BankAccount / SavingsAccount程序提款方法不起作用

时间:2018-11-21 15:53:15

标签: java exception methods exception-handling





   The BankAccount class is an abstract class that holds

   general information about a bank account. Classes

   representing specific types of bank accounts should inherit

   from this class.


public abstract class BankAccount implements Serializable


 private double balance;

 private double interestRate; //annual interest rate

 private double serviceCharges;

 private int numDeposits;

 private int numWithdrawals;

 public BankAccount() {


 public BankAccount(double bal, double rate)


  try {


  } catch (InvalidDeposit e) {


   balance = 0;


  interestRate = rate;

  rate = 0.0;
  numDeposits = 0;
  numWithdrawals = 0;



This constructor sets the bank account's

balance, interest rate, and service charges.

@param bal Sets the bank account's balance

@param rate Sets the bank account's interest rate


 public BankAccount(double bal, double rate, double charges)


  try {


  } catch (InvalidDeposit e) {


   balance = 0;


  interestRate = rate;

  rate = 0.0;

  serviceCharges = charges;

  charges = 0.0;
  numDeposits = 0;
  numWithdrawals = 0;



The setRate() method will set the interest

rate for the bank account.

@param rate Sets the interest rate for the account


 public void setRate(double rate)


  interestRate = rate;



The setCharges() method will set the value of

any service charges.

@param charges Sets the amount of service charges


 public void setCharges(double charges)


  serviceCharges = charges;



The getBalance() method will return the

bank account's balance when called.

@return balance Returns the bank account balance


 public double getBalance()


  return balance;



The getRate() method will return the

bank account's interest rate when called.

@return interestRate Returns the account interest rate


 public double getRate()


  return interestRate;



The getCharges() method will return the

bank account's service charge amount.

@return serviceCharges Returns the service charge amount


 public double getCharges()


  return serviceCharges;



The getNumDeposits() method pulls the number

of deposits totaled in the deposit method and

returns the integer value.

@return numD Returns the total number of deposits made


 public int getNumDeposits()


  return numDeposits;



The deposit() method accepts an entered deposit

amount and adds it to the balance. It also totals

how many deposits are made.

@return balance Returns the new balance amount

after deposits have been made.

@exception InvalidDeposit When an invalid deposit is given.


 public void deposit(double amtD) throws InvalidDeposit


  if (amtD <= 0 || amtD > 10000)

   throw new InvalidDeposit(amtD);



   balance = balance + amtD;





The getNumWithdrawal() method pulls the number

of withdrawals totaled in the withdraw method and

returns the integer value.

@return numWithdrawals Returns the total number of withdrawals made


 public int getNumWithdrawals()


  return numWithdrawals;



The withdraw() method accepts an entered withdrawal amount

and subtracts it from the balance. It also keeps a running

total of how many withdrawals are made.

@return balance Returns the new account balance after

withdrawals have been made.

@exception InvalidWithdrawal When an invalid withdrawal is attempted


 public void withdraw(double amtW) throws InvalidWithdrawal


  if (amtW <= 0 || amtW > 10000 || amtW > balance)

   throw new InvalidWithdrawal(amtW);



   balance = balance - amtW;





The calcInterest() method calculates the interest

amount earned each month and adds it to the balance.

@return balance The new balance is returned after

the interest amount has be calculated and added to it.


 public void calcInterest()


  double monthlyIR, monthlyI;

  monthlyIR = interestRate / 12;
  monthlyI = balance * monthlyIR;
  balance += monthlyI;



The monthlyProcess() method will calculate the balance

after subtracting the amount of service charges.

@return balance Returns the balance amount after

service charges have been subtracted.


 public void monthlyProcess()


  balance -= getCharges();
  numDeposits = 0;
  numWithdrawals = 0;


} //end BankAccount class



   This class holds the data for a savings account.


public class SavingsAccount extends BankAccount implements Serializable


 public final static double INACTIVE_AMT = 25.00;

 private boolean status;

 public SavingsAccount()




This Constructor sets the account balance and

interest rate for the savings account.

@param acctBal Sets the account balance

@param interest Sets the account interest rate


 public SavingsAccount(double acctBal, double interest)


  super(acctBal, interest);

  acctBal = super.getBalance();



This Constructor sets the account balance and

interest rate for the savings account.

@param acctBal Sets the account balance

@param interest Sets the account interest rate


 public SavingsAccount(double acctBal, double interest, double acctCharges)


  super(acctBal, interest, acctCharges);

  acctBal = super.getBalance();



The getStatus() method will return true or

false for the activity status of the savings account.

@return status Returns the status of the savings account


 public boolean getStatus()


  return status;



The checkStatus() method checks to see if the

account balance is more or less than $25. If more than,

the account is active. If less than, the account is in active.

@return status Returns the activity status for the account.


 public boolean checkStatus() //

  status = false;
  if (getBalance() >= INACTIVE_AMT)

   status = true;

  return status;



The withdraw() method checks the account status and

returns the account balance after a withdrawal.

@param acctBal Sets the account balance

@param amtWD Sets the withdrawal amount

@return super.withdraw(amtWD) returns the account

a balance after the calculations done in the superclass.

