
时间:2018-11-16 21:54:15

标签: python oop procedural



class vulnersApi(object):
    def type_of_search(self, software, bulletin, inp):
        self.bulletin = software
        self.collection = bulletin
        self.inp = inp

        while inp != "software" and inp!= "bulletin":
            inp = input("You must choose your type of research(software or bulletin: ")
            if inp != "software" and inp != "bulletin":
                return "You must choose your type of research"

    def search_software(self, myqueryName, sortedHow, numberResults, numberSkipped):
        self.myqueryName = myqueryName
        self.sortedHow = sortedHow
        self.numberResults = numberResults
        self.numberSkipped = numberSkipped

        if self.inp == "software":
            myqueryName = input("What would you like to search? ")
            sortedHow = input("How should we sort the results? (published, cvss.score) ")
            sortedHow = input("How should we sort the results? (published, cvss.score) ")
            numberSkipped = input("How many results do you want to skip? ")
            new_url = "{}?query=affectedSoftware.name%3A{}&sort={}&size={}&skip={}".format(URL, myqueryName, sortedHow, numberResults, numberSkipped)

    def search_bulletin(self, typeSearch, sortedHow, numberResults, numberSkipped):
        self.typeSearch = typeSearch
        self.sortedHow = sortedHow
        self.numberResults = numberResults
        self.numberSkipped = numberSkipped

        if self.inp == "bulletin":
            typeSearch = input("Which db you want the info from? (cve, exploitdb, osvdb, openvas, securityvulns, nessus, metasploit, centos, malwarebytes, symantec, etc...) ")
            sortedHow = input("How should we sort the results? (published, cvss.score) ")
            numberResults = input("How many results? ")
            numberSkipped = input("How many results do you want to skip? ")
            new_url = "{}?query=type%3A{}&sort={}&size={}&skip={}".format(URL, typeSearch, sortedHow, numberResults, numberSkipped)

    def url_request(self):
        response = requests.get(new_url)
        json_string = json.dumps(response.text)
        mydata = json.loads(response.text)


# base url

URL =“ https://vulners.com/api/v3/search/lucene/

# choose between 2 types of research
inp = ""
while inp != "software" and inp != "bulletin" and inp !="collection":
    inp = input("You must chose your type of research(software or bulletin): ")
    if inp != "software" and inp != "bulletin" and inp !="collection":
        print("you must chose your type of research")

# if chosed software heres the questions asked to build the full url
if inp == "software":
    myqueryName = input("What would you like to search? ")
    sortedHow = input("How should we sort the results? (published, cvss.score) ")
    numberResults = input("How many results? ")
    numberSkipped = input("How many results do you want to skip? ")
    new_url = "{}?query=affectedSoftware.name%3A{}&sort={}&size={}&skip={}".format(URL, myqueryName, sortedHow, numberResults, numberSkipped)
# if chosed bulletin heres the questions asked to build the full url
if inp == "bulletin":
    typeSearch = input("Which db you want the info from? (cve, exploitdb, osvdb, openvas, securityvulns, nessus, metasploit, centos, malwarebytes, symantec, etc...) ")
    sortedHow = input("How should we sort the results? (published, cvss.score) ")
    numberResults = input("How many results? ")
    numberSkipped = input("How many results do you want to skip? ")
    new_url = "{}?query=type%3A{}&sort={}&size={}&skip={}".format(URL, typeSearch, sortedHow, numberResults, numberSkipped)

# making the request and converting the json
resp = requests.get(new_url)
# to see the url

# loop to go through nested dictionnary returned by the requests
mydata2 = mydata['data']
for mydata3 in mydata2['search']:
#     mydata4 = mydata3['_source']
#     mydata5 = mydata3['highlight']
    for mydata4 in mydata['data']:
        print("Title: {}".format(mydata3['_source']['title']))
        print("Index: {}".format(mydata3['_index']))
        print("Type: {}".format(mydata3['_type']))
        print("Id: {}".format(mydata3['_id']))
        print("Type: {}".format(mydata3['_source']['type']))
        print("Cvss: {}".format(mydata3['_source']['cvss']))
        print("Flat description: {}".format(mydata3['flatDescription']))
        print("Bulletin family: {}".format(mydata3['_source']['bulletinFamily']))
        print("Description: {}".format(mydata3['_source']['description']))
        print("Vhref: {}".format(mydata3['_source']['vhref']))
        print("Href: {}".format(mydata3['_source']['href']))
        print("Id: {}".format(mydata3['_source']['id']))
        print("Lastseen: {}".format(mydata3['_source']['lastseen']))
        print("Modified: {}".format(mydata3['_source']['modified']))
        print("Published: {}".format(mydata3['_source']['published']))
    # saving the data locally inside a json file
        with open('testfile2.json', 'w') as fd:
            print(json.dump(resp.text, fd, indent=2))

