
时间:2018-11-22 16:55:18

标签: regex perl regex-group

我正在编写一个正则表达式来解析系统日志条目。我遇到了难以解析条目的挑战,直到我按下“ CMD”。我希望将CMD之后出现的所有内容归为()。另外,请您提供一些改进正则表达式的建议



11月21日23:17:01 ubuntu-xenial CRON [10299] :( root)CMD(cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


(<?month>\S+)                    #
\s+                              # added + because single digit dates might have additional spaces
(<?date>[0-9]{1,2})              # changed {2}? to {1,2} because you might have one or two digits
\s+                              #
(<?time>[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+)    #   
\s+                              #
(<?hostname>\S+)                 # anything which isn't whitespace
\s+                              #
(<?daemon>\S+)                   # just in case your daemon has a digit or lower case in its name
(<?pid>\[[0-9]+\])               #
:                                #
\s+                              #
\((<?user>\S+)\)                 # your username might have digits in it; don't capture the brackets
\s+                              #
CMD                              #
\s+                              #
\((<?command>.*)\)               # capture the command, not the brackets
\s*                              # in case of trailing space
$                                # match end of string