我有一个ETF名称和它们的代码列表,但是看起来ETF名称有时会重复,这是由于末尾加上了“ etf”这个词:
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
import numpy as np
# Read the data files
Pm = np.array( [ float(v) for v in open( "impulse_data.txt", "r" ).readlines() ] )
print type(Pm), Pm.shape
tm = np.array( [ float(v) for v in open( "Impulse_time_axis.txt", "r" ).readlines() ] )
print type(tm), tm.shape
output = np.array( [ float(v) for v in open( "Output_data.txt", "r" ).readlines() ] )
print type(output), output.shape
tout = np.array( [ float(v) for v in open( "Output_time_axis.txt", "r" ).readlines() ] )
print type(tout), tout.shape
# Define the function that calculates the residuals
def residuals( coeffs, output, tm ):
dt, alpha1, alpha2 = coeffs
res = np.zeros( tm.shape )
for n,t in enumerate(tm):
# integrate to "t"
value = sum( Pm[:n]*(1-np.e**( -(alpha1 * (tm[:n]+dt))) )*np.e**(-(alpha2 * (tm[:n]+dt))) )
# retrieve output at t+dt
n1 = (np.abs(tout - (t+dt) )).argmin()
# construct the residual
res[n] = output[n1] - value
return res
# Initial guess for the parameters
x0 = (10.,1.,1.)
# Run the least squares routine
coeffs, flag = leastsq( residuals, x0, args=(output,tm) )
# Report the results
print( coeffs )
print( flag )
如何编写它,使得如果ETF名称以“ etf”结尾,那么提取就从输出中提取出来了?
Ishares Global Tech
Ishares Global Tech etf
Ishares Edge Msci Usa Momentum Factor
Ishares Edge Msci Usa Momentum Factor etf
答案 0 :(得分:2)
select REPLACE(display_name,' ETF','')
from table
where RIGHT(display_name,4) = ' ETF'
答案 1 :(得分:2)
SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE(display_name, '^.*(etf)$', '', 'i')
from table
select initcap(display_name) name, upper(symbol) as symbol, sum(amount) aum
from table
where display_name !~* '^.*etf$'
group by 1,2
答案 2 :(得分:1)
假设' etf'
select split_part(display_name, ' etf', 1)
select (case when display_name like '% etf'
then left(display_name, len(display_name) - 4)
else display_name
end) as new_display_name