错误消息:不存在从“ orderedLinkedList”到“ const int”的合适转换函数 项目:Ch19_Ex9文件:Ch19_Ex9.cpp行:33:
//68 43 10 56 77 82 61 82 33 56 72 66 99 88 12 6 7 21 -999
#include "binarySearchTree.h"
#include "orderedLinkedList.h"
#include "pch.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
binarySearchTree<int> treeRoot;
orderedLinkedList<int> newList;
int num;
cout << "Enter numbers ending with -999" << endl;
cin >> num;
while (num != -999)
cin >> num;
cout << endl << "Tree nodes in inorder: ";
cout << endl;
cout << "Tree Height: " << treeRoot.treeHeight()
<< endl;
treeRoot.createList(newList); //HERE IS THE LINE WITH ISSUE
cout << "newList: ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
//Header File Binary Search Tree
#include <iostream>
#include "binaryTree.h"
using namespace std;
template <class Type>
class binarySearchTree : public binaryTreeType<Type>
bool search(const Type& searchItem) const;
//Function to determine if searchItem is in the binary
//search tree.
//Postcondition: Returns true if searchItem is found in
// the binary search tree; otherwise,
// returns false.
void insert(const Type& insertItem);
//Function to insert insertItem in the binary search tree.
//Postcondition: If there is no node in the binary search
// tree that has the same info as
// insertItem, a node with the info
// insertItem is created and inserted in the
// binary search tree.
void deleteNode(const Type& deleteItem);
//Function to delete deleteItem from the binary search tree
//Postcondition: If a node with the same info as deleteItem
// is found, it is deleted from the binary
// search tree.
// If the binary tree is empty or deleteItem
// is not in the binary tree, an appropriate
// message is printed.
void createList(const Type& addItem);
void deleteFromTree(nodeType<Type>* &p);
//Function to delete the node to which p points is
//deleted from the binary search tree.
//Postcondition: The node to which p points is deleted
// from the binary search tree.
template <class Type>
bool binarySearchTree<Type>::search
(const Type& searchItem) const
nodeType<Type> *current;
bool found = false;
if (root == nullptrptr)
cout << "Cannot search an empty tree." << endl;
current = root;
while (current != nullptrptr && !found)
if (current->info == searchItem)
found = true;
else if (current->info > searchItem)
current = current->lLink;
current = current->rLink;
}//end while
}//end else
return found;
}//end search
template <class Type>
void binarySearchTree<Type>::insert
(const Type& insertItem)
nodeType<Type> *current; //pointer to traverse the tree
nodeType<Type> *trailCurrent; //pointer behind current
nodeType<Type> *newNode; //pointer to create the node
newNode = new nodeType<Type>;
newNode->info = insertItem;
newNode->lLink = nullptrptr;
newNode->rLink = nullptrptr;
if (root == nullptrptr)
root = newNode;
current = root;
while (current != nullptrptr)
trailCurrent = current;
if (current->info == insertItem)
cout << "The item to be inserted is already ";
cout << "in the tree -- duplicates are not "
<< "allowed." << endl;
else if (current->info > insertItem)
current = current->lLink;
current = current->rLink;
}//end while
if (trailCurrent->info > insertItem)
trailCurrent->lLink = newNode;
trailCurrent->rLink = newNode;
}//end insert
template <class Type>
void binarySearchTree<Type>::deleteNode
(const Type& deleteItem)
nodeType<Type> *current; //pointer to traverse the tree
nodeType<Type> *trailCurrent; //pointer behind current
bool found = false;
if (root == nullptr)
cout << "Cannot delete from an empty tree."
<< endl;
current = root;
trailCurrent = root;
while (current != nullptr && !found)
if (current->info == deleteItem)
found = true;
trailCurrent = current;
if (current->info > deleteItem)
current = current->lLink;
current = current->rLink;
}//end while
if (current == nullptr)
cout << "The item to be deleted is not in the tree."
<< endl;
else if (found)
if (current == root)
else if (trailCurrent->info > deleteItem)
cout << "The item to be deleted is not in the tree."
