我有一个excel文件,以后必须打印,但是我试图创建宏,它将检查整个单元格的内容是否可见。长话短说,下面的代码将单元格值复制到一个临时单元格中,如果它只能用于调整行高,则可以执行此操作,如果需要更改列宽,则将其标记为颜色(.interior.colorindex)。 [下面的代码]。它可以完美地工作,但是同时在工作表中,我使用条件格式来创建“表”,以获得更好的数据可见性(出于各种原因,我无法使用标准表)。您可能知道,标准条件格式不能被覆盖,这就是为什么我创建UDF并将其用于条件格式公式的原因。
Function TestColor(MyRange As Range) As Boolean
If Range(MyRange.Address).Interior.Pattern = xlNone Then
TestColor = True
TestColor = False
End If
End Function
它也按预期工作,但是Worksheet_change停止同时工作。单独地,两个代码都可以完美地工作,只有条件格式的UDF一起工作。 您是否知道如何对其进行修改以开始工作或在类似情况下可以解决?
编辑: 如果我在条件格式范围之外更改值,则“ Fits”过程可以正常工作,因此看起来UDF参考正在积极阻止“ Fits”继续进行。
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
call Fits(Target)
End sub
Sub Fits(ByVal Range As Range)
Dim cell As Range, tmp_cell As Range, da As Boolean, su As Boolean Wrap as string
'Stores current state and disables ScreenUpdating and DisplayAlerts
su = Application.ScreenUpdating: Application.ScreenUpdating = False
da = Application.DisplayAlerts: Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
'Creates a new worksheet and uses first cell as temporary cell
Set tmp_cell = Worksheets("TemporaryTEST").Cells(1, 1)
Wrap= Range.Wraptext
'Enumerate all cells in Range
For Each cell In Range.Cells
'Copy cell to temporary cell
cell.Copy tmp_cell
'Copy cell value to temporary cell, if formula was used
If cell.HasFormula Then tmp_cell.Value = cell.Value
'Checking depends on WrapText
Select Case Wrap
Case "True", "Null"
'Ensure temporary cell column is equal to original
tmp_cell.ColumnWidth = cell.ColumnWidth
tmp_cell.EntireRow.AutoFit 'Force fitting
If tmp_cell.RowHeight > cell.RowHeight Then 'Cell doesn't fit!
If tmp_cell.RowHeight = 409.5 Then
tmp_cell.EntireColumn.AutoFit 'Force fitting
If tmp_cell.ColumnWidth > cell.ColumnWidth Then 'Cell doesn't fit!
cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 20
Exit For
End If
End If
'row extension needed
cell.RowHeight = tmp_cell.RowHeight
Exit For 'Exit For loop (at least one cell doesn't fit)
End If
Case "False"
tmp_cell.EntireColumn.AutoFit 'Force fitting
If tmp_cell.ColumnWidth > cell.ColumnWidth Then
cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 20
Exit For 'Exit For loop (at least one cell doesn't fit)
End If
End Select
tmp_cell.Value = ""
tmp_cell.Columns.UseStandardWidth = True
tmp_cell.Rows.UseStandardHeight = True
'Restore ScreenUpdating and DisplayAlerts state
Application.DisplayAlerts = da
Application.ScreenUpdating = su
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub