
时间:2018-11-26 22:50:15

标签: dicom dcmtk



findscu -v -aet DCMTK -aec VMSDBD 10.196.XX.XXX 51XXX -S -k PatientID=303XXXXX -k QueryRetrieveLevel=STUDY -k 0020,000D 





I:(0010,0020)LO [303XXXXX]#8,1 PatientID


I:(0020,000d)UI [1.2.840.113619.]#52,1 StudyInstanceUID




findscu -aet DCMTK -aec VMSDBD 10.196.XX.XXX 51XXX -S -k PatientID=3038XXXX -k QueryRetrieveLevel=SERIES -k "0020,000D=1.2.840.113619." -k "0008,0060=CT" -k 0020,000E







I:(0008,0060)CS [CT]#2,1方式


I:(0010,0020)LO [3038XXXX]#8,1病人ID


I:(0020,000d)UI [1.2.840.113619.]#52,1 StudyInstanceUID


I:(0020,000e)UI []#56,1 SeriesInstanceUID


I:(0020,0011)IS [2]#2,1 SeriesNumber






I:(0008,0060)CS [CT]#2,1方式


I:(0010,0020)LO [3038XXXX]#8,1病人ID


I:(0020,000d)UI [1.2.840.113619.]#52,1 StudyInstanceUID


I:(0020,000e)UI [1.2.840.113619.]#56,1 SeriesInstanceUID


I:(0020,0011)IS [3]#2,1 SeriesNumber




movescu –aet DCMTK –aec VMSDBD -aem VMSFSD-OUT –S -k 0008,0052=SERIES -k 0020,000E=1.2.840.113619. 10.196.XX.XXX 51XXX





I:(0020,000e)UI [1.2.840.113619.]#54,1 SeriesInstanceUID





问题在于患者有两种类型的CT系列:“ ConeBeam CT”和“ CT:

但是两种类型的CT系列的Modality标签(0008,0060)均为“ CT”。我只想拉“ ConeBeam” CT系列。使用前面的命令,我将拉动所有命令(全部都是)。即我无法将“ ConeBeam CT”与“ CT”区分开来。

那么,有什么方法可以使用DCMTK命令将“ ConeBeam CT”系列与“ CT”系列区分开?

以下是“ ConeBeam CT”标头的转储:

