
时间:2018-11-19 15:54:36

标签: python stream

我想读取AINO-AIN11的值并将其输出到不同的行,因此第一行将在扫描AINO-AIN11中读取,然后移至下一行并再次读取值,依此类推,直到结束循环次数(当前进行6000次扫描)。现在,它仅将每个值分开,不能从扫描1或2等中辨别出。我想将它们分开以区分AINO-AIN1,AIN2-AIN3等。分离它们后,我想创建6个列,它们的最终值分别为AINO-AIN1,AIN2-AIN3,AIN4-AIN5,AIN6-AIN7,AIN8-AIN9,AIN10-AIN11。我是编码/ python的新手,我们正在使用labjack将值读入文件。任何帮助或想法将不胜感激。

from datetime import datetime
import sys

from labjack import ljm

file = open ("LabjackT7.txt", "w")

MAX_REQUESTS = 1  # The number of eStreamRead calls that will be performed.

# Open first found LabJack
handle = ljm.openS("ANY", "ANY", "ANY")  # Any device, Any connection, Any identifier
#handle = ljm.openS("T7", "ANY", "ANY")  # T7 device, Any connection, Any identifier
#handle = ljm.openS("T4", "ANY", "ANY")  # T4 device, Any connection, Any identifier
#handle = ljm.open(ljm.constants.dtANY, ljm.constants.ctANY, "ANY")  # Any device, Any connection, Any identifier

info = ljm.getHandleInfo(handle)
print("Opened a LabJack with Device type: %i, Connection type: %i,\n"
      "Serial number: %i, IP address: %s, Port: %i,\nMax bytes per MB: %i" %
      (info[0], info[1], info[2], ljm.numberToIP(info[3]), info[4], info[5]))

deviceType = info[0]

# Stream Configuration
aScanListNames = ["AIN0", "AIN1", "AIN2", "AIN3", "AIN4", "AIN5", "AIN6", "AIN7", "AIN8", "AIN9", "AIN10", "AIN11"]  # Scan list names to stream
numAddresses = len(aScanListNames)
aScanList = ljm.namesToAddresses(numAddresses, aScanListNames)[0]
scanRate = 10000
scansPerRead = int(scanRate / 2)

    # When streaming, negative channels and ranges can be configured for
    # individual analog inputs, but the stream has only one settling time and
    # resolution.

    if deviceType == ljm.constants.dtT4:
        # LabJack T4 configuration

        # AIN0 and AIN1 ranges are +/-10 V, stream settling is 0 (default) and
        # stream resolution index is 0 (default).
        aNames = ["AIN0_RANGE", "AIN1_RANGE", "STREAM_SETTLING_US",
        aValues = [10.0, 10.0, 0, 0]
        # LabJack T7 and other devices configuration

        # Ensure triggered stream is disabled.
        ljm.eWriteName(handle, "STREAM_TRIGGER_INDEX", 0)

        # Enabling internally-clocked stream.
        ljm.eWriteName(handle, "STREAM_CLOCK_SOURCE", 0)

        # All negative channels are single-ended, AIN0 and AIN1 ranges are
        # +/-10 V, stream settling is 0 (default) and stream resolution index
        # is 0 (default).
        aNames = ["AIN_ALL_NEGATIVE_CH", "AIN0_RANGE", "AIN1_RANGE",
        aValues = [ljm.constants.GND, 10.0, 10.0, 0, 0]
    # Write the analog inputs' negative channels (when applicable), ranges,
    # stream settling time and stream resolution configuration.
    numFrames = len(aNames)
    ljm.eWriteNames(handle, numFrames, aNames, aValues)

    # Configure and start stream
    scanRate = ljm.eStreamStart(handle, scansPerRead, numAddresses, aScanList, scanRate)
    print("\nStream started with a scan rate of %0.0f Hz." % scanRate)

    print("\nPerforming %i stream reads." % MAX_REQUESTS)
    start = datetime.now()
    totScans = 0
    totSkip = 0  # Total skipped samples

    i = 1
    while i <= MAX_REQUESTS:
        ret = ljm.eStreamRead(handle)

        aData = ret[0]
        scans = len(aData) / numAddresses
        totScans += scans

        # Count the skipped samples which are indicated by -9999 values. Missed
        # samples occur after a device's stream buffer overflows and are
        # reported after auto-recover mode ends.
        curSkip = aData.count(-9999.0)
        totSkip += curSkip

        print("\neStreamRead %i" % i)
        ainStr = ""
        for j in range(0, numAddresses):
            ainStr += "%s = %0.5f, " % (aScanListNames[j], aData[j])
        print("  1st scan out of %i: %s" % (scans, ainStr))
        print("  Scans Skipped = %0.0f, Scan Backlogs: Device = %i, LJM = "
              "%i" % (curSkip/numAddresses, ret[1], ret[2]))

        i += 1
#Data Stream string of last eStreamRead
    file.write('%s'% aData)
    end = datetime.now()

    print("\nTotal scans = %i" % (totScans))
    tt = (end - start).seconds + float((end - start).microseconds) / 1000000
    print("Time taken = %f seconds" % (tt))
    print("LJM Scan Rate = %f scans/second" % (scanRate))
    print("Timed Scan Rate = %f scans/second" % (totScans / tt))
    print("Timed Sample Rate = %f samples/second" % (totScans * numAddresses / tt))
    print("Skipped scans = %0.0f" % (totSkip / numAddresses))
except ljm.LJMError:
    ljme = sys.exc_info()[1]
except Exception:
    e = sys.exc_info()[1]

    print("\nStop Stream")
except ljm.LJMError:
    ljme = sys.exc_info()[1]
except Exception:
    e = sys.exc_info()[1]

# Close handle

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