 | 41.32 MiB
i: 0 | pid: 18000 | 72.21 MiB
i: 2 | pid: 17997 | 20.84 MiB
i: 2 | pid: 18001 | 42.02 MiB
i: 2 | pid: 17998 | 60.56 MiB
i: 2 | pid: 17999 | 103.36 MiB
i: 2 | pid: 18000 | 215.70 MiB
suspending process: psutil.Process(pid=18000, name='python', started='18:20:09')
i: 3 | pid: 17997 | 23.93 MiB
i: 3 | pid: 18001 | 47.75 MiB
i: 3 | pid: 17998 | 76.00 MiB
i: 3 | pid: 17999 | 141.59 MiB
i: 5 | pid: 17997 | 30.11 MiB
i: 5 | pid: 18001 | 68.24 MiB
i: 5 | pid: 17998 | 107.23 MiB
i: 5 | pid: 17999 | 203.52 MiB
suspending process: psutil.Process(pid=17999, name='python', started='18:20:09')
i: 6 | pid: 17997 | 33.19 MiB
i: 6 | pid: 18001 | 77.49 MiB
i: 6 | pid: 17998 | 122.59 MiB
i: 9 | pid: 17997 | 42.47 MiB
i: 9 | pid: 18001 | 105.68 MiB
i: 9 | pid: 17998 | 168.96 MiB
removed finished process: psutil.Process(pid=17997, status='terminated')
removed finished process: psutil.Process(pid=17998, status='terminated')
removed finished process: psutil.Process(pid=18001, status='terminated')
resuming process: psutil.Process(pid=18000, name='python', started='18:20:09')
i: 3 | pid: 18000 | 277.46 MiB
i: 4 | pid: 18000 | 339.22 MiB
i: 5 | pid: 18000 | 400.84 MiB
i: 9 | pid: 18000 | 648.00 MiB
resuming process: psutil.Process(pid=17999, name='python', started='18:20:09')
i: 6 | pid: 17999 | 234.55 MiB
i: 9 | pid: 17999 | 327.31 MiB
Process finished with exit code 0
我扩展了上面的代码,以允许在旧进程结束时启动新进程,并且将正在运行的进程的最大值设置为内核数。我也将其重构为一个类,因为否则它将开始使所有需要管理的状态变得混乱。在下面的代码中,为了简洁起见,我将名称“ tasks”和“ processes”互换使用。请注意已更改的流程启动方法以及代码中附带的注释。
import time
import random
from threading import Thread
from collections import deque
from multiprocessing import Process, active_children, set_start_method
import psutil
# `def format_mib` and `def f` from above unchanged...
class TaskProcessor(Thread):
"""Processor class which monitors memory usage for running
tasks (processes). Suspends execution for tasks surpassing
`max_mib` and completes them one by one, after behaving
tasks have finished.
def __init__(self, n_cores, max_mib, tasks):
self.n_cores = n_cores
self.max_mib = max_mib # memory threshold
self.tasks = deque(tasks)
self._running_tasks = []
self._suspended_tasks = []
def run(self):
"""Main-function in new thread."""
def _update_running_tasks(self):
"""Start new tasks if we have less running tasks than cores."""
while len(self._running_tasks) < self.n_cores and len(self.tasks) > 0:
p = self.tasks.popleft()
# for further process-management we here just need the
# psutil.Process wrapper
print(f'Started process: {self._running_tasks[-1]}')
def _monitor_running_tasks(self):
"""Monitor running tasks. Replace completed tasks and suspend tasks
which exceed the memory threshold `self.max_mib`.
# loop while we have running or non-started tasks
while self._running_tasks or self.tasks:
active_children() # Joins all finished processes.
# Without it, p.is_running() below on Unix would not return
# `False` for finished processes.
actual_tasks = self._running_tasks.copy()
for p in actual_tasks:
if not p.is_running(): # process has finished
print(f'Removed finished process: {p}')
if p.memory_info().rss / 2 ** 20 > self.max_mib:
print(f'Suspended process: {p}')
def _process_suspended_tasks(self):
"""Resume processing of suspended tasks."""
for p in self._suspended_tasks:
print(f'\nResuming process: {p}')
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Forking (default on Unix-y systems) an already multithreaded process is
# error-prone. Since we intend to start processes after we are already
# multithreaded, we switch to another start-method.
set_start_method('spawn') # or 'forkserver' (a bit faster start up) if available
MAX_MiB = 200
append_lengths = [100000, 500000, 1000000, 2000000, 300000]
tasks = [Process(target=f, args=(append_length,))
for append_length in append_lengths]
tp = TaskProcessor(n_cores=N_CORES, max_mib=MAX_MiB, tasks=tasks)
Started process: psutil.Process(pid=9422, name='python', started='13:45:53')
Started process: psutil.Process(pid=9423, name='python', started='13:45:53')
i: 0 | pid: 9422 | 18.95 MiB
i: 0 | pid: 9423 | 31.45 MiB
i: 9 | pid: 9422 | 47.36 MiB
i: 9 | pid: 9423 | 175.41 MiB
Removed finished process: psutil.Process(pid=9422, status='terminated')
Removed finished process: psutil.Process(pid=9423, status='terminated')
Started process: psutil.Process(pid=9445, name='python', started='13:46:15')
Started process: psutil.Process(pid=9446, name='python', started='13:46:15')
i: 0 | pid: 9445 | 46.86 MiB
i: 0 | pid: 9446 | 77.74 MiB
i: 2 | pid: 9445 | 117.41 MiB
i: 2 | pid: 9446 | 220.99 MiB
Suspended process: psutil.Process(pid=9446, name='python', started='13:46:15')
Started process: psutil.Process(pid=9450, name='python', started='13:46:21')
i: 0 | pid: 9450 | 25.16 MiB
i: 3 | pid: 9445 | 148.29 MiB
i: 1 | pid: 9450 | 36.47 MiB
i: 4 | pid: 9445 | 179.17 MiB
i: 2 | pid: 9450 | 45.74 MiB
i: 5 | pid: 9445 | 211.14 MiB
Suspended process: psutil.Process(pid=9445, name='python', started='13:46:15')
i: 3 | pid: 9450 | 55.00 MiB
i: 9 | pid: 9450 | 110.62 MiB
Removed finished process: psutil.Process(pid=9450, status='terminated')
Resuming process: psutil.Process(pid=9446, name='python', started='13:46:15')
i: 3 | pid: 9446 | 282.75 MiB
i: 9 | pid: 9446 | 655.35 MiB
Resuming process: psutil.Process(pid=9445, name='python', started='13:46:15')
i: 6 | pid: 9445 | 242.12 MiB
i: 9 | pid: 9445 | 334.88 MiB
Process finished with exit code 0
答案 1 :(得分:1)
parallel --memfree
parallel --memfree 1G doit ::: {1..100}
仅当有> 1 GB可用RAM时,这才会产生一个新进程。如果可用空间少于0.5 * 1 GB,它将杀死最小的磁盘并将该作业重新放入队列。