@exception InvalidDeposit When an invalid deposit is given.


 public void withdraw(double amtWD) throws InvalidWithdrawal


  if (checkStatus() == true)



  if (checkStatus() == false)

   System.out.println("The withdrawal can't be made. The account is inacitve.");



The deposit() method checks the account status and

returns the account balance after a deposit.

@param acctBal Sets the account balance

@param amtD Sets the deposit amount

@return super.deposit(amtD) returns the account

a balance after the calculations done in the superclass.

@exception InvalidWithdrawal When an invalid withdrawal is attempted.


 public void deposit(double amtD) throws InvalidDeposit


  if ((getStatus() == false) && (getBalance() + amtD > INACTIVE_AMT))



 public void monthlyProcess()


  double accountCharges = 0.0;

  if (super.getNumWithdrawals() > 4)

   accountCharges = ((getNumWithdrawals() - 4) * 1) + super.getCharges();


   accountCharges = 0 + super.getCharges();




  if (checkStatus() == false)

   System.out.println("The balance is less $25. The account is inactive.");



toString method

@return A string representation of an object.


 public String toString()


  String str1 = "The account is inactive!";

  String str2 = "The account is active.";

  String msg = " ";

  msg = "Balance: " + getBalance() + "\tRate: " + getRate()

   "\tCharges: " + getCharges() + "\tNo. of Deposits: " + getNumDeposits() +

   "\tNo. of Withdrawals: " + getNumWithdrawals() + "\nStatus: ";

  if (super.getBalance() < INACTIVE_AMT)

   msg += str1;


   msg += str2;

  return msg;


} //end SavingsAccount class

   InvalidDeposit will extend the Exception
   class and allow the program to throw invalid
public class InvalidDeposit extends Exception {
 //No arg constructor
 public InvalidDeposit() {
  super("Cannot deposit amounts less than or equal to $0 or greater than $10,000.");

This constructor reports the attempted deposit amount.
@param amtD The amount to be deposited
 public InvalidDeposit(double amtD) {
  super("Error: amount to deposit should be > 0 and < 10,000. ");



   InvalidWithdrawal will extend the Exception class

   and allow the program to throw invalid data.


class InvalidWithdrawal extends Exception


 //no arg constructor

 public InvalidWithdrawal()


  super("Cannot withdraw ammounts less than or equal to 0, " +

   "amounts greater than the current balance, or amounts greater than $10,000.");



The constructor reports the attempted withdrawal amount.

@param amtWD The amount intended to be withdrawn


 public InvalidWithdrawal(double amtWD)


  super("Error: there is not enough money to withdraw.");



import java.util.Scanner;


   The following application will demonstrate the

   exceptions and service classes stated above.


public class SavingsDemo


 private static String filename = "savingsAccount.dat"; //name of the file where the object will be serialized

 public static void main(String[] args)


  Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;

  int choice = 0;

  double amt, rate, charge;

  System.out.print("Please enter the initial balance: ");

  amt = keyboard.nextDouble();
  while (amt < 0 || amt > 10000) {
   try {
    amt = keyboard.nextDouble();
   } catch (Exception e) {
    System.out.print("Please re-enter: ");
    amt = keyboard.nextDouble();

  System.out.println("Please enter interest rate: ");
  rate = keyboard.nextDouble();

  System.out.println("Please enter monthly charge: ");
  charge = keyboard.nextDouble();

  SavingsAccount acct1 = new SavingsAccount(amt, rate, charge);

  while (choice != 4) {
   System.out.println("1. Deposit");

   System.out.println("2. Withdraw");

   System.out.println("3. View account");

   System.out.println("4. Exit");

   System.out.print("Enter your choice: ");

   choice = keyboard.nextInt();
   switch (choice)


    case 1:
     System.out.print("Enter deposit amount: ");

     amt = keyboard.nextDouble();

     boolean done1 = true;
     while (amt <= 0 || amt > 10000) {
      try {

      } catch (InvalidDeposit e) {

       System.out.println("Please re-enter: ");
       amt = keyboard.nextDouble();


    case 2:
     System.out.print("Enter withdrawal amount: ");

     amt = keyboard.nextDouble();

     while (amt <= 0 || amt > acct1.getBalance() || amt > 10000) {

      try {


      } catch (InvalidWithdrawal e) {

       System.out.println("Please re-enter: ");
       amt = keyboard.nextDouble();



    case 3:



    case 4:



     System.out.println("Invalid menu choice!");



  System.out.println("\n\nBefore monthly process.... \n" + acct1);

  System.out.println("Performing monthly process...");


  System.out.println("\n\nAfter monthly process.... \n" + acct1);

  try {

   System.out.println("\nSerializing object to file " + filename);


   System.out.println("\nDeSerializing object from file " + filename);

   acct1 = readObj();

   System.out.println("\nDeSerialized object details are ");


  } catch (IOException e) {




 private static void writeObj(SavingsAccount acc) throws IOException


  ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filename));




 private static SavingsAccount readObj() throws IOException


  ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(filename));

  SavingsAccount acc = null;

  try {

   acc = (SavingsAccount)(ois.readObject());

  } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {




  return acc;




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