im正在尝试调试此功能。当涉及到输入部分(选择=输入)时,它将我重定向到名为parce.py和coedecs.py的新文件,并且实际上不执行任何操作或要求输入 如何为调试器分配输入?
from wave_helper import *
def menu():
VALID_CHOISES = [1,2,3,4]
print('Welcome! What would you like to do?')
print('1.Change wav file')
print('2.Merge two wav files')
print('3.Compose melody in wav format')
print('4.Exit the program \n')
print('Type the options number, followed by Enter')
choice = int(input())
while choice not in VALID_CHOISES:
print('Invalid option.Please try again')
choice = int(input())
return choice
def change_wav_file():
choice = menu()
if choice == 1:
print('Please write the name of the file you would like to read')