(0002,0000) Group Length                                        VR: UL  Length: 4    Value: 188 
(0002,0001) File Meta Information Version                       VR: OB  Length: 2    Value: 0
(0002,0002) Media Storage SOP Class UID                         VR: UI  Length: 26   Value: 
(0002,0003) Media Storage SOP Instance UID                      VR: UI  Length: 58   Value: 
(0002,0010) Transfer Syntax UID                                 VR: UI  Length: 18   Value: 
(0002,0012) Implementation Class UID                            VR: UI  Length: 24   Value: 
(0002,0013) Implementation Version Name                         VR: SH  Length: 8    Value: DCIE 2.2
(0008,0005) Specific Character Set                              VR: CS  Length: 10   Value: ISO_IR 192
(0008,0008) Image Type                                          VR: CS  Length: 22   Value: ORIGINAL\PRIMARY\AXIAL
(0008,0012) Instance Creation Date                              VR: DA  Length: 8    Value: 20181115
(0008,0013) Instance Creation Time                              VR: TM  Length: 6    Value: 150640
(0008,0016) SOP Class UID                                       VR: UI  Length: 26   Value: 
(0008,0018) SOP Instance UID                                    VR: UI  Length: 58   Value:
(0008,0020) Study Date                                          VR: DA  Length: 8    Value: 20181009
(0008,0021) Series Date                                         VR: DA  Length: 8    Value: 20181101
(0008,0022) Acquisition Date                                    VR: DA  Length: 8    Value: 20181101
(0008,0023) Image Date                                          VR: DA  Length: 8    Value: 20181101
(0008,0030) Study Time                                          VR: TM  Length: 6    Value: 111141
(0008,0031) Series Time                                         VR: TM  Length: 10   Value: 114125.627
(0008,0032) Acquisition Time                                    VR: TM  Length: 10   Value: 114048.727
(0008,0033) Image Time                                          VR: TM  Length: 10   Value: 114048.727
(0008,0050) Accession Number                                    VR: SH  Length: 0    
(0008,0060) Modality                                            VR: CS  Length: 2    Value: CT
(0008,0070) Manufacturer                                        VR: LO  Length: 22   Value: Varian Medical Systems
(0008,0090) Referring Physician's Name                          VR: PN  Length: 8    Value:  
(0008,1010) Station Name                                        VR: SH  Length: 10   Value:  
(0008,1030) Study Description                                   VR: LO  Length: 2    Value: HN
(0008,1048) Physician(s) of Record                              VR: PN  Length: 14   Value:  
(0008,1070) Operators' Name                                     VR: PN  Length: 14   Value: DICOM Service 
(0008,1090) Manufacturer's Model Name                           VR: LO  Length: 10   Value: RDS - PVA 
(0008,114A) Referenced Instance Sequence                        VR: SQ  Length: 222  
        (0008,1150) Referenced SOP Class UID                            VR: UI  Length: 20   Value: 
        (0008,1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID                         VR: UI  Length: 52   Value: 
        (0040,A170) Purpose of Reference Code Sequence                  VR: SQ  Length: 118  
                (0008,0100) Code Value                                          VR: SH  Length: 4    Value: 1000
                (0008,0102) Coding Scheme Designator                            VR: SH  Length: 16   Value: 99VMS_PURPREFOBJ
                (0008,0103) Coding Scheme Version                               VR: SH  Length: 4    Value: 1.0 
                (0008,0104) Code Meaning                                        VR: LO  Length: 54   Value: RT Plan or RT Ion Plan or Radiation Set to be verified
(0008,3010) Irradiation Event UID                               VR: UI  Length: 56   Value: 
(0010,0010) Patient's Name                                      VR: PN  Length: 14   Value: 
(0010,0020) Patient ID                                          VR: LO  Length: 8    Value: XXXXX
(0010,0030) Patient's Birth Date                                VR: DA  Length: 8    Value: 
(0010,0032) Patient's Birth Time                                VR: TM  Length: 6    Value: 
(0010,0040) Patient's Sex                                       VR: CS  Length: 2    Value:  
(0018,0022) Scan Options                                        VR: CS  Length: 8    Value: STANDARD
(0018,0050) Slice Thickness                                     VR: DS  Length: 16   Value: 1.99621475530568
(0018,0060) KVP                                                 VR: DS  Length: 4    Value: 100 
(0018,0090) Data Collection Diameter                            VR: DS  Length: 16   Value: 492.365501391455
(0018,1000) Device Serial Number                                VR: LO  Length: 4    Value: 
(0018,1020) Software Version(s)                                 VR: LO  Length: 8    Value: 
(0018,1100) Reconstruction Diameter                             VR: DS  Length: 6    Value: 281.6 
(0018,1110) Distance Source to Detector                         VR: DS  Length: 4    Value: 1540
(0018,1111) Distance Source to Patient                          VR: DS  Length: 4    Value: 1000
(0018,1120) Gantry/Detector Tilt                                VR: DS  Length: 2    Value: 0 
(0018,1130) Table Height                                        VR: DS  Length: 6    Value: 166.51
(0018,1140) Rotation Direction                                  VR: CS  Length: 2    Value: CC
(0018,1150) Exposure Time                                       VR: IS  Length: 4    Value: 4630
(0018,1151) X-Ray Tube Current                                  VR: IS  Length: 2    Value: 30
(0018,1152) Exposure                                            VR: IS  Length: 4    Value: 138 
(0018,1160) Filter Type                                         VR: SH  Length: 12   Value: Tit V2,HF V2
(0018,1190) Focal Spot(s)                                       VR: DS  Length: 2    Value: 1 
(0018,1210) Convolution Kernel                                  VR: SH  Length: 4    Value: None
(0018,5100) Patient Position                                    VR: CS  Length: 4    Value: HFS 
(0018,9345) CTDIvol                                             VR: FD  Length: 8    Value: 3.666960 
(0018,9346) CTDI Phantom Type Code Sequence                     VR: SQ  Length: 84   
        (0008,0100) Code Value                                          VR: SH  Length: 6    Value: 113690
        (0008,0102) Coding Scheme Designator                            VR: SH  Length: 4    Value: DCM 
        (0008,0103) Coding Scheme Version                               VR: SH  Length: 8    Value: 20061023
        (0008,0104) Code Meaning                                        VR: LO  Length: 26   Value: IEC Head Dosimetry Phantom
(0020,000D) Study Instance UID                                  VR: UI  Length: 52   Value: 1.2.840.113619. 
(0020,000E) Series Instance UID                                 VR: UI  Length: 58   Value:
(0020,0010) Study ID                                            VR: SH  Length: 6    Value: XXXXX  
(0020,0011) Series Number                                       VR: IS  Length: 2    Value: 2 
(0020,0012) Acquisition Number                                  VR: IS  Length: 2    Value: 1 
(0020,0013) Image Number                                        VR: IS  Length: 2    Value: 19
(0020,0032) Image Position (Patient)                            VR: DS  Length: 34   Value: -140.525\-140.525\-61.882657414476
(0020,0037) Image Orientation (Patient)                         VR: DS  Length: 12   Value: 1\0\0\0\1\0 
(0020,0052) Frame of Reference UID                              VR: UI  Length: 58   Value: 
(0020,1040) Position Reference Indicator                        VR: LO  Length: 0    
(0020,4000) Image Comments                                      VR: LT  Length: 72   Value: Reconstruction Mode THREE_D
Ring Suppression MEDIUM