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




  • 您不需要将代码面向对象即可在其他地方重用,只需将所有有用的功能放在一个python文件中,然后将其导入其他地方即可。
  • 仅重构具有OOP优势的代码(例如具有不同值但共享功能的多个实例)


import requests
import json

class VulnersResult:
    def __init__(self, json_data):
        self.title = json_data['_source']['title']
        self.type = json_data['_type']
        self.id = json_data['_id']
        self.source_type = json_data['_source']['type']
        self.cvss = json_data['_source']['cvss']
        self.flat_description = json_data['flatDescription']
        self.bulletin_family = json_data['_source']['bulletinFamily']
        self.description = json_data['_source']['description']
        self.vhref = json_data['_source']['vhref']
        self.href = json_data['_source']['href']
        self.source_id = json_data['_source']['id']
        self.lastseen = json_data['_source']['lastseen']
        self.modified = json_data['_source']['modified']
        self.published = json_data['_source']['published']
    def __str__(self):
        lines = ["Title: {}".format(self.title),
                 "Type: {}".format(self.type),
                 "Id: {}".format(self.id),
                 "Type: {}".format(self.source_type),
                 "Cvss: {}".format(self.cvss),
                 "Flat description: {}".format(self.flat_description),
                 "Bulletin family: {}".format(self.bulletin_family),
                 "Description: {}".format(self.description),
                 "Vhref: {}".format(self.vhref),
                 "Href: {}".format(self.href),
                 "Id: {}".format(self.source_id),
                 "Lastseen: {}".format(self.lastseen),
                 "Modified: {}".format(self.modified),
                 "Published: {}".format(self.published)]
        return "\n".join(lines)

class VulnersAPI:
    BASE_URL = "https://vulners.com/api/v3/search/lucene/"
    def __init__(self, research_type, query, sorted_by, results_count, skip_count):
        if research_type == "software":
            self.query_url = "{}?query=affectedSoftware.name%3A{}&sort={}&size={}&skip={}".format(self.BASE_URL, query, sorted_by, results_count, skip_count)
        elif research_type == "bulletin":
            self.query_url = "{}?query=type%3A{}&sort={}&size={}&skip={}".format(self.BASE_URL, query, sorted_by, results_count, skip_count)
            raise RuntimeError("{} is not a valid research type. research_type must be 'software' or 'bulletin'".format(research_type))
        response = requests.get(self.query_url)
        self.raw_data = response.json()
        self.results = [VulnersResult(data) for data in self.raw_data['data']['search']]
    def result_text(self):
        return ("\n"+("-"*30)+"\n").join([str(result) for result in self.results])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # choose between 2 types of research
    inp = ""
    while inp != "software" and inp != "bulletin" and inp !="collection":
        inp = input("You must chose your type of research(software or bulletin): ")
        if inp != "software" and inp != "bulletin" and inp !="collection":
            print("you must chose your type of research")

    if inp == "software":
        # if "software" was chosen, ask these additional questions
        query = input("What would you like to search? ")
        sorted_by = input("How should we sort the results? (published, cvss.score) ")
        results_count = input("How many results? ")
        skip_count = input("How many results do you want to skip? ")
        api = VulnersAPI("software", query, sorted_by, results_count, skip_count)
    if inp == "bulletin":
        # if "bulletin" was chosen, ask these additional questions
        query = input("Which db you want the info from? (cve, exploitdb, osvdb, openvas, securityvulns, nessus, metasploit, centos, malwarebytes, symantec, etc...) ")
        sorted_by = input("How should we sort the results? (published, cvss.score) ")
        results_count = input("How many results? ")
        skip_count = input("How many results do you want to skip? ")
        api = VulnersAPI("software", query, sorted_by, results_count, skip_count)

    with open('testfile2.json', 'w') as fd:
        json.dump(api.raw_data, fd)


第一步是将处理用户输入的所有代码抽象化,以使该库与各种用例兼容。第二步是考虑应得其职的不同实体。我选择了VulnersResultVulnersAPI,因为我认为将它们作为单独的实体是有意义的,并且因为您以后可以添加有趣的功能。 (类似于to_table_row()的{​​{1}}或is_affecting_my_system()VulnersResult的{​​{1}}或filter_by_type()的事物)。在第三步中,您必须确定每个类应具有的属性。属性应该是在多个函数中使用的变量,或者是类用户应有权访问的变量。例如,我没有添加sort_by_lastseen()VulnersAPI作为search_type的属性,因为它们仅用于生成url,但是如果有人使用这些值,则应将其存储作为属性。

要像现在一样使用python脚本并向库用户提供示例代码,我在query之后添加了原始代码来处理用户输入。直接启动脚本时,它将像现在一样要求用户输入,但是在导入脚本时,脚本将忽略最后一部分,而仅导入VulnersAPIif __name__ == "__main__"的定义。


