input = "5000-0000-0000"
if input[3] != input[5] + 1
return false
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如果您考虑import datetime
import requests
import sys
import json
class APIError(Exception):
APIError represents an error returned by the OpenRates API.
class Currency(object):
Currency object will store all currency related data such as present rates and historical rates
# def __init__(self, today_rate, yesterday_rate, lastweek_rate):
def __init__(self, exchange_rates):
# Store the raw data from the exchange rate API for today's rates - this will be used in the average rate calculations
self.currency_data = exchange_rates
class Time(object):
Here are all the time related elements we will need for this program to work
def __init__(self):
# Call the API here for use in the Currency object later
self.url = "http://api.openrates.io/"
def call_api(self, **kwargs):
Openrates API takes in Base Currency, Dates and Destination Currency as parameters, individually, however,
not altogther
# Call the API by requesting the URL. Use `json()` to decode the raw JSON data.
response_data = requests.get(self.url, kwargs).json()
# Check for an error and throw an exception if needed.
if "Error" in response_data:
raise APIError(response_data["Error"])
# Return the decoded data.
return response_data
def get_today(self, base_curr):
# Call today's exchange rate API
# date = datetime.date.today(
# today_rate = self.call_api(str(date), base=base_curr)
# today_rate = self.call_api(str(date))
self.url = "http://api.openrates.io/latest"
today_rate = self.call_api(base=base_curr)
return Currency(today_rate)
def get_yesterday(self, base_curr):
# Call today's exchange rate API
date = datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days = 1)
self.url = "http://api.openrates.io/" + str(date)
yesterday_rate = self.call_api(base=base_curr)
# print(yesterday_rate)
#yesterday_rate = self.call_api(str(date),
return Currency(yesterday_rate)
def get_last_week(self, base_curr):
#Return last week's datetime
date = datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days = 7)
self.url = "http://api.openrates.io/" + str(date)
lastweek_rate = self.call_api(base=base_curr)
return Currency(lastweek_rate)
def home():
# Get the conversion amount from the website.
conv_amt = input("conv_amt")
print("Amount to change is:", conv_amt)
base = input("base_curr")
print("Changing from:", base)
dest = input("dest_curr")
print("Changing to:", dest)
#Create Time client
time = Time()
if base:
pony = time.get_today(base)
today_amt = conv_amt * pony.currency_data["rates"][dest]
except APIError:
pony = "(error)"
yesterpony = time.get_yesterday(base)
yesterday_amt = conv_amt * yesterpony.currency_data["rates"][dest]
lastweekpony = time.get_last_week(base)
lastweek_amt = conv_amt * lastweekpony.currency_data["rates"][dest]
return today_amt, yesterday_amt, lastweek_amt
if __name__ == "__main__":
您可以使用input = "Andrew Francis"