Apache Storm:后期元组会被确认还是失败?

时间:2018-11-26 01:55:08

标签: apache-storm




Q3:当输入速率为10 tuples / s时没有延迟元组,但是当增加到100 tuples / s时它将大量出现,因此它将无法正常工作。我该怎么办才能解决这个问题?

2018-11-26 09:23:55.056 o.a.s.t.WindowedBoltExecutor Thread-11-count_bolt-executor[40 40] [INFO] Received a late tuple {word=project, timestamp=1543194524005} with ts 1543194524005. This will not be processed.
2018-11-26 09:23:55.056 o.a.s.t.WindowedBoltExecutor Thread-9-count_bolt-executor[53 53] [INFO] Received a late tuple {word=free, timestamp=1543194524005} with ts 1543194524005. This will not be processed.
2018-11-26 09:23:55.056 o.a.s.t.WindowedBoltExecutor Thread-11-count_bolt-executor[40 40] [INFO] Received a late tuple {word=full, timestamp=1543194524005} with ts 1543194524005. This will not be processed.
2018-11-26 09:23:55.056 o.a.s.t.WindowedBoltExecutor Thread-9-count_bolt-executor[53 53] [INFO] Received a late tuple {word=almost, timestamp=1543194524005} with ts 1543194524005. This will not be processed.
2018-11-26 09:23:55.056 o.a.s.t.WindowedBoltExecutor Thread-11-count_bolt-executor[40 40] [INFO] Received a late tuple {word=for, timestamp=1543194524005} with ts 1543194524005. This will not be processed.
2018-11-26 09:23:55.056 o.a.s.t.WindowedBoltExecutor Thread-9-count_bolt-executor[53 53] [INFO] Received a late tuple {word=whatsoever., timestamp=1543194524005} with ts 1543194524005. This will not be processed.
2018-11-26 09:23:55.056 o.a.s.t.WindowedBoltExecutor Thread-11-count_bolt-executor[40 40] [INFO] Received a late tuple {word=project, timestamp=1543194524005} with ts 1543194524005. This will not be processed.
2018-11-26 09:23:55.056 o.a.s.t.WindowedBoltExecutor Thread-11-count_bolt-executor[40 40] [INFO] Received a late tuple {word=for, timestamp=1543194524005} with ts 1543194524005. This will not be processed.
2018-11-26 09:23:55.056 o.a.s.t.WindowedBoltExecutor Thread-11-count_bolt-executor[40 40] [INFO] Received a late tuple {word=others., timestamp=1543194524005} with ts 1543194524005. This will not be processed.
2018-11-26 09:23:55.056 o.a.s.t.WindowedBoltExecutor Thread-11-count_bolt-executor[40 40] [INFO] Received a late tuple {word=project, timestamp=1543194524005} with ts 1543194524005. This will not be processed.


我的拓扑:KafkaSpout ---> SpilitBolt ---> EventTimeWindowCountBolt ---> KafkaSink



 builder.setBolt("count_bolt", new CountBlot()
                .withTumblingWindow(new Duration(time_windowsize, TimeUnit.SECONDS))   //3s
                .withLag (new Duration(time_windowlag, TimeUnit.SECONDS))  // 1s
                , parallelism)
                .fieldsGrouping("split_bolt", new Fields("word"));

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