(0028,0002) Samples per Pixel                                   VR: US  Length: 2    Value: 1 
(0028,0004) Photometric Interpretation                          VR: CS  Length: 12   Value: MONOCHROME2 
(0028,0010) Rows                                                VR: US  Length: 2    Value: 512 
(0028,0011) Columns                                             VR: US  Length: 2    Value: 512 
(0028,0030) Pixel Spacing                                       VR: DS  Length: 10   Value: 0.55\0.55 
(0028,0100) Bits Allocated                                      VR: US  Length: 2    Value: 16 
(0028,0101) Bits Stored                                         VR: US  Length: 2    Value: 16 
(0028,0102) High Bit                                            VR: US  Length: 2    Value: 15 
(0028,0103) Pixel Representation                                VR: US  Length: 2    Value: 0 
(0028,1050) Window Center                                       VR: DS  Length: 4    Value: -50 
(0028,1051) Window Width                                        VR: DS  Length: 4    Value: 670 
(0028,1052) Rescale Intercept                                   VR: DS  Length: 6    Value: -1000 
(0028,1053) Rescale Slope                                       VR: DS  Length: 2    Value: 1 
(0028,1054) Rescale Type                                        VR: LO  Length: 2    Value: HU
(300A,0122) Patient Support Angle                               VR: DS  Length: 2    Value: 0 
(300A,0129) Table Top Longitudinal Position                     VR: DS  Length: 16   Value: 1518.00350447863
(300A,012A) Table Top Lateral Position                          VR: DS  Length: 16   Value: 9.67474747474753
(3253,0010)                                                     VR: LO  Length: 34   Value: Varian Medical Systems VISION 3253
(3253,1000)                                                     VR: ST  Length: 484  Value: (Long Size Data)
(3253,1001)                                                     VR: IS  Length: 2    Value: 0 
(3253,1002)                                                     VR: CS  Length: 16   Value: ImageProcessing 


