我正在开发GPS(全球sat bu-353s4 USB型)和树莓派3b型项目。我要在其中获取GPS纬度和经度数据,根据该数据,我要播放一些视频文件,还希望跟踪最近播放的视频名称。所有这些过程都应该在while循环中,这意味着无限循环。 我为此开发了逻辑,我面临的问题是,每当视频播放完成时,它将再次获取GPS数据并转到特定的文件夹中,选择视频文件并播放视频,在两次视频播放之间,屏幕变黑,我想要连续的视频玩。我正在使用OMXplayer打开视频,我知道可以使用多任务/多线程概念来解决它,但是不知道如何在Python中实现它。 这是我的代码:
# class to define background process thread
class Asyncfun(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, text):
self.text = text
def run(self):
print "play finished "
def Main():
while True:
# get the GPS latitude longitude data using another gpsdatafetching file
stdn = gps2.latlong()
lat1 = round(float(stdn[0]),5)
long1 = round(float(stdn[1]),5)
ID = gps_geotest3.test1(lat1,long1)# get the areaid according to current latitudeand longitude
print "id is :", ID
if ID == None:
ID = 17
print "lat long is in this areaId : ",ID
location = '/home/pi/files/'
counter = 0 #keep a count of all files found
mp4files = [] #list to store all csv files found at location
lastplayedindex = 0
areaID = str(ID)
location += areaID
#print "file path is: ",location
for file in os.listdir(location):
if file.endswith(".mp4"):
#print "mp4 file found:\t", file
counter = counter+1
#get the lastplayedindex_aeraid file name
indexfilename +=areaID
indexfilename += '.txt'
#get the index number from lastplayedindex_aeraid file
with open(indexfilename,'rb') as input_file:
for line in input_file:
lastplayedindex = line
path = "/home/pi/files/"
omxcmd = "omxplayer --display=5 "
print "lastplayed index: ",lastplayedindex
if int(lastplayedindex)< (counter-1) : #compare with total filecount in folder
vfile = mp4files[newlastindex] #videofile name
omxcmd += (location +'/') #append filelocation
omxcmd += vfile # append filename
#omxcmd is command to open videofile using OMXplayer
#play videofile iin backgroundprocess while sending acknowledgment to webserver about that file
background = Asyncfun(omxcmd)
# code to update lastplayed index in local file
counter = 0
#to send acknowledgment to server about which video played last
print "sending acknowledgment to server.."
payload2 = {'DeviceMasterId': '30', 'Fk_Area_ID': areaID,'FileName':vfile}
R = requests.post('url to my website', params = payload2)
if R.status_code != 200:
print "Error:", R.status_code
else :
print "acknowledgment sent successfully."
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): #when you press ctrl+c
gpsp.running = False
if __name__ == '__main__':