var margin = {
top: 10,
right: 40,
left: 10
width = 740,
height =320;
var kx = function (d) {
return d.x - 25;
var ky = function (d) {
return d.y - 15;
//thie place the text x axis adjust this to center align the text
var tx = function (d) {
return d.x - 10;
//thie place the text y axis adjust this to center align the text
var ty = function (d) {
return d.y + 3;
//make an SVG
var svg = d3.select("#graph").append("svg")
.attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr("height", height + margin.top + margin.bottom)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + margin.top + ")");
//My JSON note the
//no_parent: true this ensures that the node will not be linked to its parent
//hidden: true ensures that the nodes is not visible.
var root = {
name: "",
id: 1,
hidden: true,
children: [{
name: "8000",
id: 8000,
no_parent: true
}, {
name: "",
id: 100,
no_parent: true,
hidden: true,
children: [{
name: "9001",
id: 9001
}, ]
name: "8001",
id: 8001,
no_parent: true
name: "",
id: 100,
no_parent: true,
hidden: true,
children: [{
name: "9005",
id: 9005
name: "9000",
id: 9000,
no_parent: true
var allNodes = flatten(root);
//This maps the siblings together mapping uses the ID using the blue line
var siblings = [ {
source: {
id: 9000,
name: "Q1"
target: {
id: 8001,
name: "P1"
var siblings2 = [ {
source: {
id: 9000,
name: "L1"
target: {
id: 8000,
name: "J1"
// Compute the layout.
var tree = d3.layout.tree().size([width, height]),
nodes = tree.nodes(root),
links = tree.links(nodes);
// Create the link lines.
.attr("class", "link")
.attr("d", elbow);
var nodes = svg.selectAll(".node")
//First draw sibling line with blue line
// .data(siblings2)
.attr("class", "sibling")
.attr("d", sblingLine)
.attr("class", "sibling2")
.attr("d", sblingLine2);
// Create the node rectangles.
.attr("class", "node")
.attr("height", 30)
.attr("width", 60)
.attr("id", function (d) {
return d.id;
.attr("display", function (d) {
if (d.hidden) {
return "none"
} else {
return ""
.attr("x", kx)
.attr("y", ky);
// Create the node text label.
.text(function (d) {
return d.name;
.attr("x", tx)
.attr("y", ty);
This defines teh line between siblings.
function sblingLine(d, i) {
//start point
var start = allNodes.filter(function (v) {
if (d.source.id == v.id) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
//end point
var end = allNodes.filter(function (v) {
if (d.target.id == v.id) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
//define teh start coordinate and end co-ordinate
var linedata = [{
x: start[0].x,
y: start[0].y
}, {
x: end[0].x,
y: end[0].y
var fun = d3.svg.line().x(function (d) {
return d.x;
}).y(function (d) {
return d.y+9;
return fun(linedata);
// sblingLine2 new function
function sblingLine2(d, i) {
//start point
var start = allNodes.filter(function (v) {
if (d.source.id == v.id) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
//end point
var end = allNodes.filter(function (v) {
if (d.target.id == v.id) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
//define teh start coordinate and end co-ordinate
var linedata = [{
x: start[0].x,
y: start[0].y
}, {
x: end[0].x,
y: end[0].y
var fun = d3.svg.line().x(function (d) {
return d.x;
}).y(function (d) {
return d.y-8;
return fun(linedata);
/*To make the nodes in flat mode.
This gets all teh nodes in same level*/
function flatten(root) {
var n = [],
i = 0;
function recurse(node) {
if (node.children) node.children.forEach(recurse);
if (!node.id) node.id = ++i;
return n;
This draws the lines between nodes.
function elbow(d, i) {
if (d.target.no_parent) {
return "M0,0L0,0";
var diff = d.source.y - d.target.y;
//0.40 defines the point from where you need the line to break out change is as per your choice.
var ny = d.target.y + diff * 0.30;
linedata = [{
x: d.target.x,
y: d.target.y
}, {
x: d.target.x,
y: ny
}, {
x: d.source.x,
y: d.source.y+9
var fun = d3.svg.line().x(function (d) {
return d.x;
}).y(function (d) {
return d.y;
return fun(linedata);