这个问题不是glfw特有的,但是它可以很好地描述我的意思。在glfw中,为了开始使用任何函数,我们需要调用glfwInit(),而当我们不再需要使用它们时,我们需要调用glfwTerminate(),我一直在尝试找到一种将其包装在RAII类上的方法。 ,而且我发现了两种有用的方法,但是我不确定每种方法的优缺点。在所有这些中,我都省略了错误检查之类的内容,因为它们不会对示例进行太多更改。
struct GLFWLock
GLFWLock() { glfwInit(); }
~GLFWLock() { glfwTerminate(); }
struct GLFWLock
static size_t ref_count; /* = 0 in .cpp */
GLFWLock() { if ( ref_count == 0 ) { glfwInit(); } ref_count++; }
~GLFWLock() { ref_count--; if ( ref_count == 0 ) { glfwTerminate(); } }
使用以前的模型一段时间后,我意识到它在某种程度上与带有互斥锁的std :: lock_guard相同,所以我认为我可以制作一个互斥锁类并让用户在任何时候都进行一次lock_guard他们需要使用glfw,而不是仅仅提供锁。
我最终想到了这个,它符合标准中的互斥锁的概念,忽略了一些正式的要求,只关注std :: lock_guard实际使用的内容:
struct GLFWMutex
static size_t ref_count; /* = 0 in the .cpp */
bool locked = false;
~GLFWMutex() { unlock(); }
void lock()
if ( !locked )
if ( ref_count == 0 ) { glfwInit(); }
locked = true;
void unlock()
if ( locked )
locked = false;
if ( ref_count == 0 ) { glfwTerminate(); }
然后在需要时将其与std :: lock_guard一起使用,就像普通的互斥锁一样。
struct glfw_shared_state
static size_t ref_count; /* = 0 in .cpp */
glfw_shared_state() { if ( ref_count == 0 ) { glfwInit(); } ref_count++; }
~glfw_shared_state() { ref_count--; if ( ref_count == 0 ) { glfwTerminate(); } }
struct Game
/// While this Game object is alive, I want to share the state of glfw, so it isn't terminated
glfw_shared_state state;
对于std :: lock_guard,我的意思是这样的:
/// This has an internal ref counter for how many threads are currently locking it
/// When it first starts with 0 threads and someone locks, it calls glfwInit()
/// Then everytime some other thread locks, it just ups the ref counter
/// After every thread using it has unlocked it and it's ref counter is 0, it calls glfwTerminate()
/// So this isn't locking anyway, it's just sharing a state
glfw_mutex global_glfw_mutex;
void draw()
/// Make sure glfw is alive during this draw function
std::lock_guard lock(global_glfw_mutex);