VBA Excel:使用单个元素列表且没有重复元素的可行组合创建器

时间:2018-11-15 08:45:36

标签: excel vba excel-vba

Sample Screenshot of Excel Sheet

我有以下Excel工作表,该工作表使用在A列的3、2和1的集合中使用2到50的数字来构建随机数组合。 我正在尝试在A列元素之间构建所有可能的组合,以使所获得的组合中没有任何重复的数字,并且包含2到50之间的所有数字。 我当前的代码从A2开始,仅构建单个组合集。它不会像A2中那样评估起始元素的其他可能组合,然后转到A3,然后仅使用A3构建一个组合集。对于A4,A5 ...,此步骤继续进行。


  Private Sub RP()

    Dim lRowCount As Long
    Dim temp As String, s As String
    Dim arrLength As Long
    Dim hasElement As Boolean
    Dim plans() As String, currentPlan() As String
    Dim locationCount As Long
    Dim currentRoutes As String
    Dim line As Long

    lRowCount = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    locationCount = -1
    line = 2

    Debug.Print ("*********")

    For K = 2 To lRowCount - 1
        currentRoutes = ""
        For i = K To lRowCount
            s = ActiveSheet.Cells(i, 1)
                temp = s
                s = Replace(s, " ", "")
            Loop Until temp = s
            currentPlan = Split(Trim(s), ",")
            arrLength = UBound(currentPlan) - LBound(currentPlan) + 1
            hasElement = False

            If Len(Join(plans)) > 0 Then
                For j = 0 To arrLength - 1
                    pos = Application.Match(currentPlan(j), plans, False)

                    If Not IsError(pos) Then
                        hasElement = True
                        Exit For
                    End If
                Next j
            End If
            If Not hasElement Then
                currentRoutes = currentRoutes & (Join(currentPlan, ",")) & " "
                If Len(Join(plans)) > 0 Then
                    plans = Split(Join(plans, ",") & "," & Join(currentPlan, ","), ",")
                    plans = currentPlan
                End If
            End If
        Next i
    If locationCount < 0 Then
        locationCount = UBound(plans) - LBound(plans) + 1
    End If

    If (UBound(plans) - LBound(plans) + 1) < locationCount Then
        Debug.Print ("Invalid selection")
        Debug.Print (Trim(currentRoutes))
        Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(line, 11) = currentRoutes
        line = line + 1
    End If

    Erase plans
    Debug.Print ("*********")
    Next K

End Sub

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