(0002,0000) Group Length                                        VR: UL  Length: 4    Value: 184 
(0002,0001) File Meta Information Version                       VR: OB  Length: 2    Value: 0
(0002,0002) Media Storage SOP Class UID                         VR: UI  Length: 26   Value: 
(0002,0003) Media Storage SOP Instance UID                      VR: UI  Length: 54   Value: 
(0002,0010) Transfer Syntax UID                                 VR: UI  Length: 18   Value: 
(0002,0012) Implementation Class UID                            VR: UI  Length: 24   Value: 
(0002,0013) Implementation Version Name                         VR: SH  Length: 8    Value: DCIE 2.2
(0008,0005) Specific Character Set                              VR: CS  Length: 10   Value: ISO_IR 192
(0008,0008) Image Type                                          VR: CS  Length: 22   Value: ORIGINAL\PRIMARY\AXIAL
(0008,0012) Instance Creation Date                              VR: DA  Length: 8    Value: 20181115
(0008,0013) Instance Creation Time                              VR: TM  Length: 6    Value: 151330
(0008,0016) SOP Class UID                                       VR: UI  Length: 26   Value: 
(0008,0018) SOP Instance UID                                    VR: UI  Length: 54   Value: 1.2.840.113619.
(0008,0020) Study Date                                          VR: DA  Length: 8    Value: 20181009
(0008,0021) Series Date                                         VR: DA  Length: 8    Value: 20181009
(0008,0022) Acquisition Date                                    VR: DA  Length: 8    Value: 20181009
(0008,0023) Image Date                                          VR: DA  Length: 8    Value: 20181009
(0008,0030) Study Time                                          VR: TM  Length: 6    Value: 111141
(0008,0031) Series Time                                         VR: TM  Length: 6    Value: 111308
(0008,0032) Acquisition Time                                    VR: TM  Length: 10   Value: 111515.407
(0008,0033) Image Time                                          VR: TM  Length: 6    Value: 111520
(0008,0050) Accession Number                                    VR: SH  Length: 0    
(0008,0060) Modality                                            VR: CS  Length: 2    Value: CT
(0008,0070) Manufacturer                                        VR: LO  Length: 18   Value: GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS
(0008,0080) Institution Name                                    VR: LO  Length: 26   Value: 
(0008,0090) Referring Physician's Name                          VR: PN  Length: 8    Value:  
(0008,1010) Station Name                                        VR: SH  Length: 4    Value: rtct
(0008,1030) Study Description                                   VR: LO  Length: 2    Value: HN
(0008,103E) Series Description                                  VR: LO  Length: 12   Value: CHEST 2.5 MM
(0008,1048) Physician(s) of Record                              VR: PN  Length: 14   Value:  
(0008,1070) Operators' Name                                     VR: PN  Length: 14   Value: 
(0008,1090) Manufacturer's Model Name                           VR: LO  Length: 18   Value: Discovery CT590 RT
(0008,1140) Referenced Image Sequence                           VR: SQ  Length: 104  
        (0008,1150) Referenced SOP Class UID                            VR: UI  Length: 26   Value: 
        (0008,1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID                         VR: UI  Length: 54   Value: 
(0008,3010) Irradiation Event UID                               VR: UI  Length: 52   Value: 
(0010,0010) Patient's Name                                      VR: PN  Length: 14   Value: 
(0010,0020) Patient ID                                          VR: LO  Length: 8    Value: XXXXX
(0010,0030) Patient's Birth Date                                VR: DA  Length: 8    Value: 
(0010,0032) Patient's Birth Time                                VR: TM  Length: 6    Value: 
(0010,0040) Patient's Sex                                       VR: CS  Length: 2    Value:  
(0018,0022) Scan Options                                        VR: CS  Length: 12   Value: HELICAL MODE
(0018,0050) Slice Thickness                                     VR: DS  Length: 4    Value: 2.5 
(0018,0060) KVP                                                 VR: DS  Length: 4    Value: 120 
