Marvel API调用中的无效哈希,时间戳和键组合

时间:2018-11-17 23:44:30

标签: python-3.x request timestamp hashlib

我正在尝试建立Marvel API调用。


我正在尝试创建服务器端应用程序,因此根据上面的链接,我需要一个时间戳,apikey和哈希URL参数。哈希必须是以下形式的md5哈希:md5(timestamp + privateKey + publicKey),而apikey url param是我的公共密钥。

这是我的代码,我正在Python 3中发出请求,使用请求库形成请求,使用时间库形成时间戳,并使用hashlib库形成哈希。 making a http request to marvel api

import requests;
import time;
import hashlib;

ts = time.time();
ts_str = str(float(ts));

public_key = 'a3c785ecc50aa21b134fca1391903926';
private_key = 'my_private_key';

#hash and encodings
m_hash = hashlib.md5();
ts_str_byte = bytes(ts_str, 'utf-8');
private_key_byte = bytes(private_key, 'utf-8');
public_key_byte = bytes(public_key, 'utf-8');
m_hash.update(ts_str_byte + private_key_byte + public_key_byte);
m_hash_str = str(m_hash.digest());

#all request parameters
payload = {'ts': ts_str, 'apikey': 'a3c785ecc50aa21b134fca1391903926', 'hash': m_hash_str};

#make request
r = requests.get('', params=payload);

#for debugging


enter image description here






3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我在您的终端中注意到您的MD5哈希是大写的。 MD5应该以小写形式输出。确保您转换成那个。


答案 1 :(得分:0)


答案 2 :(得分:0)

访问Marvel API密钥时,我也遇到了类似的问题。对于仍在挣扎的用户,这是我的模板代码(在jupyter笔记本中使用)。

# import dependencies
import hashlib  #this is needed for the hashing library
import time   #this is needed to produce a time stamp
import json   #Marvel provides its information in json format
import requests #This is used to request information from the API

#Constructing the Hash
m = hashlib.md5()   #I'm assigning the method to the variable m.  Marvel 
    #requires md5 hashing, but I could also use SHA256 or others for APIS other 
    #than Marvel's 

ts = str(time.time())   #This creates the time stamp as a string
ts_byte = bytes(ts, 'utf-8')  #This converts the timestamp into a byte 
m.update(ts_byte)  # I add the timestamp (in byte format) to the hash
m.update(b"my_private_key") #I add the private key to 
    #the hash.Notice I added the b in front of the string to convert it to byte 
    #format, which is required for md5
m.update(b"b2aeb1c91ad82792e4583eb08509f87a") #And now I add my public key to 
    #the hash
hasht = m.hexdigest()    #Marvel requires the string to be in hex; they 
    #don't say this in their API documentation, unfortunately.

#constructing the query
base_url = ""  #provided in Marvel API documentation
api_key = "b2aeb1c91ad82792e4583eb08509f87a" #My public key
query = "/v1/public/events" +"?"  #My query is for all the events in Marvel Uni

#Building the actual query from the information above
query_url = base_url + query +"ts=" + ts+ "&apikey=" + api_key + "&hash=" + 
print(query_url) #I like to look at the query before I make the request to 
    #ensure that it's accurate.

#Making the API request and receiving info back as a json
data = requests.get(query_url).json()
print(data)  #I like to view the data to make sure I received it correctly
