但是它仍然顺序执行。 WCF中必须有更深层次的内容,以阻止并行执行请求。或者我该怎么办?在网上搜寻了一天之后,我问你。请帮忙。
public class StateCollector {
private ChannelFactory<IMyService> channelFactory;
private readonly string myEndpointAddressTemplate = "http://{0}:14502/myservice";
public StateCollector(){
//Instantiating the ChannelFactory is expensive, so we just have one.
BasicHttpBinding binding = new BasicHttpBinding();
channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<MyService>(binding);
public List<MyState> LoadStatus() {
List<string> myAddresses = new List<string>(new []{"service1.xy", "service2.xy", "service3.xy" });
List<Task<MyState>> tasks = new List<Task<MyState>>();
List<MyState> results = new List<MyState>();
//Start a thread for each address to get the state.
foreach (string address in myAddresses) {
Task<MyState> readState = ReadState(address);
//Wait for all threads to finish and read results
foreach (Task task in tasks) {
return results;
private Task<MyState> ReadState(string serviceAddress) {
Task<MyState> readState = new Task<MyState>(() => {
MyService myService = CreateMyService(serviceAddress);
StateResponse stateResponse = null;
MyState result = MyState.NOCONNECTION;
try {
//This call is blocking parallel execution!
stateResponse = myService.GetState();
result = stateResponse.State;
} catch (System.Exception ignore) {
} finally {
return result;
return readState;
private MyService CreateMyService(string serviceAddress) {
EndpointAddress endpointAddress = new EndpointAddress(string.Format(myEndpointAddressTemplate, serviceAddress));
MyService myService = channelFactory.CreateChannel(endpointAddress);
IClientChannel contextChannel = (IClientChannel) myService;
contextChannel.OperationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000);
return myService;