<< endl;
} //end deleteNode
template <class Type>
void binarySearchTree<Type>::deleteFromTree
(nodeType<Type>* &p)
nodeType<Type> *current; //pointer to traverse the tree
nodeType<Type> *trailCurrent; //pointer behind current
nodeType<Type> *temp; //pointer to delete the node
if (p == nullptr)
cout << "Error: The node to be deleted does not exist."
<< endl;
else if (p->lLink == nullptr && p->rLink == nullptr)
temp = p;
p = nullptr;
delete temp;
else if (p->lLink == nullptr)
temp = p;
p = temp->rLink;
delete temp;
else if (p->rLink == nullptr)
temp = p;
p = temp->lLink;
delete temp;
current = p->lLink;
trailCurrent = nullptr;
while (current->rLink != nullptr)
trailCurrent = current;
current = current->rLink;
}//end while
p->info = current->info;
if (trailCurrent == nullptr) //current did not move;
//current == p->lLink; adjust p
p->lLink = current->lLink;
trailCurrent->rLink = current->lLink;
delete current;
}//end else
} //end deleteFromTree
template <class Type>
void binarySearchTree<Type>::createList(const Type& addItem)
nodeType<Type> *current;
nodeType<Type> *trailCurrent;
nodeType<Type> *newNode;
newNode = new nodeType <Type>;
newNode->info = createItem;
newNode->lLink = nullptr;
newNode->rLink = nullptr;
if (root == nullptr)
root = newNode;
#include "linkedList.h"
using namespace std;
template <class Type>
class orderedLinkedList : public linkedListType<Type>
bool search(const Type& searchItem) const;
void insert(const Type& newItem);
void insertFirst(const Type& newItem);
void insertLast(const Type& deleteItem);
void deleteNode(const Type& deleteItem);
template <class Type>
bool orderedLinkedList<Type>::search(const Type& searchItem) const
nodeType<Type> *current; //pointer to traverse the list
bool found = false;
current = first; //set current to point to the first
//node in the list
while (current != nullptr && !found) //search the list
if (current->info == searchItem) //searchItem is found
found = true;
current = current->link; //make current point to
//the next node
return found;
template <class Type>
void orderedLinkedList<Type>::insert(const Type& newItem)
template <class Type>
void orderedLinkedList<Type>::insertFirst(const Type& newItem)
nodeType<Type> *newNode; //pointer to create the new node
newNode = new nodeType<Type>; //create the new node
newNode->info = newItem; //store the new item in the node
newNode->link = first; //insert newNode before first
first = newNode; //make first point to the
//actual first node
count++; //increment count
if (last == nullptr) //if the list was empty, newNode is also
//the last node in the list
last = newNode;
template <class Type>
void orderedLinkedList<Type>::insertLast(const Type& deleteItem)
nodeType<Type> *newNode; //pointer to create the new node
newNode = new nodeType<Type>; //create the new node
newNode->info = newItem; //store the new item in the node
newNode->link = nullptr; //set the link field of newNode
//to nullptr
if (first == nullptr) //if the list is empty, newNode is
//both the first and last node
first = newNode;
last = newNode;
count++; //increment count
else //the list is not empty, insert newNode after last
last->link = newNode; //insert newNode after last
last = newNode; //make last point to the actual
//last node in the list
count++; //increment count
template <class Type>
void orderedLinkedList<Type>::deleteNode(const Type& deleteItem)
nodeType<Type> *current;
nodeType<Type> *trailCurrent;
bool found;
if (first == nullptr)
cout << "Cannot delete from an empty list."
<< endl;
if (first->info == deleteItem)
current = first;
first = first->link;
if (first == nullptr)
last = nullptr;
delete current;
found = false;
trailCurrent = first;
current = first->link;
while (current != nullptr && !found)
if (current->info != deleteItem)
trailCurrent = current;
current = current->link;
found = true;
if (found)
trailCurrent->link = current->link;
if (last == current)
last = trailCurrent;
delete current;
cout << "The item to be deleted is not in "
<< "the list." << endl;