
时间:2011-03-16 20:12:47

标签: text haskell recursion justify



我完全陷入困境。以下代码显示了相关功能。目前它陷入无限循环。 我哪里错了?

另一方面,调试Haskell代码的最佳方法是什么? (是的,我对此很新。)


module Main where

import System
import Data.List

main = do 
  (f:_) <- getArgs
  xs <- getContents
  putStr (show (bestFieldWidth maxLineLength xs))

bestFieldWidth :: Int -> String -> Int
bestFiledWidth _ [] = 0
bestFieldWidth lineLength xs
  | length (last input) == length (head input) = lineLength
  | otherwise = bestFieldWidth (length (head (rect (lineLength-1) xs))) xs
  where input = lines xs

rect :: Int -> String -> [String]
rect _ [] = []
rect lineLength xs
  | length input <= len = [input]
  | otherwise           = take len input : rect len (drop len input)
  where input = trim xs
        len   = bestFieldWidth lineLength xs

maxLineLength :: Int
maxLineLength = 40


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我以为我会把实际的解决方案放在这里以防任何其他疯子希望这样做。 请记住它是由一个白痴写的,所以它可能不是最优雅的解决方案。

maxFieldWidth :: Int
maxFieldWidth = 30

rect :: String -> String
rect xs  = (unlines (chunk (bestFieldWidth (maxFieldWidth) (lines input)) input))
  where input = itemsReplace '\n' ' ' xs

--Should be called with the point maximum desired width as n
bestFieldWidth :: Int -> [String] -> Int
bestFieldWidth _ [] = error "bestFieldWidth: Empty List"
bestFieldWidth n xs
  | n == 6 = 6
  | 1 == (length (last input)) = n
  | otherwise = (bestFieldWidth (n-1) xs)
  where input = chunk n (unlines xs)

chunk :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunk n [] = []
chunk n xs = ys : chunk n zs
  where (ys,zs) = splitAt n xs

itemsReplace :: Eq a => a -> a -> [a] -> [a]
itemsReplace _ _ [] = []
itemsReplace c r (x:xs)
  | c == x    = r:itemsReplace c r xs
  | otherwise = x:itemsReplace c r xs

答案 1 :(得分:0)

length (last input) == length (head input)的后续调用中,条件area似乎永远不会成为现实,因此使此函数始终采用otherwise分支,并使用相同的值无限期地调用自身xs因此input


答案 2 :(得分:0)