(0018,0090) Data Collection Diameter                            VR: DS  Length: 4    Value: 500 
(0018,1000) Device Serial Number                                VR: LO  Length: 2    Value: * 
(0018,1020) Software Version(s)                                 VR: LO  Length: 10   Value: rt_bjcl.35
(0018,1100) Reconstruction Diameter                             VR: DS  Length: 4    Value: 650 
(0018,1110) Distance Source to Detector                         VR: DS  Length: 8    Value: 1062.55 
(0018,1111) Distance Source to Patient                          VR: DS  Length: 8    Value: 605.945 
(0018,1120) Gantry/Detector Tilt                                VR: DS  Length: 2    Value: 0 
(0018,1130) Table Height                                        VR: DS  Length: 4    Value: 174 
(0018,1140) Rotation Direction                                  VR: CS  Length: 2    Value: CW
(0018,1150) Exposure Time                                       VR: IS  Length: 4    Value: 856 
(0018,1151) X-Ray Tube Current                                  VR: IS  Length: 2    Value: 99
(0018,1152) Exposure                                            VR: IS  Length: 2    Value: 13
(0018,1160) Filter Type                                         VR: SH  Length: 12   Value: BODY FILTER 
(0018,1170) Generator Power                                     VR: IS  Length: 6    Value: 84000 
(0018,1190) Focal Spot(s)                                       VR: DS  Length: 4    Value: 1.2 
(0018,1210) Convolution Kernel                                  VR: SH  Length: 8    Value: STANDARD
(0018,5100) Patient Position                                    VR: CS  Length: 4    Value: HFS 
(0020,000D) Study Instance UID                                  VR: UI  Length: 52   Value: 1.2.840.113619.
(0020,000E) Series Instance UID                                 VR: UI  Length: 52   Value: 1.2.840.113619.
(0020,0010) Study ID                                            VR: SH  Length: 6    Value:  XXXXX
(0020,0011) Series Number                                       VR: IS  Length: 2    Value: 2 
(0020,0012) Acquisition Number                                  VR: IS  Length: 2    Value: 1 
(0020,0013) Image Number                                        VR: IS  Length: 2    Value: 19
(0020,0032) Image Position (Patient)                            VR: DS  Length: 16   Value: -325\-325\157.5 
(0020,0037) Image Orientation (Patient)                         VR: DS  Length: 12   Value: 1\0\0\0\1\0 
(0020,0052) Frame of Reference UID                              VR: UI  Length: 60   Value: 
(0020,1040) Position Reference Indicator                        VR: LO  Length: 0    
(0020,1041) Slice Location                                      VR: DS  Length: 6    Value: 157.5 
(0028,0002) Samples per Pixel                                   VR: US  Length: 2    Value: 1 
(0028,0004) Photometric Interpretation                          VR: CS  Length: 12   Value: MONOCHROME2 
(0028,0010) Rows                                                VR: US  Length: 2    Value: 512 
(0028,0011) Columns                                             VR: US  Length: 2    Value: 512 
(0028,0030) Pixel Spacing                                       VR: DS  Length: 18   Value: 1.269531\1.269531 
(0028,0100) Bits Allocated                                      VR: US  Length: 2    Value: 16 
(0028,0101) Bits Stored                                         VR: US  Length: 2    Value: 16 
(0028,0102) High Bit                                            VR: US  Length: 2    Value: 15 
(0028,0103) Pixel Representation                                VR: US  Length: 2    Value: 1 
(0028,1050) Window Center                                       VR: DS  Length: 2    Value: 40
(0028,1051) Window Width                                        VR: DS  Length: 4    Value: 400 
(0028,1052) Rescale Intercept                                   VR: DS  Length: 6    Value: -1000 
(0028,1053) Rescale Slope                                       VR: DS  Length: 2    Value: 1 
(0028,1054) Rescale Type                                        VR: LO  Length: 2    Value: HU

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


您应该检索实例(C-MOVE / C-GET)并过滤您的C-STORE SCP 上的实例。
同样,在这种情况下,您需要找到区分实例的标签。在您的特定情况下,可以考虑使用(0008,0070) Manufacturer和/或(0008,1090) Manufacturer's Model Name
