string[][] StringArray = new string[][] {
new string[] {"Name:", "John Jones."}
new string[] {"Date of birth:", "07/11/1989."}
new string[] {"Age:", "29 Years old."}
FormatWhiteSpace(StringArray, Padding: 5);
Name: John Jones.
Date of birth: 07/11/1989.
Age: 29 Years old.
如您在上面的输出中所见,所有内容都已对齐,并有5个空格用于填充,这是我们在调用该方法时定义的。这正是我们想要的。我们还有一个二维数组,因为它允许我们一次解析多于1行。 这是另一个示例,这次有两个以上的列:
string[][] StringArray = new string[][] {
new string[] {"Name:", "John", "Jones."}
new string[] {"Date of birth:", "Monday,", "07/11/1989."}
new string[] {"Age:", "29", "Years old."}
FormatWhiteSpace(StringArray, Padding: 2);
Name: John Jones.
Date of birth: Monday, 07/11/1989.
Age: 29 Years old.
这就是我想知道的一切,如果您知道有什么可以帮助您的 我,请让我知道。谢谢您的帮助,你们真的让我 天。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
public static class PaddedColumns
private static string[][] _stringArray = new string[][] {
new [] {"Name:", "John", "Jones."},
new [] {"Date of birth:", "Monday,", "07/11/1989."},
new [] {"Age:", "29", "Years old."},
new [] {"Eye Color:", "blue", ""},
public static void PadIt()
public static void OutputPadded(string[][] strings)
var columnMaxes = new int[strings[0].Length];
foreach (var row in strings)
for (var colNo = 0; colNo < row.Length; ++colNo)
if (row[colNo].Length > columnMaxes[colNo])
columnMaxes[colNo] = row[colNo].Length;
const int extraPadding = 2;
//got the maxes, now go through and use them to pad things
foreach (var row in strings)
for (var colNo = 0; colNo < row.Length; ++colNo)
Console.Write(row[colNo].PadRight(columnMaxes[colNo] + extraPadding));
Name: John Jones.
Date of birth: Monday, 07/11/1989.
Age: 29 Years old.
Eye Color: blue
答案 1 :(得分:0)
void Main()
string[][] StringArray = new string[][] {
new [] {"Name:", "John", "Jones."},
new [] {"Date of birth:", "Monday,", "07/11/1989."},
new [] {"Age:", "29", "Years old."}};
var lines = FormatWhiteSpace(StringArray, Padding: 2);
foreach (var line in lines)
private IEnumerable<string> FormatWhiteSpace(string[][] StringArray, int Padding)
var maxLengthDict = StringArray
.Select(sa => sa.Select((s, i) => new { Column = i, MaxLength = s.Length }))
.SelectMany(x => x)
.GroupBy(x => x.Column)
.Select(x => new {Column = x.Key, MaxLength = x.Max(y => y.MaxLength)})
.ToDictionary(x => x.Column, x => x.MaxLength);
return StringArray
.Select(sa => string.Concat(sa.Select((s, i) => s.PadRight(maxLengthDict[i] + Padding))));