
时间:2011-03-18 03:06:14

标签: c# java inheritance syntax


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


  • 方法覆盖不能声明比超类方法更私密。
  • 在重写方法中声明的任何异常必须与超类或该类型的子类抛出的异常类型相同。
  • 声明为final的方法无法覆盖。
  • 可以将覆盖方法声明为final,因为关键字final仅表示此方法无法进一步覆盖。
  • 声明为private的方法无法覆盖,因为它们在类外不可见。


答案 1 :(得分:3)

通过这种方式,您可以更严格地控​​制可覆盖的内容。它与访问权限相同 - 您是默认情况下为用户授予所有权限并删除权限,还是不提供任何权限,然后添加所需内容。

答案 2 :(得分:0)

函数重写意味着“具有相同名称且具有相同参数的不同方法”。 在这里,我附上一个关于覆盖的小代码。

这里我使用基类的“虚拟”关键字。 如果我们想调用派生类,那么我们必须使用“覆盖”关键字。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace Function_Overriding
    public class Program
        public virtual void display()
            Console.WriteLine("This is Function Overriding");
        public virtual void rnreddy()
            Console.WriteLine("This is Possible because of RN Reddy");

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Program dc = new Program();


class TestOverride
    public class Employee
        public string name;
        // Basepay is defined as protected, so that it may be accessed only by this class and derrived classes.
        protected decimal basepay;

        // Constructor to set the name and basepay values.
        public Employee(string name, decimal basepay)
            this.name = name;
            this.basepay = basepay;

        // Declared virtual so it can be overridden.
        public virtual decimal CalculatePay()
            return basepay;

    // Derive a new class from Employee.
    public class SalesEmployee : Employee
        // New field that will affect the base pay.
        private decimal salesbonus;

        // The constructor calls the base-class version, and initializes the salesbonus field.
        public SalesEmployee(string name, decimal basepay, decimal salesbonus) : base(name, basepay)
            this.salesbonus = salesbonus;

        // Override the CalculatePay method to take bonus into account.
        public override decimal CalculatePay()
            return basepay + salesbonus;

    static void Main()
        // Create some new employees.
        SalesEmployee employee1 = new SalesEmployee("Alice", 1000, 500);
        Employee employee2 = new Employee("Bob", 1200);

        Console.WriteLine("Employee4 " + employee1.name + " earned: " + employee1.CalculatePay());
        Console.WriteLine("Employee4 " + employee2.name + " earned: " + employee2.CalculatePay());
    Employee4 Alice earned: 1500
    Employee4 Bob earned: 1200